Star Trek Online Wiki
KlingonStarship Dilithium Equipment
Starship Exploration Equipment Vendor KDF
Military Rank:
First City
Starship Equipment Vendor
Starship Weapon Vendor
Starship Console Vendor

The unnamed Starship Dilithium Equipment vendor is a Ferasan requisitions officer who originally sold starship weapons, equipment, and consoles in exchange for Dilithium. The vendor can be found in the Shipyard in orbit over the Qo'noS capital First City.

Template Historical
Timeline Change Imminent!
This article or section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of Star Trek Online. It is provided only for historical purposes.

He serves as a gateway to the Dilithium Store for KDF players. All of his items can also be found there.

Requisition Ship Weapons[]

Disruptor Weapons
Phaser Weapons
Plasma Weapons
Tetryon Weapons
Polaron Weapons
Antiproton Weapons
Projectile Weapons

Requisition Ship Equipment[]

Dilithium Store

The Dilithium Store in game.

The Dilithium Store is a microtransaction store available to players in Star Trek Online to purchase items. The Dilithium Store requires refined Dilithium to make purchases.

  • Press the button underneath the minimap in the top right hand corner of the screen labelled "Refined dilithium icon STORE".
  • Use the menu to browse the available items.
  • Click "Buy" to purchase an item.

The Dilithium Store can also be accessed from the "Assets" tab of the Inventory.

Special Items and Boxes[]

See Also[]

v · d · e
Major Stores
Zen small icon Zen Store Mudd's MarketStarter PacksExpansion PacksShip BundlesShipsDuty OfficersItemsSlots/ServicesUniformsPersonnelPromotions
Lobi Crystal icon Lobi Store Ships and CrewSpace GearGround GearCostumesVanity PetsDevices
Refined dilithium icon Dilithium Store Special ItemsEV SuitsHangar PetsReclaimIntel ModulesCommand ModulesTemporal Operative ModulesMiracle Worker Modules
Phoenix Prize Pack icon Phoenix Prize Pack Phoenix Prize Redemption
Reputation Stores OmegaRomulanNukaraDysonUndineDeltaIconianTerranTemporalLukariCompetitiveGammaDiscovery
Others Fleet Credits Fleet Stores Gold-Pressed Latinum icon Latinum StoreEnergy credit icon Energy Credit vendors

Requisiton Ship Consoles[]

Dilithium Store

The Dilithium Store in game.

The Dilithium Store is a microtransaction store available to players in Star Trek Online to purchase items. The Dilithium Store requires refined Dilithium to make purchases.

  • Press the button underneath the minimap in the top right hand corner of the screen labelled "Refined dilithium icon STORE".
  • Use the menu to browse the available items.
  • Click "Buy" to purchase an item.

The Dilithium Store can also be accessed from the "Assets" tab of the Inventory.

Special Items and Boxes[]

See Also[]

v · d · e
Major Stores
Zen small icon Zen Store Mudd's MarketStarter PacksExpansion PacksShip BundlesShipsDuty OfficersItemsSlots/ServicesUniformsPersonnelPromotions
Lobi Crystal icon Lobi Store Ships and CrewSpace GearGround GearCostumesVanity PetsDevices
Refined dilithium icon Dilithium Store Special ItemsEV SuitsHangar PetsReclaimIntel ModulesCommand ModulesTemporal Operative ModulesMiracle Worker Modules
Phoenix Prize Pack icon Phoenix Prize Pack Phoenix Prize Redemption
Reputation Stores OmegaRomulanNukaraDysonUndineDeltaIconianTerranTemporalLukariCompetitiveGammaDiscovery
Others Fleet Credits Fleet Stores Gold-Pressed Latinum icon Latinum StoreEnergy credit icon Energy Credit vendors



  • As of the 12th of May 2012, Ferasans have yet to be officially announced by Cryptic. It is likely that this character was added as a teaser for an upcoming feature update.
  • With the Crafting revamp introduced with the Season 9.5 patch on 17 July 2014, this vendor doesn't interact with players anymore, nor is his shop accessible. However, he is still present on the maps.