Game Description[]
This box contains weapons based of recovered Terran Empire technology. Agony Phaser weapons fire beams of phased energy tuned to a frequency that resonates with the nervous systems of most living creatures, and have a chance to cause continous damage and temporarily disable targets. Terran Empire Agony Phaser technology can be found in both Starship and Personal Weaponry.
Opening this pack will give a choice between a random Beam, Cannon, or Ground Weapon.
Special Proc[]
Agony Phaser space weapons have a 2.5% chance to disable for 2.5 sec (once per 10 sec) and _ Phaser damage Per Second for 15 sec (Ignores Shields)
Agony Phaser ground weapons have a 5% to hold (half duration vs players) -50% runspeed and _ Physical Damage Per Second (Ignores Shields)
Special Equipment Pack - Terran Empire Agony Phaser Weapons can be obtained from a [Mirror Incursion Lock Box] & [Infinity Prize Pack: Weapon Pack].
It is not bound and can be traded, mailed, sold or purchased from the Exchange.
- At the Exchange, this pack can be found in "Reward Packs" tab if you type on search "Agony Phaser" and use the Rare option.
Special Equipment Pack - Terran Empire Agony Phaser Weapons contains a choice of a Very Rare level appropriate Agony Phaser Ship or Ground weapon.
The item obtained from this pack is also not bound and can be traded, mailed, sold or purchased from the Exchange.
- At the Exchange, the weapons from this pack can be found in "Personal Weapons" tab (for ground weapon) or in "Ship Weapons" tab (for ship weapon), if you type in search "Agony Phaser".
You will receive 1 random very rare Ground Agony Phaser weapon or a Space Agony Phaser weapon from the tables listed below:
Space Weapons[]
Agony Phaser weapons - Space | |
Icon | Name |
[Agony Phaser Beam Array] | |
[Agony Phaser Dual Beam Bank] | |
[Agony Phaser Cannon] | |
[Agony Phaser Dual Cannons] | |
[Agony Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons] | |
[Agony Phaser Turret] | |
There is a small chance to be rewarded one of the following: | |
[Wide Arc Agony Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons] | |
[Omni-Directional Agony Phaser Beam Array] |
Ground Weapons[]
Agony Phaser weapons - Ground | |
Icon | Name |
[Agony Phaser Sniper Rifle] | |
[Agony Phaser Split Beam Rifle] | |
[Agony Phaser Stun Pistol] | |
[Agony Phaser Wide Beam Pistol] |
This pack can be opened by the players of all three factions.
The combinations of the modifiers [CrtH], [CrtD], [Dmg], [Dot3]...may vary.
Special Equipment Pack (Lock Box and Mission Reward weapons) | |
Digitizer Plasma (Mission Reward) • Obliviating/A Safe Galaxy Phaser Courier Antiproton • Viridian Plasma • 32c. Phaser • Zhat Vash Disruptor • Ba'ul Antiproton • Assimilated Plasma • Altamid Plasma • Covert Phaser • Terran Linked Phasic Harmonic • Ferenginar Plasma • Discovery Disruptor or Phaser • Diffusive Tetryon • Isolytic Plasma • Privateer's Disruptor • Undiscovered Phaser • Delphic Antiproton Kelvin Timeline • Chronoplasma • Terran Empire Agony Phaser • Herald Antiproton • Coalition Disruptor • Plasmatic Biomatter • Vaadwaur Polaron • Corrosive Plasma Phased Biomatter • Fluidic Antiproton • Destabilized Tetryon • Voth Antiproton • Elachi Crescent • Nanite Disruptor • Phased Polaron • Polarized Disruptor • Phased Tetryon |