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Specialization: Flight Deck Officer is a duty officer specialization within the Operations department. A maximum of 3 may be assigned to the active duty roster.


Hangar Bay/Boarding Party recharge variant[]

  • Ship Duty: Space
  • Game Description: [SP] Reduce the time to recharge hangar bays and Boarding Party
  • Ability affected: Boarding Party icon (Federation) Boarding Party
Quality Ship Duty Effect
Common Reduces the recharge time of Hangar Bays by -1 seconds.
Reduces the recharge time of Boarding Parties by -2 seconds.
Uncommon Reduces the recharge time of Hangar Bays by -2 seconds.
Reduces the recharge time of Boarding Parties by -4 seconds.
Rare Reduces the recharge time of Hangar Bays by -3 seconds.
Reduces the recharge time of Boarding Parties by -6 seconds.
Very Rare Reduces the recharge time of Hangar Bays by -4 seconds.
Reduces the recharge time of Boarding Parties by -8 seconds.

Alternate powers[]

Recall Mode variant[]

  • Ship Duty: Space
  • Game Description: [SP] Increase carrier Defense while in Recall Mode
  • Ability affected: Carrier Command - Recall icon (Federation) Carrier Command - Recall
  • Obtained: Reinforcements Duty Officer Pack
    • any subpoints about obtaining, each line will be its own bullet point
  • any additional general information, each line will be its own bullet point
Quality Ship Duty Effect
Common Increases the Defense of any Carrier while they are issuing the Carrier Command - Recall.
Increase carrier Defense Rating by 2.5 while in Recall Mode
Uncommon Increases the Defense of any Carrier while they are issuing the Carrier Command - Recall.
Increase carrier Defense Rating by 5 while in Recall Mode
Rare Increases the Defense of any Carrier while they are issuing the Carrier Command - Recall.
Increase carrier Defense Rating by 7.5 while in Recall Mode
Very Rare Increases the Defense of any Carrier while they are issuing the Carrier Command - Recall.
Increase carrier Defense Rating by 10 while in Recall Mode

Intercept Mode variant[]

Quality Ship Duty Effect
Common Increases the accuracy of any carrier pet launched from your hangar bays while they are under the effects of Carrier Command - Intercept.
Increase carrier pet accuracy rating by 10 in Intercept Mode.
Uncommon Increases the accuracy of any carrier pet launched from your hangar bays while they are under the effects of Carrier Command - Intercept.
Increase carrier pet accuracy rating by 15 in Intercept Mode.
Rare Increases the accuracy of any carrier pet launched from your hangar bays while they are under the effects of Carrier Command - Intercept.
Increase carrier pet accuracy rating by 20 in Intercept Mode.
Very Rare Increases the accuracy of any carrier pet launched from your hangar bays while they are under the effects of Carrier Command - Intercept.
Increase carrier pet accuracy rating by 25 in Intercept Mode.

Escort Mode variant[]

Quality Ship Duty Effect
Common Increases the damage of any carrier pet launched from your hangar bays while they are under the effects of Carrier Command - Escort.
Increase carrier pet damage by 2.5% in Escort Mode
Uncommon Increases the damage of any carrier pet launched from your hangar bays while they are under the effects of Carrier Command - Escort.
Increase carrier pet damage by 5% in Escort Mode
Rare Increases the damage of any carrier pet launched from your hangar bays while they are under the effects of Carrier Command - Escort.
Increase carrier pet damage by 7.5% in Escort Mode
Very Rare Increases the damage of any carrier pet launched from your hangar bays while they are under the effects of Carrier Command - Escort.
Increase carrier pet damage by 10% in Escort Mode

Boarding Party number variant[]

Quality Ship Duty Effect
Very Rare Chance to double the number of shuttles launched when Boarding Parties is used.
33% Chance: Sends 3 additional level 4 assault shuttles launched at the target when using Boarding Party.

Call Emergency Artillery variant[]

  • Ship Duty: Space
  • Game Description: [SP] Chance to reduce the time to recharge Call Emergency Artillery
  • Ability affected: Call Emergency Artillery icon (Federation) Call Emergency Artillery
Quality Ship Duty Effect
Ultra Rare This officer offers a chance of significantly reducing the recharge timer on Call Emergency Artillery, each time that power is activated.

20% chance: Improve recharge time by -30 sec

Available Flight Deck Officers[]

See all randomly generated Starfleet or KDF duty officers with this specialization.
Special duty officers are listed below.
Name Species Rank Traits R&D
United Federation of Planets
|||| Doura Tellarite Master Chief Petty Officer Founders of the FederationFotF ResilientResilient ResolveResolve StubbornStubborn UnscrupulousUnscrupulous
United Federation of Planets
||| Flight Officer Liow'an Caitian Master Chief Petty Officer HonorableHonorable ResolveResolve TactfulTactful TeamworkTeamwork
United Federation of Planets
| Grinraar Caitian Petty Officer AggressiveAggressive ResilientResilient TeamworkTeamwork
United Federation of Planets
|| Jacob Alan Wald Human Chief Petty Officer CongenialCongenial TactfulTactful EmotionalEmotional Founders of the FederationFotF
United Federation of Planets
| Kammra Andorian Petty Officer EmotionalEmotional HonorableHonorable StubbornStubborn
United Federation of Planets
||| Kel the Retributor Andorian Master Chief Petty Officer AggressiveAggressive EmotionalEmotional Founders of the FederationFotF HonorableHonorable
United Federation of Planets
||| Kwim Lo Bajoran Master Chief Petty Officer AggressiveAggressive ResolveResolve SpiritualSpiritual UnrulyUnruly
United Federation of Planets
|||| Nicholai Mischa Wall Human Master Chief Petty Officer CongenialCongenial EmotionalEmotional Founders of the FederationFotF ResolveResolve TeamworkTeamwork
Klingon Empire
||| Gorj the Widowmaker Orion Lieutenant AggressiveAggressive CunningCunning UnscrupulousUnscrupulous
Klingon Empire
||| Hisow Ja'fus Anaun Ferasan Lieutenant AggressiveAggressive HonorableHonorable ResolveResolve TelepathicTelepathic
Klingon Empire
| Ilaass Gorn Warrior Cold BloodedCold Blooded EfficientEfficient HonorableHonorable ResilientResilient
Klingon Empire
||| Koretta Klingon Lieutenant HonorableHonorable LogicalLogical ResilientResilient UnrulyUnruly
Klingon Empire
|||| Purlap Tellarite Lieutenant Founders of the FederationFotF ResilientResilient ResolveResolve StubbornStubborn UnscrupulousUnscrupulous
Klingon Empire
||| R'owua-sek Ferasan Lieutenant AggressiveAggressive ResolveResolve TelepathicTelepathic UnrulyUnruly
Klingon Empire
|||| Samuel Nicholas Panov Human Lieutenant CongenialCongenial EmotionalEmotional Founders of the FederationFotF ResolveResolve TeamworkTeamwork
Klingon Empire
| Viggre Nausicaan Warrior AggressiveAggressive ResilientResilient TeamworkTeamwork UnrulyUnruly


v · d · e
Duty officer specializations
Tactical Conn Officer (Evasive Maneuvers: F/K/R, Tactical Team: F/K/R) • Energy Weapons Officer (F/K/R) • Ground Warfare Specialist (F/K) • Projectile Weapons Officer (F/K/R) • Shield Distribution Officer (F/K/R) • Space Warfare Specialist (F/K) • Warfare Master
Security Armory Officer (F/K/R) • Assault Squad Officer (F/K/R) • Security Officer (F/K/R)
Engineering Consultant (F/K) • Damage Control Engineer (F/K/R) • Diagnostic Engineer (F/K/R) • Fabrication Engineer (F/K/R) • Maintenance Engineer (F/K/R) • Matter-Antimatter Specialist (F/K) • Systems Engineer (F/K/R) • Technician (F/K/R) • Warp Core Engineer (F/K)
Operations Deflector Officer (F/K/R) • Explosives Expert (F/K/R) • Flight Deck Officer (F/K) • Hazard System Officer (F/K/R) • Quartermaster (F/K/R) • Sensors Officer (F/K/R) • Tractor Beam Officer (F/K/R) • Transporter Officer (F/K/R)
Science Astrometrics Scientist (F/K/R) • Biologist (F/K/R) • Botanist (F/K/R) • Development Lab Scientist (F/K/R) • Geologist (F/K/R) • Gravimetric Scientist (F/K/R) • Photonic Studies Scientist (F/K/R) • Research Lab Scientist (F/K/R) • Warp Theorist (F/K/R)
Medical Biochemist (F/K/R) • Counselor (F/K) • Doctor (F/K/R) • Medic (K) • Nurse (F/R)
Civilian Advisor (F/K/R) • Bartender (F/K/R) • Chef (F/K/R) • Colonist (F/K) • Diplomat (F/K/R) • Entertainer (F/K/R) • MinerPrisoner (F/K) • Refugee (F/K/R) • Trader (F/K/R)
Legend & info
