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Starship traits are unlockable by advancing through the Starship Mastery tiers of different Tier 6 starships, by advancing through a Captain Specialization, opening a Trait Pack, playing a mission or doing Delta/Temporal recruit tasks.

By default, each player has four trait slots available; 1 extra slot is purchasable at the Fleet Research Lab. Like all other traits, starship traits can be reassigned in-game anywhere within social hubs or in sector space.

Starship Traits obtained from Starships

Faction-Specific Starship Traits

Name Icon Obtained from Description
Trait: Ablative Field Projector Ablative Field Projector icon
  • Your shield healing bridge officer abilities provide a small amount of Temporary Hit Points on the target. This buff stacks up to 3 times.
Trait: Active: Temporal Surge Active - Temporal Surge icon
  • Activating Temporal Surge briefly makes your ship untargetable, flies faster, handles better, and grants 100% Critical Chance for a short duration. This ability has a long recharge time and starts on cooldown. Activating an Intelligence Bridge Officer Ability or spending time cloaked or in Dark Mode reduces the recharge time slightly. This ability has a minimum time before it can be used again, and the untargetability effect has -an 80% duration in PVP.
Trait: Advanced Firing Solutions Advanced Firing Solutions icon
  • While this trait is slotted, each time a cannon weapon is fired your starship will gain a small amount of bonus turn rate and accuracy for a short time. This bonus stacks up to 10 times.
Trait: Assault Formation Theta Assault Formation Theta icon
  • Attack Pattern Omega, Decloaking grants Torpedo High Yield, Weapon Crit Severity, Turn Rate
Trait: Battle Ready Battle Ready icon
  • Each time you use an Engineering or Intelligence Bridge Officer ability you gain a Defense and Damage Resistance Rating buff for a short time. This buff stacks up to 3 times.
Trait: Best Hope of the Empire Best Hope of the Empire icon
  • +Damage, Temp HP when using Beam: Overload or Lance Abilities.
Trait: By The Book By The Book icon
  • Activating Bridge Officer Abilities that create Anomalies, or any Temporal Bridge Officer Ability, will extend the duration of all of your active Bridge Officer Anomalies by 2 seconds. This cannot extend any Anomaly's duration beyond double its original value.
Trait: Calculated Broadside Calculated Broadside icon
  • While this trait is slotted, activating a Beam: Fire at Will or an Intel Bridge Officer Ability improves both Beam Damage and all Damage Resistance Rating in the side arcs. If Threatening Stance is activated, the Damage Resistance bonus is doubled; if not, aggro generated by attacks is massively reduced.
Trait: Continuing Mission Continuing Mission icon
Trait: Cultural Conquest Cultural Conquest icon
  • Activating a Weapon Firing Mode improves Damage dealt for a moderate duration. Dealing Weapon Damage to a Foe that has afflicted you with a Control, Debuff, or DoT effect removes one such effect and improves the increased Damage to double the base value. Removing negative effects has a 1.5 second cooldown per Foe in PVP.
One must truly immerse one's self in the culture of one's enemies. It is not enough simply to overwhelm through superior firepower, for that only brings physical victory, and only then to battles that were already won. True brilliance, true victory, comes from taking your enemies' spirit into yourself, growing from it, and using your gestalt superiority to crush them. Take what you can from them, and show them that their best selves aren't the tenth part of what you are. In the doing of this, the display of it, they can be brought to heel in not just one battle, but all the battles to come.
Trait: Damn the Torpedoes Damn the Torpedoes icon
  • While this trait is slotted, keeping your ship's Throttle above 50% will grant additional Damage Resistance Rating against all projectile weapons, and will periodically destroy the nearest Mine or Targetable Torpedo.
Trait: Deadly Appearances Deadly Appearances icon
  • Decloaking and Attack Pattern Omega grants Shield Pen, Weapon Haste
Trait: Designated Target Designated Target icon
  • While this trait is slotted, and you kill a target affected by your Focused Assault ability allies within 5km of the defeated target will gain a moderate hull heal and damage boost.
Trait: Desperate Repairs Desperate Repairs icon
  • Each time your starship is critically hit, you receive a desperation counter. Immediately upon receiving a third Desperation counter you will receive a large hull and shield heal and will be unable to gain Desperation counters for a while. The heal will only trigger if you are below 75% of your Maximum Hull.
Trait: Directional Bias Directional Bias icon
  • When damaged from the forward 180' arc, the energy will be redirected into the deflector dish, manifesting as increased Damage for Exotic Damage Bridge Officer Abilities. The stacks built up from incoming damage are expended and reset when activating your next Exotic Damage Bridge Officer Ability. When damaged from the reward 180' arc, a portion of the expended structural integrity field is reabsorbed as power that is spent on passive Hull Regeneration, or can be spent to increase the Healing from Bridge Officer Abilities. All built up bonuses are expended and reset when activating your next Hull Healing Bridge Officer Ability.
Trait: Efficient Demolition Efficient Demolition icon
  • Subsystem Power from Defeating Foes.
Trait: Emitter Synergy Emitter Synergy icon
  • Each time you use a Tactical or Intelligence Bridge Officer ability you gain a small bonus to both Exotic Damage and Shield Healing. This bonus stacks up to 3 times.
Trait: Energy Overdrive Energy Overdrive icon
  • Movement and Beam Damage from Beam Firing Modes
Trait: Enhanced Cloaking Integration Enhanced Cloaking Integration icon
  • Buffs when entering/exiting cloak.
Trait: Extensively Modified Warp Core Extensively Modified Warp Core icon
Trait: Field-Modified Overload Support Field-Modified Overload Support icon
Trait: Formation Flying Formation Flying icon
  • Summon a pair of Synth Destroyers when activating any distress call.
Trait: Good Day to Die Good Day to Die icon
  • Incoming Damage causes +Damage, +Incoming Healing
Trait: Greater Than The Sum Greater Than The Sum icon
  • Activating Emergency Power to Auxiliary, or any Command Bridge Officer Ability, will provide a bonus to yourself and allies within 5km which increases All Subsystem Power, Hull Regeneration, and Shield Regeneration for 10 seconds. The effectiveness of this increase scales up with the number of allies affected, up to a max of 10 (including self). This effect may only be triggered once every 10 seconds.
Trait: Heard I Needed Help Heard I Needed Help icon
Trait: Heart of Sol Heart of Sol icon

Attack Pattern Beta or any Temporal Operative BOff Ability:

  • 10% Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons for 20 sec
  • +5% Bonus Phaser Damage for 20 sec
Trait: Improved Lock Trajectory Improved Lock Trajectory icon
  • While this trait is slotted, the recharge time of Lock Trajectory is reduced to zero, allowing the ability to be immediately re-engaged after it is turned off.
In addition to this benefit, you will gain a reduction to the recharge times on Pilot Abilities, Cannon: Rapid Fire, and Cannon: Scatter Volley, whenever you deal Energy Weapon damage to a foe that is within your forward 90' firing arc. (max once per 5 sec)
Trait: Improved Polarize Hull Improved Polarize Hull icon
  • While this trait is slotted, activating Polarize Hull will periodically remove movement impairing effects as well as damage over time and hazard effects for the duration of the ability.
Trait: Improved Weaponized Emitters Improved Weaponized Emitters icon
  • While this trait is slotted your Aceton Beam and Overwhelm Emitters abilities cause radiation damage over time to enemies within 3km of the target.
Trait: Insult to Injury Insult to Injury icon
Trait: Legacy of Qo'noS Legacy of Qo'noS icon

Attack Pattern Beta or any Temporal Operative BOff Ability:

  • 10% Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons for 20 sec
  • +5% Bonus Disruptor Damage for 20 sec
Trait: Lost in Time Lost in Time icon
  • +HP, -Cooldowns when reduced to low hull
Trait: Make it So Make it So icon
Trait: Numerical Superiority Numerical Superiority icon
  • While this trait is slotted, you gain a damage bonus that increases as more allies target your targeted foe, including yourself. This includes pets like Saucer Separation or Multi-Vector pets, but not Hangar pets.
Trait: One Big Happy Fleet One Big Happy Fleet icon
  • The first damage your ship deals during combat will force that foe's shields offline for a moderate duration, allowing opportunity for a devastating initial volley. Thereafter, you will gain an increasing amount of Shield Penetration for Energy Weapons as long as you remain in Combat. This benefit resets when you leave combat.
Trait: Over-Powered and Over-Gunned Over-Powered and Over-Gunned icon
Trait: Persistence of the Founders Persistence of the Founders icon

Attack Pattern Beta or any Temporal Operative BOff Ability:

  • 10% Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons for 20 sec
  • +5% Bonus Polaron Damage for 20 sec
Trait: Piercing Projectiles Piercing Projectiles icon

Projectile Firing Modes grant Hull and Shield Penetration skill bonuses.

Trait: Pride of Mol'Rihan Pride of Mol'Rihan icon

Attack Pattern Beta or any Temporal Operative BOff Ability:

  • 10% Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons for 20 sec
  • +5% Bonus Plasma Damage for 20 sec
Trait: Radiant Nanite Cloud Radiant Nanite Cloud icon
  • Causes all bridge officer and captain ability hull heals to heal for an additional 50% over 4 seconds in a 3 km radius.
Trait: Rapid-Emitting Armaments Rapid-Emitting Armaments icon
  • Tractor Beam Launches Torpedoes, Bonus Torpedo Damage
Trait: Reactive Reconstruction Reactive Reconstruction icon
  • When your health drops below 50%, this trait heals you and all teammates for a significant amount, and then significantly increases your outgoing healing. This ability will then go on cooldown for the next few minutes before becoming usable again.
Trait: Retaliation Retaliation icon
  • While this trait is slotted, and you suffer a critical hit you will gain a boost to your weapon damage and critical hit chance. This buff stacks up to 3 times.
Trait: Reverberant Shielding Reverberant Shielding icon
  • Activating any rank of Feedback Pulse will trigger the effects of Reverse Shield Polarity, while activating any rank of Reverse Shield Polarity will trigger the effects of Feedback Pulse. Each triggered effect will be as effective as the opposite Bridge Officer Ability of the same rank. These triggered effects both last 15 seconds, and do not cause additional triggers of their own. They also do not cause any external cooldowns, nor have lockouts of their own.
Trait: Risk Is Our Business Risk Is Our Business icon
  • Activating a Captain Ability will grant you a stacking amount of Temporary Hitpoints per Foe within 5km. Additionally, if "Threatening Stance" is active, this will also generate a large amount of Threat toward nearby foes, further encouraging them to attack your vessel. Both of these effects only affect up to the 10 nearest foes.
Trait: Scientific Bulwark Scientific Bulwark icon
  • Activating any Bridge Officer Ability which increases Damage Resistance Rating will also provide a boost to your Control Expertise, Drain Expertise, and Exotic Particle Generator skills. This bonus lasts 15 seconds, and may be stacked up to 5 times.
Trait: Shall We Not Revenge Shall We Not Revenge icon
  • Activating any Hull Healing Bridge Officer Ability or Intelligence Bridge Officer Ability will cause you to begin reflecting incoming damage from Energy Weapons back at your attackers as Disruptor Damage. While this reflect mode is active, additional activations of this trait will increase the percentage of reflected damage, instead of extending its duration. Damage Reflection may only be triggered 5 times every second, and will not attempt to reflect small sources or damage, or damage-over-time effects.
Trait: She's a Predator She's a Predator icon
  • Attack Patterns grant Ambush, Heal Hull, recharge Cloak
Trait: Shield Overload Shield Overload icon
  • While this trait is slotted, activating Emergency Power to Shields will also apply a massive boost to Damage Resistance and Shield Hardness. However, the effectiveness of this boost will drop off overtime.
Trait: Smooth Landing Smooth Landing icon
Trait: Specialist Knowledge Specialist Knowledge icon
  • While this trait is slotted, activating any Intel or Command Bridge Officer Specialist ability will reduce the recharge time of all Engineering Bridge Officer abilities.
Trait: Synthetic Good Fortune Synthetic Good Fortune icon
  • Pilot and Control Abilities grant Control Expertise and Crit Chance
Trait: Temporal Anchor Temporal Anchor icon
  • Gravity Wells you create anchor enemies in time as well as space, preventing temporal travel as well as interfering with the electron tunneling required for basic electronics. This gives the Gravity Well a distinctive appearance, additional Radiation damage, and a chance per tick to add cooldown to foe abilities.
(This only affects Bridge Officer Ability recharge times when used against Players, instead of all abilities)
Trait: Terran Goodbye Terran Goodbye icon
  • Defeated foes grant crit chance, accuracy.
Trait: That's a Big Ship That's a Big Ship icon
  • Captain & Engineering abilities grant +Hull, +Res
Trait: The Best Diplomat The Best Diplomat icon
Trait: Time of Need Time of Need icon
  • Game Description: +Incoming Healing, +Res when healed
Trait: Transcranial Sensor Link Transcranial Sensor Link icon
  • Defeated enemies larger than frigates leave behind debris that can be analyzed by advanced sensors after moving close to them. Each cloud of debris analyzed adds a stacking bonus to Shield Penetration which lasts until map move. Debris is gradually tractored toward your ship.
Trait: Universal Designs Universal Designs icon
  • Crit Buffs from Universal Consoles.
Trait: Vanguard Specialists Vanguard Specialists icon
  • Reduced Recharge and Extend Durations for Specialist Weapon Modes
Trait: Vent Metreon Laced Plasma Vent Metreon Laced Plasma icon
  • While this trait is slotted, Eject Warp Plasma will have its duration reduced from 30 seconds to 15 seconds, but each plasma cloud will explode in a 1km AoE dealing shield-penetrating Plasma damage.
Trait: Warp Shadow Decoy Warp Shadow Decoy icon
  • Cloaking will cause a Warp Shadow to appear near your location, causing enemy NPCs to attack your decoy instead of attacking you. This effect cannot trigger more often than once every thirty seconds.
Trait: Weaponized Time Crystals Weaponized Time Crystals icon
  • Activating Weapon Firing Modes adds Chroniton distortions to the weapon attacks, applying a stacking Antiproton damage over time effect on the enemy ship. These distortions accumulate almost indefinitely, eventually tearing the ship's temporal reference field apart.
Trait: Weapons Hot, Deflectors to Full Weapons Hot, Deflectors to Full icon
  • While this trait is slotted, whenever you activate Emergency Power to Shields, you will gain a boost to Weapon Haste that scales with your Shield Power and a temporary Secondary Shielding that lasts for several seconds.

Cross-Faction Starship Traits

Name Icon Obtained from Description
Trait: 1.21 Terrawatts File:Mastery trait 1.21 Terrawatts.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, suffering Electrical or Radiation damage will grant a reduction to the cooldown timers of your Captain abilities. This may only trigger once every several seconds.
Trait: Adaptive Hull Plating File:Mastery trait Adaptive Hull Plating.png
  • While this trait is slotted, activating any Hull Healing or Command Bridge Officer Ability will boost your maximum hull hit points for a short time. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
Trait: Advantageous Positioning File:Mastery trait Advantageous Positioning.png
  • Game Description: While this starship trait is slotted, you ignore a portion of your target's Damage Resistance rating with your weapons while attacking your target's rear arc.
Trait: All Hands on Deck File:Mastery trait All Hands on Deck.png
  • Activating a Tactical or Command Bridge Officer ability will reduce the recharge time of Science Bridge Officer abilities and Captain abilities. Science bridge officer ability recharge time reduced by 10% and captain ability recharge time reduced by 5%, this may only occur once every 5 seconds.
Trait: Assimilated Power Conduits File:Mastery trait Assimilated Power Conduits.png
  • Game Description: Activating Emergency Power to Auxiliary will grant a boost to Exotic Damage Critical Chance and Exotic Damage Critical Severity for a short time:
Trait: Automated Aggression File:Mastery trait Automated Aggression.png
  • Game Description: When activating Tactical or Miracle Worker Bridge Officer Abilities, launch a Protomatter Barrage projectile at nearest foe. Each projectile deals Kinetic and Radiation damage, and has a 25% chance of causing a brief Radiation hazard cloud at the point of impact.

Trait: Automated Shield Alignment File:Mastery trait Automated Shield Alignment.png
  • 0-15% Bonus All Damage for missing shields & heal 25% of shields on defeats.
Trait: Backup Shield Batteries File:Mastery trait Backup Shield Batteries.png
  • Activating any Shield Drain or Energy Drain Bridge Officer ability will add a Charge to your starship, up to a maximum of once per 15 seconds. Whenever a Shield Facing is depleted, it will immediately be restored to full capacity, and consume one Charge. Each Charge has no maximum duration, but only four Charges may be stored.
Trait: Badlands Tactics File:Mastery trait Badlands Tactics.png
  • While this starship trait is slotted and you are within 3km of an anomaly or Plasma Storm you control, you gain a moderate boost to stealth, defense and flanking damage.
Trait: Bio-Link File:Mastery trait Bio-Link.png
Trait: Built to Last File:Mastery trait Built to Last.png
  • While this starship trait is slotted, activating a Hull Healing Bridge Officer ability will apply a weapon power cost reduction and a hull regeneration buff. The hull regeneration buff's effectiveness will increase when trigged at low hull strength.
Trait: Calm Before the Storm File:Mastery trait Calm Before the Storm.png
  • Game Description: While this starship trait is slotted you will gain a Calm counter every 2 seconds while in combat. Exiting combat will clear all stacks of Calm. Once you have 10 counters you will gain the Storm buff. While under the effects of Storm, you will gain a large boost to your damage for a short time.
Trait: Charged Particle Reaction File:Mastery trait Charged Particle Reaction.png
  • While this trait is slotted, activating Charged Particle Burst will cause a secondary, less potent version of Charged Particle Burst to be emitted from each target hit by this ability, causing a chain reaction.
Trait: Checkmate File:Mastery trait Checkmate.png
  • While this trait is slotted, activating a control Bridge Officer ability will provide a boost to your Exotic Damage and Projectile Weapon damage for a short time.
Trait: Cold-Hearted File:Mastery trait Cold-Hearted.png
  • Game Description: Activating Auxiliary Power to Emergency Battery or any Pilot Bridge Officer Ability will cause your energy weapons to afflict foes with a debuff which Slows, Drains Power, and reduces Damage Resistance Rating.
Trait: Collect and Consume File:Mastery trait Collect and Consume.png
  • Game Description: Activating any Subsystem Drain or Shield Drain Bridge Officer Ability applies an instant Pull to all foes within 5km, dragging them a bit closer to you. After this Pull is done, all Foes within 2.5km will suffer a small amount of Radiation Damage. A portion of the damage dealt by this trait will be returned to you as a Hull Heal.
Trait: Commanded Singularities File:Mastery trait Commanded Singularities.png
  • While this trait is slotted, activating any Command or Singularity ability will summon a micro singularity at your current target for several seconds, dealing kinetic damage and pulling foes inwards. If you do not have a foe targeted, it will instead appear 5km in front of you. This can only occur once per several seconds.
Trait: Controlled Aggression File:Mastery trait Controlled Aggression.png
  • While this trait is slotted, activating a Universal Console or Temporal Operative Bridge Officer Ability grants a bonus to your Control Expertise skill based on your current amount of Exotic Particle Generators skill. Minimum bonus 10, maximum bonus 60. Subsequent activations will refresh this buff's duration.
Trait: Coordinated Assault File:Mastery trait Coordinated Assault.png
  • Game Description: While this starship trait is slotted and you activate Beam: Overload I, II or III you will allow your Hangar pets to use Beam: Overload I. Using Cannon: Rapid Fire I, II or III will allow your pets to use Cannon: Rapid Fire I.
Trait: Council of Thought File:Mastery trait Council of Thought.png
  • Game Description: Benefit from the awareness offered by having coordinated allies nearby, gaining Defense and Damage Resistance for each ally within 10km. Hangar Pets contribute to the nearby ally count, but Mines, Turrets or Targetable Torpedoes do not.
Trait: Crescent Wave Discharge File:Mastery trait Crescent Wave Discharge.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, activating Beam: Overload or any Pilot ability generates a Crescent Wave Counter for 2 minutes. After obtaining 3 counters you will fire a devastating Crescent Wave blast at your target, dealing extreme disruptor damage and reducing their damage resistance.
Trait: Cryonic Siphon File:Mastery trait Cryonic Siphon.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, Cryonic Siphon will drastically reduce the target's shield hardness and damage resistance while Energy Siphon is active on its target.
Trait: Dampen Energy Signatures File:Mastery trait Dampen Energy Signatures.png
  • Game Description: +Stealth, +Dmg, -Threat for Hangar Pets after activating Intel Bridge Officer Abilities or Mask Energy Signature
Trait: Delphic Phasing File:Mastery trait Delphic Phasing.png
  • While this trait is slotted, you will gain a stack of Partial Delphic Phasing each time you score a critical hit. You may only generate 1 stack every 2 seconds. Each stack of Partial Delphic Phasing provides an increase to All Energy Damage resistance rating and lasts for a short duration. At 10 stacks of Delphic Phasing, you become immune to Energy Damage for a short time. After this effect wears off, you will be unable to generate stacks of Delphic Phasing for a period of time.
Trait: Delphic Shockwave File:Mastery trait Delphic Shockwave.png
  • While this trait is slotted, your Photonic Shockwave Science Bridge Officer ability will leave behind a localized anomaly that mimics the effects of the Delphic Expanse. Enemies that enter this hazard will suffer radiation damage over time and have their damage resistance reduced.
Trait: Devious Rerouting File:Mastery trait Devious Rerouting.png
  • While this trait is slotted, you will automatically gain a significant boost to maximum Hull Capacity whenever your average Shield Capacity drops below 25%. The amount of Hull Capacity gained will scale with your Starship Exotic Particle Generator skill (up to a max of 500)
Trait: Digital Compilation File:Mastery trait Digital Compilation.png
  • While this trait is slotted, whenever an enemy of Frigate rank or higher is defeated after receiving [Exotic Damage] from you, they will be transformed into a Digitizer Probe which will chase nearby enemies, dealing Plasma Damage to any that they are near.
    You may have up to 5 Digitizer Probes active at a time from this Trait. Enemies digitized by this Trait will not Warp Core Breach.

Trait: Dimensional Modulation File:Mastery trait Dimensional Modulation.png
  • To self, max once per 10 sec: +3 - 30% Bonus All Damage (based on number of targets) with Starship Weapons for 10 sec.

Trait: Directed Energy Flux File:Mastery trait Directed Energy Flux.png

Trait: Dominion Coordination File:Mastery trait Dominion Coordination.png
Trait: Electrified Anomalies File:Mastery trait Electrified Anomalies.png
  • Your BOff anomalies deal electrical damage & grant power boosts
Trait: Emergency Response File:Mastery trait Emergency Response.png
  • When you suffer damage at low health you have all of your Hull and Shield Heal bridge officer ability recharge times reduced slightly. This reduction can happen every few seconds and it cannot reduce an ability's recharge time below its group cooldown.
Trait: Emergency Response Teams File:Mastery trait Emergency Response Teams.png
  • While slotted, when any shield facing becomes depleted, you gain a significant amount of Secondary Shields for ~30 seconds. While the Secondary Shielding remains, activating any Science or Intel abilities heal your hull and shields.
Trait: Emergency Weapon Cycle File:Mastery trait Emergency Weapon Cycle.png
  • While this starship trait is active, using Emergency Power to Weapons will also reduce weapon power cost and increase your weapon fire rate moderately.
Trait: Energy Monopoly File:Mastery trait Energy Monopoly.png
  • Using Aceton Beam or Overwhelm Regulators causes you to drain power from your target into your own sub-systems for a short time.
Trait: Energy Web File:Mastery trait Energy Web.png
Trait: Enhanced Nanite Regeneration File:Mastery trait Enhanced Nanite Regeneration.png
  • 25-125% of Maximum Hull regenerated per minute when captain or bridge officer heal is used on self.
Trait: Enhanced Power Condensers File:Mastery trait Enhanced Power Condensers.png
  • Using Power Siphon or Tachyon Beam will provide you with a boost to maximum power levels and provide a boost to maximum shield hit points for a short time. Enhanced Power Condensers can be triggered once every 30 seconds.
Trait: Entwined Tactical Matrices File:Mastery trait Entwined Tactical Matrices.png
  • While this trait is slotted, activating Beams: Fire at Will or Cannons: Scatter Volley causes your next torpedo attack to be a Torpedo Spread. Activating Torpedo Spread causes you to gain Beams: Fire at Will and Cannons: Scatter Volley for a short duration.
Trait: Evasion Specialist File:Mastery trait Evasion Specialist.png
  • Upon activation of Emergency Power to Engines, or any Pilot Bridge Officer Ability, gain Shield Hardness and Shield Regeneration for 5sec (once per 15sec max).
Trait: Exotic Modulation File:Mastery trait Exotic Modulation.png
Trait: Exotic Particle Shielding File:Mastery trait Exotic Particle Shielding.png
Trait: Explosive Polarity Shift File:Mastery trait Explosive Polarity Shift.png
  • While this trait is slotted Reverse Shield Polarity will absorb incoming damage and convert it into a kinetic blast upon expiration.
Trait: Fiery Entrance File:Mastery trait Fiery Entrance.png
Trait: Frontal Assault File:Mastery trait Frontal Assault.png
  • Game Description: When this starship trait is slotted, activation Cannon abilities will provide a boost to your frontal shield hardness and regeneration rate for a short time.
Trait: Go for the Kill File:Mastery trait Go for the Kill.png
  • While this trait is equipped, landing a critical hit while Cannon: Rapid Fire is active will extend its duration by a small amount. This can occur once every few seconds.
Trait: Gravitic Entanglement File:Mastery trait Gravitic Entanglement.png
  • While under the effects of Beam: Fire at Will or Cannon: Scatter Volley, foes hit by your Energy Weapons will attract one another at random. The gravitic attraction will target a Foe far away if possible. If the only valid targets are in close proximity, the gravitational resonance will cause a small kinetic explosion instead of pulling the ships toward one another. If an enemy ship causes one of these explosions, it cannot do so again for several seconds.
Trait: Gre'thor's Fire File:Mastery trait Gre'thor's Fire.png
  • Launching hangar pets gives your weapons additional fire damage that scales with your enemy's missing hitpoints.
Trait: Greedy Emitters File:Mastery trait Greedy Emitters.png
  • Game Description: Using the Energy Siphon, Tachyon Beam, or Tyken's Rift Science Bridge Officer Abilities gives a buff which grants immunity to energy drain, reduces energy weapons power usage, and increases your subsystem power levels for 10 seconds. This buff may be triggered once every 30 seconds.
Trait: Harasser Mines File:Mastery trait Harasser Mines.png
  • While this trait is slotted and either Cannon: Scatter Volley or Beam: Fire at Will is active, your directed energy weapons will trigger a Chroniton Mine to appear within 1.5km of each target affected by the initial activation of either Cannon: Scatter Volley or Beam: Fire at Will. This can occur once every 20 seconds.
Trait: Harrying Maneuvers File:Mastery trait Harrying Maneuvers.png
  • While this trait is slotted, activating Emergency Power to Engines or Pilot Abilities grant Accuracy, Penetration, and SS Offline Proc.
Trait: Heavy Tachyon Mine File:Mastery trait Heavy Tachyon Mine.png
  • While this trait is slotted, activating Beam: Overload, Beam: Fire at Will, Cannon: Rapid Fire, Cannon: Scatter Volley or any Subsystem Targeting ability will cause your starship to deploy a Heavy Tachyon Mine behind your ship. This large mine is easier for your enemies to see than smaller mines, but it has a larger tracking distance and a larger area of effect. Upon impact, this mine will cause high kinetic damage(with 100% shield penetration) in a 3km area and will leave behind a Tachyon Particle Hazard that will heavily damage shields to any foe that remains within it. Unlike normal mine explosions, the Heavy Tachyon Mine's explosion will not harm the starship that deploys it. Additionally, if the Mine is destroyed by an enemy, it will still explode causing damage as normal. Edit: built-in Subsystem Targetings do not trigger that Trait, only those that come with Tactical Bridge Offiicers.
Trait: History Will Remember File:Mastery trait History Will Remember.png
  • Game Description: Prolonged conflicts become more desperate - and more heroic - as time wears on, and only those ships and crews with the fortitude to withstand such onslaughts are remembered in the annals of history. With this trait slotted, each Foe that damages you will grant you a stack of History Will Remember, which imparts increased weapon damage, hull capacity, and hull regeneration. Each foe only counts for a single stack, no matter how many times they damage you. Each stack will last until you leave the map, and you may have up to 30 stacks maximum. Stacks may only be gained a maximum of once per second.
Trait: Hit and Run File:Mastery trait Hit and Run.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, Evasive Maneuvers will provide +75 All Damage resistance rating buff. When Evasive Maneuvers expires, you'll receive +20% Bonus All Damage and +30% Critical Damage buff for 8 seconds (35 second cooldown).

Trait: Hivebearer File:Mastery trait Hivebearer.png
  • Game Description: When you launch a hangar pets or hangar pet dies: Spawns a swarmer for 30 seconds
    (Maximum 8 swarmers at a time).
Trait: Improved Brace for Impact File:Mastery trait Improved Brace for Impact.png
  • Game Description: Activating Brace for Impact grants you a very large amount of Temporary Hit Points for a short period of time.
Trait: Improved Feedback Pulse File:Mastery trait Improved Feedback Pulse.png
  • Game Description: While slotted, Feedback Pulse will deal additional damage. Each time you are hit while Feedback Pulse is active you will gain a buff that boosts your Critical Hit Chance and Critical Severity. This buff stacks up to 10 times.
Trait: Improved Gravity Well File:Mastery trait Improved Gravity Well.png
  • Your Gravity Well anomalies last twice as long, and recharge much faster. Additionally, the primary foe targeted by your Gravity Well activation will have their damage resistance rating reduced for the duration of the anomaly.
Trait: Improved Photonic Officer File:Mastery trait Improved Photonic Officer.png
  • While this trait is slotted, the duration of Photonic Officer is increased. In addition, while Photonic Officer is active, you will gain a significant boost to your Exotic Damage and Outgoing Healing.
Trait: Improved Tachyon Beam File:Mastery trait Improved Tachyon Beam.png
  • Tachyon Beam Regenerates Ally Shields.
Trait: Ingenious Tenacity File:Mastery trait Ingenious Tenacity.png
  • Activating any Specialist Bridge Officer Ability (Intel, Command, Pilot, Temporal Operative, Miracle Worker) will briefly grant your starship the ability to redirect incoming damage from Energy Weapons into Shield Restoration. A portion of all Energy Damage recieved during this time will be translated into Shield Restoration for the shield facing which the enemy weapon impacted.
Triggering this effect multiple times before it expires will refresh the effect's duration, rather than increasing the amount of shield restoration.
Trait: Insidious Tactics File:Mastery trait Insidious Tactics.png
Trait: Interlaced Emitters File:Mastery trait Interlaced Emitters.png
  • Activating any Bridge Officer abilities that restore shields will also briefly apply an effect that automatically redistributes the target's shields, provides shield hardness, and renders shields immune to drain effects. This effect may not be reapplied to a target until it has worn off.
Trait: Into the Fray File:Mastery trait Into the Fray.png
  • +Crit Chance as shield facings damaged, +Crit Sev when Surrounded.
Trait: Intruder Discouragement File:Mastery trait Intruder Discouragement.png
  • Crit chance buff on entering combat, crits grant all damage resistance and hull regeneration.
Trait: Invasive Maneuvers File:Mastery trait Invasive Maneuvers.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, your evasive maneuvers will be upgraded using Elachi technologies. When you activate it, you will perform an invasive scan on the nearby foes, disabling vulnerable bridge stations for a short duration, before phasing into Mycelial Space for a short duration.
Trait: Invincible File:Mastery trait Invincible.png
  • Game Description: When reduced to very low hull percent, your ship becomes undefeatable for a short amount of time. During this window all incoming hull and shield heals receive a large boosts. May activate once per two minutes.
Trait: It's Another Enterprise File:Mastery trait It's Another Enterprise.png
  • Your Fleet ability summons help.
Trait: Jubilant Cadence File:Mastery trait Jubilant Cadence.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is active, defeating enemies or healing allies will grant you one stack of Jubilant Cadence a maximum of once every 4 seconds, which last until you leave combat or are defeated. After reaching 5 stacks, you and your teammates will receive a large boost to speed and turn rate, while also having all bridge officer ability recharge timers reduced.
Trait: Kemocite Overload File:Mastery trait Kemocite Overload.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, your first hit with Beam: Overload will cause a 2km radius explosion that deals radiation damage and reduces the damage resistance of affected foes.
Trait: Kick Them While They're Down File:Mastery trait Kick Them While They're Down.png
  • Game Description: Activating any foe-targeted Control Bridge Officer Ability on an enemy that is affected by a Control effect will grant you +5% to Critical Chance for 15 seconds. This effect can stack five times.
Trait: Lash of the Chain File:Mastery trait Lash of the Chain.png
  • While this trait is slotted, using Cannon: Rapid Fire or Cannon: Scatter Volley negates the shared 15 second cooldown time of those abilities. This effect can occur once every 45 seconds.
Trait: Leisurely Pace File:Mastery trait Leisurely Pace.png
  • While at or below 25% Throttle, gain a stacking bonus to Exotic Particle Generators and Control Expertise once every 5 seconds (4 stacks max). Once you have at least one stack, activating any Control Bridge Officer Ability will cause up to 5 foes within 5km to suffer a Debuff to their Flight Speed and All Outgoing Damage for 5 seconds. The severity of this debuff is increased by additional stacks of this trait's buff, gained by remaining at Low Throttle. This effect may only be triggered once per 5 seconds. All stacks are lost shortly after being above 25% Throttle, and must be regained over time.
Trait: Load Viral Torpedo File:Mastery trait Load Viral Torpedo.png
  • Engineering, Science, Tactical and Intelligence Team now load a Viral Torpedo. This causes your next Torpedo attack to disable your target(s) for a short period of time. This can occur once every 20 seconds.
Trait: Maintained to Regulation File:Mastery trait Maintained to Regulation.png
  • Captain abilities cleanse one debuff and buff boff ability recharge speed.
Trait: Majority - Minority File:Mastery trait Majority - Minority.png
  • Game Description: While this Trait is active, the number of Allies and Foes within 10km of you will be counted. Depending upon whether you are in the Minority (Foes outnumber Allies) or the Majority (Allies equal or outnumber Foes), you gain different combat benefits. Majority = Increased Damage Resistance, Shield Hardness, and Hull Regeneration. Minority = Increased Damage Output, and Flight Speed.
Trait: Maw of Gre'thor File:Mastery trait Maw of Gre'thor.png
  • Going at full throttle while in combat will shoot giant bursts of flame behind your ship, dealing fire damage both initially and over time to all foes affected.
Trait: Nullifier Warheads File:Mastery trait Nullifier Warheads.png
  • Game Description: When you use a torpedo firing mode: Spawns eight Nullifiers around your ship.
Trait: Obedience is Victory File:Mastery trait Obedience is Victory.png
  • Game Description: Activation of Team Abilities will summon a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship to assist for 20 sec (Activations refresh duration).
Trait: Omega Bond File:Mastery trait Omega Bond.png
Trait: Out of Time File:Mastery trait Out of Time.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, traveling above 88 Impulse Speed will cause you to gain stacks of "Out of Time" while suffering minor cold damage each second. When you then drop below 88 Impulse Speed, all stacks of "Out of Time" are removed and a scaling bonus to your Bridge Officer Recharge times is applied based on the number of stacks obtained (25 max stacks).
Trait: Painful Memories File:Mastery trait Painful Memories.png
  • Game Description: Activating Engineering bridge officer abilities causes -50% Flight Speed, and Electrical Damage for 10 sec to affected foes.
Trait: Particle Feedback Loop Mastery trait Particle Feedback Loop
  • Game Description: Using an Exotic Damage Bridge Officer ability will provide a bonus to the Hull Penetration skill. This bonus stacks up to 3 times.
Trait: Partners In Arms File:Mastery trait Partners In Arms.png
  • While the Partners in Arms starship trait is active your ally targeted heals and buffs now provide you with a boost to all damage for a short time. This buff stacks up to 3 times.
Trait: Peak Efficiency File:Mastery trait Peak Efficiency.png
  • While this starship trait is slotted, every few seconds all of your recharging Bridge Officer abilities will have their remaining recharge time reduced by a small amount if your hull strength is at or above 80%.
Trait: Photonic Boarding Party File:Mastery trait Photonic Boarding Party.png
  • Activating any rank of Boarding Party no longer launches Shuttles and instead instantly applies the effects to the targeted Foe. Recharge time of Boarding Party reduced from 60sec to 40sec.
Trait: Photonic Diversion File:Mastery trait Photonic Diversion.png
  • While this starship trait is slotted, activating Jam Targeting Sensors or Evade Target Lock will create a Photonic Decoy at your target's location. This decoy will attack with Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Arrays and Photon Torpedoes and have a constant Feedback Pulse effect.
Trait: Potentiality File:Mastery trait Potentiality.png
  • Game Description: Tap into the potential energies unleashed by alternate timelines created by choices that were not made. For every second you spend in Combat, but not activating Bridge Officer Abilities, you will gain one stack of Potentiality which will increase your damage output for a short time. Activating any Bridge Officer Ability renders you unable to build up Potentiality for several seconds, during which time your existing stacks will be lost.
Trait: Precision Multi-Targeting File:Mastery trait Precision Multi-Targeting.png
  • Activating any Subsystem Targeting ability will additionally grant you Fire at Will I and +100 Accuracy Rating for 10 seconds.
Trait: Precision Scrapper File:Mastery trait Precision Scrapper.png
  • While this trait is slotted, dealing damage to an enemy with Surgical Strikes, Beam Overload, or Tractor Beam will cause a buff to be created for each teammate within 10km of the damaged foe. These buffs will quickly follow their intended target (you or another player on your team), then apply a beneficial effect chosen at random which will last up to 30 seconds. This trait may only trigger a maximum of once every 2 seconds.
Trait: Preparedness File:Mastery trait Preparedness.png
  • Game Description: While this starship trait is slotted, you gain a random buff when you enter combat, for the duration of combat.
Trait: Press the Advantage File:Mastery trait Press the Advantage.png
  • Game Description: While this starship trait is slotted and you attack an enemy's rear arc, you will reduce their turn rate and grant yourself a brief Tactical and Pilot Bridge Officer Ability recharge time reduction. This buff immediately refreshes each time you land a hit on the enemy's rear arc.
Trait: Promise of Ferocity File:Mastery trait Promise of Ferocity.png
  • Game Description: Activating Pilot or Tactical bridge officer abilities adds +4% bonus Damage with starship weapons (max 5 stacks, one stack per 4 sec) for duration of combat.
Trait: Proto Spill File:Mastery trait Proto Spill.png
  • Game Description: While slotted, activating any Hull Healing or Shield Healing Bridge Officer Ability will cause a Radiation AOE, centered on the healed ally (or self).
    • Radiation Damage to up to 5 nearest foes within 3km of Healed Target (or Self)
    • Max once every 6 sec
Trait: Protomatter Capacitor File:Mastery trait Protomatter Capacitor.png
  • Game Description: Hitting an enemy with Charged Particle Burst, Tachyon Beam or Energy Siphon will provide a stack of Protomatter Charge. Each stack of Protomatter Charge increases the user's Hull and Shield Regeneration. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
Trait: Protomatter Precursor Shields File:Mastery trait Protomatter Precursor Shields.png
  • Forward Arc Immunity from Captain Abilities.
Trait: Proximity Alert File:Mastery trait Proximity Alert.png
  • While this Trait is slotted, the ship will gain a scaling benefit based on the highest rank among nearby foes once every 5 seconds. This benefit will manifest as a bonus to Defense Rating, Physical and Kinetic Damage Resistance and a quick burst of Shield and Hull restoration, while also reducing your outgoing Threat Generation (if Threatening Stance is not active). The value of these benefits is based on having a high-rank enemy within close proximity: Cruiser, Battleship, or Dreadnought.
This benefit only triggers if there is a Cruiser, Battleship, or Dreadnought within range, and only the highest possible benefit will apply. The benefit will only be active while in combat.
Trait: Rapid Response Shielding File:Mastery trait Rapid Response Shielding.png
  • While this trait is slotted, when you decloak or activate Emergency Power to Shields, you will gain a boost to your maximum shield capacity, and to your Drain Expertise and Particle Generators stats.
Trait: Reactive Repair Nanites File:Mastery trait Reactive Repair Nanites.png
  • Game Description: Using a hull heal ability will also heal your hangar pets within 5km of your target for a portion of the healing dealt.
Trait: Redirecting Arrays File:Mastery trait Redirecting Arrays.png
  • Game Description: While Beam Array: Fire at Will is active, any damage that your starship receives will periodically extend its duration. Once per sec while Beam: Fire-at-Will is active, receiving Any Damage grants 0.33 sec Duration to Fire-at-Will (15 sec total duration maximum).
Trait: Regroup File:Mastery trait Regroup.png
  • Game Description: Your Attack Pattern Bridge Officer abilities will reduce the recharge time on Engineering and Temporal Operative Bridge Officer abilities.
Trait: Relaunch and Repair File:Mastery trait Relaunch and Repair.png

Carrier pet launch buffs regen, reduced captain ability recharge times.

Trait: Repair Mode File:Mastery trait Repair Mode.png
  • While this Starship Trait is slotted, and you suffer more than 10% of your hit points in a 3 second period, you will gain 1 Repair Mode Counter. Upon receiving your 3rd Repair Mode Counter, you will immediately become disabled, gain a very high increase to damage resistance, and a large amount of temporary hit points. You’ll also gain a powerful heal over time effect for the duration of Repair Mode.
Trait: Repulsive File:Mastery trait Repulsive.png
  • Game Description: Activating any Engineering or Command Bridge Officer Ability will cause your ship to initiate a massive repel wave targeting the nearest enemy starship within 3km. This causes some Physical Damage (ignores shields) and will push that foe and up to 2 other nearby enemy ships a good distance away from your vessel. Once triggered, there is a 10 second lockout. If there are no valid foes within 3km, it will not trigger the lockout.
Trait: Restorative Support File:Mastery trait Restorative Support.png
  • Game Description: When activating a hull heal, summon Support Probe for 10 sec
    • To healed target: +____ Hit Points per sec
    • To 3 nearest foes within 5km: -____ Shields per sec
    • Can be summoned once per 30 sec
Trait: Reverberation File:Mastery trait Reverberation.png
  • Game Description: Dealing damage to any foe with a Projectile weapon will grant you a Reverberation Charge at a maximum rate of 1 per second. Each Reverberation Charge grants a stacking 10% chance to knock your opponents' shields offline for 5sec when using Projectile weapons. On a successful deactivation, all charges are consumed and you are locked out of building up charges for several seconds.
Trait: Rhythmic Rumble File:Mastery trait Rhythmic Rumble.png

When activating Auxiliary Power to the Inertial Dampeners or any Pilot Bridge Officer Ability, you will gain a reduction to weapon power cost and a boost to damage resistance that scales with your current flight speed.

Trait: S.I.F. Burst File:Mastery trait S.I.F. Burst.png
  • Game Description: While this starship trait is slotted, activating any Hull Healing Bridge Officer Ability will cause enemies within 3km to suffer radiation damage over time.
Trait: Scavenger Beam File:Mastery trait Scavenger Beam.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, Tractor Beam will deal increased damage. Additionally, Tractor Beam will heal the caster overtime.
Trait: Secret Mission File:Mastery trait Secret Mission.png
  • Every several seconds in combat, you will receive a secret mission to take out a nearby enemy. When that foe gets out of range or is defeated, you will acquire a new marked foe as your new secret mission. The marked foe is less resistant to you, and when they are defeated, a swarm of Section 31 Attack Drones will spawn to hunt down other targets.
Trait: Self-Replicating Hull File:Mastery trait Self-Replicating Hull.png
Trait: Slippery Target File:Mastery trait Slippery Target.png
Trait: Sniper (starship) File:Mastery trait Sniper (starship).png
  • Long-range Torpedo Damage increase.
Trait: Special Delivery File:Mastery trait Special Delivery.png

Activating any Pilot Bridge Officer Ability, or using a Pilot Maneuver, will cause a series of Photon Mines to be released behind your ship. This may not trigger more than once every 2 seconds.

Trait: Spoils of the Victor File:Mastery trait Spoils of the Victor.png
  • While this trait is slotted, defeating an enemy will grant you a hull and shield heal over time. This heal may be triggered once every 20 seconds.
Trait: Spore-Infused Anomalies File:Mastery trait Spore-Infused Anomalies.png
  • Science and Intel abilities cause your anomalies to deal damage.
Trait: Stay At Your Posts File:Mastery trait Stay At Your Posts.png
  • Game Description: Activating an Engineering or Miracle Worker Bridge Officer ability will reduce the recharge time of Tactical Bridge Officer abilities. The amount of cooldown reduction is increased if you are currently below half of your maximum hull capacity. This may only occur once every few seconds.
Trait: Stay on Target File:Mastery trait Stay on Target.png
  • Game Description: Keeping your current target in your forward 90 degree arc causes your ship to autofire a microtorpedo every 4 seconds.
Trait: Streak Breaker File:Mastery trait Streak Breaker.png
  • Game Description: : While Streak Breaker is slotted, you will gain a Streak Breaker Counter each time you miss an enemy. After receiving 5 Streak Breaker Counters, you’ll gain the Streak Breaker Buff which will provide a boost to Accuracy, Critical Hit Chance and Defense for a short time. Once you gain the Streak Breaker Buff, you will be locked out from building any Streak Breaker Counters for awhile.
Trait: Strike from Shadows File:Mastery trait Strike from Shadows.png
  • While this trait is slotted, attacking a foe that does not have you targeted will placate them for a short duration, and you will gain a significant boost to Weapon Damage and Critical Hit Chance, in addition to a decrease to your outgoing threat generation. Additional attacks on any foe who does not have you targeted will refresh the duration of these buffs. You cannot placate the same enemy more than once per 60 seconds this way.
Trait: Structural Integrity Overcharge File:Mastery trait Structural Integrity Overcharge.png
  • Game Description: Bonus Hull Regeneration based on how high you set your base (unmodified) engine power.
Trait: Subspace Reinforcements File:Mastery trait Subspace Reinforcements.png
  • Game Description: While This Starship Trait Is Slotted, And You Suffer More Than 15% Of Your Hit Points In Damage Within A 3 Second Period, You Will Summon An Elachi Support Craft To Aid You. This Support Craft Is Equipped With Limited Weaponry, But Can Provide Support Through Healing.
Trait: Subspatial Warheads File:Mastery trait Subspatial Warheads.png
  • Game Description: While slotted, damage caused by your Torpedo: High Yield Torpedoes and Torpedo: Transport Warhead will cause an Isolytic Tear to form near the damaged target. This anomaly will chase down the nearest foe, causing physical damage and draining engine subsystem power to any enemies it encounters.
Trait: Subsystem Redundancies File:Mastery trait Subsystem Redundancies.png
  • Game Description: While Subsystem Redundancies is slotted, activating and firing Beam: Overload I, II or III or a Spinal Lance or Javelin ability will trigger a shield heal, a shield hardness buff and will restore offline shields.
Trait: Subwarp Sheath File:Mastery trait Subwarp Sheath.png
  • Game Description: This trait increases your armor penetration by a throttle-based scaling value of 0-15.
Trait: Super Charged Weapons File:Mastery trait Super Charged Weapons.png
  • Game Description: Firing a torpedo will provide a stack of the Super Charged buff. This buff provides a boost to directed energy weapons, increasing their damage, critical hit chance and critical severity for a short time. This buff stacks up to 3 times.

Trait: Superweapon Ingenuity File:Mastery trait Superweapon Ingenuity.png
  • Game Description: While slotted, the duration of Beam: Overload is increased 5 seconds (from 10 to 15).
Trait: Supremacy File:Mastery trait Supremacy.png
  • While this starship trait is slotted, activating Beam: Fire at Will or Cannon: Scatter Volley will provide a small boost to all subsystem power levels per target hit, per weapon activation, for a short time as long as these attack modes are active. This bonus stacks up to 10 times.
Trait: Symmetry File:Mastery trait Symmetry.png
  • Game Description: When using a Shield Heal: Drains Shields from Foes within 3km of the Healed Ally (or Self). Drain is equal to Shield Healing dealt, divided evenly among up to 5 Foes.
Trait: Synergistic Restoration File:Mastery trait Synergistic Restoration.png
  • Game Description: While this starship trait is slotted, any incoming shield healing will cause you to receive a small amount of hull healing over time. This can occur once every 10 seconds.
Trait: Synergistic Tactical Systems File:Mastery trait Synergistic Tactical Systems.png
  • Game Description: Activating Cannon: Rapid Fire, Surgical Strikes and Reroute Reserves to Weapons will provide a large boost to Starship Particle Generator skill and Starship Control Expertise for a short time.
    • +50 Starship Particle Generator for 15 sec
    • +50 Starship Control Expertise for 15 sec
Trait: Tachyon Dispersal File:Mastery trait Tachyon Dispersal.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, Tachyon Beam will significantly reduce the target's shield hardness while channeled. In addition, if Tachyon Beam reaches its full duration it will release a large burst of Tachyon energy that will inflict shield damage over time and reduce the hardness of affected targets within its radius.
Trait: Tactical Analysis File:Mastery trait Tactical Analysis.png
  • While this trait is slotted, activating Tactical Team will provide a boost to hull penetration for a short time. This buff does not stack.
Trait: Target That Explosion File:Mastery trait Target That Explosion.png
  • After activating any Torpedo or Command bridge officer ability, when your next torpedo deals damage:
    • Up to 5 nearby allies launch a torpedo at the target, dealing ____ Kinetic Damage.
Trait: Team Synergy File:Mastery trait Team Synergy.png
  • Game Description: While this starship trait is slotted, activation of Engineering Team, Science Team and Tactical Team will apply a lesser version of these abilities on self and nearby allies.
Trait: Tear Open the Gates File:Mastery trait Tear Open the Gates.png
  • BOff Anomalies Spawn Lost Souls
Trait: Temporal Ally File:Mastery trait Temporal Ally.png
  • Game Description: When Temporal Ally is summoned, become briefly immune to damage. Temporal Ally/(decoy) also fights alongside you for a moderate duration.
Trait: Test Them File:Mastery trait Test Them.png
  • While this trait is slotted, the Damage buff granted by decloaking causes your damage to Mark Foes. Defeating a Marked Foe enables They Are Weak I, II, III, or IV depending on Foe size. They Are Weak is a buff that improves self and allied ships’ Damage and Hull Capacity and lasts until mapmove. Only the largest applies.
Trait: Time to Kill File:Mastery trait Time to Kill.png
  • Game Description: Each Time you use a Science Bridge Officer ability you gain a bonus to All Damage for a short time. This buff stacks up to 3 times.
Trait: Torpedo Barrage File:Mastery trait Torpedo Barrage.png
  • Game Description: After using Torpedo: High Yield I, II or III and launching a high yield torpedo, you will receive the effects of Torpedo: High Yield I allowing your next torpedo to benefit from the torpedo upgrade. Torpedo Barrage can be triggered once every 30 seconds.
Trait: Totally Lost All Control File:Mastery trait Totally Lost All Control.png

While your ship is above 80% Shield Capacity, activating a Shield Healing Bridge Officer Ability will redirect a portion of the expended restorative energy and temporarily overclock your starship weapons, granting them a significant boost to both Critical Chance and Critical Severity for a few seconds. This effect can only be triggered once every several seconds.

Trait: Trauma Response File:Mastery trait Trauma Response.png

Wihle this trait is slotted, Shield Healing abilities that you activate will grant additional bonuses. The bonus will differ based on whether the ability was targeting an ally or yourself. Each bonus lasts for 30 seconds, and may be stacked up to 10 times by subsequent activations.

Trait: Tricks of the Trade File:Mastery trait Tricks of the Trade.png
  • Game Description: Activating Auxiliary Power to the Structural Integrity Field or any Miracle Worker Bridge Officer Ability grants: -20% Weapon Power Cost for yourself and allies within 7.5km for 15 sec
Trait: Turtle File:Mastery trait Turtle.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, you may conserve your energy and move slowly, in order to gain additional Shield Capacity, Shield Hardness, and Turn Rate. These bonuses ramp up the longer you remain at or below 25% Throttle, increasing every 2 seconds.
Trait: Unified Engineering File:Mastery trait Unified Engineering.png
  • Activating any Command Bridge Officer Ability or Auxiliary Power to the Structural Integrity Field will grant your team and hangar pets a buff to hull capacity, regeneration, bridge officer cooldown speed, flight speed, and turn rate for a short duration.
Trait: Unstable Anomalies Mastery trait Unstable Anomalies
Trait: Vaulting Ambition File:Mastery trait Vaulting Ambition.png
  • While this trait is slotted, your energy weapons gain massive Critical Severity vs foes at low health.
Trait: Voth Carrier Synergies File:Mastery trait Voth Carrier Synergies.png
  • While this trait is slotted, your Engineering Bridge Officer abilities will increase the healing you receive for a short duration, and grant your pets a short duration Immunity Shield, making them immune to all damage up to a certain threshold. Additionally, your Tactical Bridge Officer Abilities will enable increase your outgoing damage for a short duration and enable Aceton Mode on your hangar pets, causing them to drain the power levels of nearby foes, and deal radiation damage to all foes in an area after a short duration.
Trait: Waylay File:Mastery trait Waylay.png
  • Game Description: While this starship trait is slotted, any attacks made on an enemy's rear arc will cause you to restore a small amount of your own shields.
Trait: Weapon Emitter Overdrive File:Mastery trait Weapon Emitter Overdrive.png
  • Game Description: While active, upon activating any Bridge Officer ability that affects Energy Weapons, you will gain a significant buff to your Directed Energy Weapon Critical Hit Chance and Accuracy Rating, but also increase the weapon power they cost to fire.
Trait: Weapon System Synergy File:Mastery trait Weapon System Synergy.png
  • Game Description: Each time a directed energy weapon is activated on your ship, you will shunt a small amount of power to your projectile emitters. This is represented by building up stacks of Weapon System Synergy. Upon reaching 10 stacks, your projectile weapons will become primed and deal additional damage and shield bleedthrough for several seconds. After this expires there is a short lockout window before you can begin building up Weapon System Synergy stacks again.
Trait: Weaponized Exotic Particles File:Mastery trait Weaponized Exotic Particles.png

While this trait is slotted, the starship enjoys a bonus to Exotic Particle Generators while under the effect of Cannon Scatter Volley, Cannon Rapid Fire, Beam Fire at Will, Beam Overload, Torpedo Spread, High Yield Torpedo, Dispersal Pattern Alpha or Dispersal Pattern Beta.

Trait: Withering Barrage File:Mastery trait Withering Barrage.png
  • Game Description: While Withering Barrage trait is equipped, the duration of your Cannon: Scatter Volley is increased.

Starship Traits obtained from Starships or Trait Packs

The following Starship Traits were originally only available faction-specific through a C-Store Starship. The other factions can now obtain them through a Trait Pack, that may be found in Lock Boxes.

Name Icon Obtained from Description
Trait: Black Alert File:Mastery trait Black Alert.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is active, activating Beam: Overload, Cannon: Rapid Fire, or any Intelligence Bridge Officer Ability will allow temporally-displaced duplicates of your ship to appear near any foes that you damage over the next several seconds. Each of these duplicates will fire Torpedo Spreads at the damaged foe and other nearby targets. This trait may only activate once every 25 sec.
Trait: Catastrophic Overload File:Mastery trait Catastrophic Overload.png
  • Faction Klingon D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser
  • Faction Federation [Starship Trait: Catastrophic Overload / Layered Shielding (Federation)]
  • Faction Romulan Republic [Starship Trait: SIF Shunt / Catastrophic Overload (Romulan)]
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted activating Jam Sensors will cause it to deal a high electrical damage and disable targets in a large area of effect when it expires
Trait: Ceaseless Momentum File:Mastery trait Ceaseless Momentum.png
  • Firing any torpedo will grant you a significant boost to Kinetic Damage and Kinetic Damage Resistance for a short duration. This stacks up to five times.
Trait: Down But Not Out File:Mastery trait Down But Not Out.png
  • After achieving level 5 in your Kelvin Timeline Heavy Command Cruiser T6's Starship Mastery, you will unlock the Down But Not Out starship trait. While this trait is slotted, and as your ship takes damage, you are able to reroute power from damaged systems to increase the maximum power potential of all of your subsystems, allowing a higher cap on your potential performance.
Trait: Exitus Acta Probat File:Mastery trait Exitus Acta Probat.png
Trait: Highly Specialized File:Mastery trait Highly Specialized.png
  • Game Description: Make the most of your bridge officer specialists! Each time one of their abilities is activated, it will cause all other specialist bridge officer abilities to recharge more quickly, allowing them all to be used more frequently. In addition, you will gain a boost to Starship Hull Repair, Starship Weapon Specialization and Starship Particle Generators skills. This skill buff stacks up to 5 times.
Trait: Honored Dead File:Mastery trait Honored Dead.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is active, any damage received during combat will be added to the defensive capabilities of your vessel, resulting in stacking benefits to Damage Resistance and passive Hull Regeneration as certain damage thresholds are met or exceeded. Once you reach maximum stacks of this, additional damage will instead grant a small amount of Temporary Hit Points at each threshold. Stacks diminish outside of combat unless cloaked.
Trait: Layered Shielding File:Mastery trait Layered Shielding.png
  • Faction Romulan Republic Thrai Dreadnought Warbird
  • Faction Federation [Starship Trait: Catastrophic Overload / Layered Shielding (Federation)]
  • Faction Klingon [Starship Trait: SIF Shunt / Layered Shielding (Klingon)]
Trait: Overwhelming Force File:Mastery trait Overwhelming Force.png
Trait: Polarized Lattice-Optimized Tritanium Armor File:Mastery trait Polarized Lattice-Optimized Tritanium Armor.png
  • While this starship trait is slotted when you take more than 20% of your health in 5 seconds as damage, gain Polarized Lattice-optimized Tritanium Armor for 15 seconds. (Max once per 45 Seconds).
Trait: Preferential Targeting File:Mastery trait Preferential Targeting.png
Trait: Reciprocity File:Mastery trait Reciprocity.png
  • Game Description: When an enemy misses you in combat you have all of your Tactical and Intelligence bridge officer ability recharge times reduced slightly. This reduction can happen every few seconds and it cannot reduce an ability's recharge time below its group cooldown.
Trait: SIF Shunt File:Mastery trait SIF Shunt.png
  • Faction Federation Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser
  • Faction Klingon [Starship Trait: SIF Shunt / Layered Shielding (Klingon)]
  • Faction Romulan Republic [Starship Trait: SIF Shunt / Catastrophic Overload (Romulan)]
  • Game Description: While this trait is slotted, activating any hull healing ability on yourself, while at full hull strength, will provide a boost to all power levels for a short time. This effect stacks 3 times.

  • When using hull healing abilities at 100% Hit Points:
    • When at 100% Hull Strength:
    • Self: +3.3 All Power Levels for 15 sec.
    • (Stacks up to 3 times)
Trait: Standoff File:Mastery trait Standoff.png
  • Game Description: Your boldness will pay off with this trait, as firing upon the forward 90-degree arc of an opponent allows your weapons to deal more damage than usual. Additionally, your weapons gain the ability to knock your foes' weapons offline briefly, once every several seconds, so long as you continue firing on their forward arc.
Trait: Superior Area Denial File:Mastery trait Superior Area Denial.png
  • Activating Beams: Fire at Will or Cannons: Scatter Volley causes your weapons to debuff foe's armor resistance for a short duration, as well as activating Fire at Will: I and Cannons: Scatter Volley I on your hangar pets.
Trait: Tactical Retreat File:Mastery trait Tactical Retreat.png
  • Faction Romulan Republic Faeht Intel Warbird
  • Faction Federation [Starship Trait Unlock - Overwhelming Force / Tactical Retreat (Federation)]
  • Faction Klingon [Starship Trait Unlock - Reciprocity / Tactical Retreat (Klingon)]
  • Game Description: Gain a large defense and flight speed buff for a short time after being knocked below 25% hull strength. You also become untargetable for 2 seconds and have all enemy threat reduced to zero. Tactical Retreat can be triggered once every 60 seconds.
Trait: Target Rich Environment File:Mastery trait Target Rich Environment.png
  • While this starship trait is slotted, activating Beam: Fire at Will or Cannon: Scatter Volley will provide a small boost to weapon damage, per weapon activation, for a short time as long as these attack modes are active. This bonus stacks up to 20 times.
Trait: Terran Machinations File:Mastery trait Terran Machinations.png
  • When activating Attack Pattern Bridge Officer Abilities: +30% Exotic Damage for 15 sec
    When activating Control Bridge Officer Abilities: 10% Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons for 15 sec
Trait: The Ruin of Our Enemies File:Mastery trait The Ruin of Our Enemies.png
  • +Dmg and recharge on defeating foes.
Trait: Vulcan Hello File:Mastery trait Vulcan Hello.png
  • Game Description: While this trait is active, your Weapons gain a Shield and Armor Penetration bonus, and Weapon Power Drain from energy weapon activation is reduced for a brief duration when you first enter Combat.

Starship Traits obtained as Reward

The following Starship Traits are available to Faction FedRomKDF all factions, several of which are earned from the Captain Specialization system.

Name Icon Obtained from Description
Trait: Arrest File:Mastery trait .png
(after spending 15 Specialization Points)
Trait: Attack Pattern Delta Prime File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Attack Pattern Delta Prime]
(Delta Alliance Duty Officer Pack)
Trait: Carrier Wave Shield Hacking File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Carrier Wave Shield Hacking]
(from the Discovery: Emerald Chain Lock Box)
(from the Infinity Lock Box)
Trait: Command Frequency File:Mastery trait .png
(Basic/Improved/Superior variant)
Trait: Concealed Repairs File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Concealed Repairs]
Kelvin Divergence Lock Box
Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait
Trait: Confederation Furor File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Confederation Furor]
(from the A Safe Galaxy Lock Box)
Trait: Critical Systems File:Mastery trait .png
(Normal/Improved variant)
Trait: Demolition Teams File:Mastery trait .png
(after spending 15 Specialization Points)
Trait: Directed Dilithium Burn File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Directed Dilithium Burn]
(from the Discovery: Emerald Chain Lock Box)
(from the Infinity Lock Box)
Trait: Going the Extra Mile File:Mastery trait .png
(Basic/Improved/Superior variant)
Trait: Hunter's Instinct File:Mastery trait .png
(Basic/Improved variant)
Trait: Nano-Infestation File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Nano-Infestation]
Section 31 Lock Box
Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait
Trait: Need-to-Know Basis File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Need-to-Know Basis]
Section 31 Lock Box
Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait
Trait: Non-Linear Progression File:Mastery trait .png
(Basic/Improved/Superior variant)
Trait: Onboard Dilithium Recrystallizer File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Onboard Dilithium Recrystallizer]
Angel's Wake Lock Box
Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait
Trait: One Impossible Thing at a Time File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: One Impossible Thing at a Time]
Picard Zhat Vash Lock Box
Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait
Trait: Parting Gift File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Parting Gift]
Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait
Trait: Pedal to the Metal File:Mastery trait .png
(Basic/Improved/Superior variant)
Trait: Pilfered Power File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Pilfered Power]
Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait
Trait: Point Defense Protocols File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Point Defense Protocols]
(Delta Alliance Duty Officer Pack)
Trait: Predictive Algorithms File:Mastery trait .png
(Basic/Improved/Superior variant)
Trait: Programmable Matter Enhancements File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Programmable Matter Enhancements]
(from the Discovery: Far From Home Lock Box)
(from the Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait from the Infinity Lock Box)
Trait: Punch It! File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Punch It!]
Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait
Trait: Regeneration Cycle File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Regeneration Cycle]
Borg Lock Box
Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait
Trait: Scramble Fighters File:Mastery trait .png
  • [Starship Trait: Scramble Fighters]
(Delta Alliance Duty Officer Pack)
Trait: Sentient Starship File:Mastery trait .png
Trait: Temporal Insight File:Mastery trait .png
(Basic/Improved variant)
Trait: The Best Defense File:Mastery trait .png
Trait: Theta Radiation Infused Evasive Maneuvers File:Mastery trait .png
Trait: Unconventional Tactics File:Mastery trait .png
(after spending 15 Specialization Points)