Star Trek Online Wiki
Template Historical
Timeline Change Imminent!
This article or section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of Star Trek Online. It is provided only for historical purposes.

The following missions have been removed from the Mission Journal when the Cardassian Struggle story arc was remastered. However, they still exist in-game and can be shared by players who still have them in their "In Progress" tab. As such, they can still be played for accolades.

Name Giver Release Date Removal Date
ALL “Venture into Deep Space” Captain James Kurland / Ambassador S'taass February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
ALL “Badlands” Captain James Kurland / Ambassador S'taass February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
FED25 “Suspect” Captain James Kurland February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
FED25 “War Games” Captain James Kurland February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
FED25 “Shutdown” Captain James Kurland February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
ALL “Rapier” Captain James Kurland / Ambassador S'taass February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
ALL “Forging Bonds” Captain James Kurland / Ambassador S'taass February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
ALL “The Long Night” Captain James Kurland / Ambassador S'taass February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
FED25 “The Tribble with Klingons” Captain James Kurland February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
FED25 “Tear of the Prophets” Captain James Kurland February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
ALL “Crack in the Mirror” Captain James Kurland / Ambassador S'taass February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
ALL “The New Link (original)” Captain James Kurland / Ambassador S'taass February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
ALL “Seeds of Dissent” Captain James Kurland / Ambassador S'taass February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
FED25 “The Other Side” Captain James Kurland February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
FED25 “Cage of Fire” Captain James Kurland February 2, 2010 October 27, 2015
Removed from arc, but still playable

The following from the Lost Dominion arc were relocated to the available tab, but are still playable in the game. These missions were originally released as "Feature episode 4: The 2800".

Name Giver Release Date Removal Date
ALL “Second Wave” Mesi Achebe February, 11 2012 October 9, 2018
ALL “Of Bajor” Mesi Achebe February, 18 2012 October 9, 2018
ALL “Operation Gamma” Mesi Achebe February, 25 2012 October 9, 2018
ALL “Facility 4028” Mesi Achebe March, 3 2012 October 9, 2018
ALL “Boldly They Rode” Mesi Achebe March, 10 2012 October 9, 2018