Star Trek Online Wiki

Faction Iconian The Iconians have shifted their attentions back towards the Alpha Quadrant after 200,000 years in unexplored space. We must prepare for war.

Preceeded by
Delta Quadrant
Followed by
Yesterday's War
Episode Arc - Delta Quadrant Episode Arc - Yesterday's War

The Iconian War story arc is a chain of cross-faction missions available to all factions.

Everything has changed when, after 200,000 years of absence, an Iconian appeared on Qo'noS and killed the whole Klingon High Council, warning the forces of the Beta Quadrant to not attract their attention again. "Demons of Air and Darkness" were no longer a myth - the threat they posed became real and an invasion was imminent.

Now the Iconians are here with a huge army of Heralds at their disposal. Through their use of gateway technology, the whole quadrant could fall in a matter of seconds. Now is the time to unite old friends and enemies, put differences aside and work together to stop their advance. Conventional tactics won't work; only ingenuity and great sacrifice may help win the battle. Even that might not be enough to win the war.

List of missions[]

EP - Uneasy Allies “Uneasy Allies”

The Hobus System has a long history of hosting nefarious activities. The Hobus star was the epicenter of the supernova that destroyed Romulus, and Taris used it as testing ground for her experiments with Iconian technology. Any activity detected at this location must be followed up on in order to ensure that nothing that could endanger the quadrant occurs there again. Rendezvous with Lt. Cmdr. Kyla VanZyl to investigate these readings.
Contact: Lt. Commander Kyla VanZyl
Release Date: March 26, 2015
EP - Uneasy Allies
“Uneasy Allies”

The Hobus System has a long history of hosting nefarious activities. The Hobus star was the epicenter of the supernova that destroyed Romulus, and Taris used it as testing ground for her experiments with Iconian technology. Any activity detected at this location must be followed up on in order to ensure that nothing that could endanger the quadrant occurs there again. Rendezvous with Lt. Cmdr. Kyla VanZyl to investigate these readings.
Lt. Commander Kyla VanZyl
Release Date:
March 26, 2015
Special rewards:

Romulan Imperial Navy Career-Specific Kit Reward icon [Romulan Imperial Navy Career-Specific Kit Reward]
Romulan Imperial Navy Combat Armor icon [Romulan Imperial Navy Combat Armor]
Romulan Imperial Navy Personal Shield icon [Romulan Imperial Navy Personal Shield]
Plasma Repeater Pistol icon [Plasma Repeater Pistol]


The Iconian War Arc icon The Iconian War 1/8 (10 pt)
The Admiral Doesn't Get Hands Dirty icon The Admiral Doesn't Get Hands Dirty (10 pt)
Curse Your Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal icon Curse Your Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal (10 pt)

EP - Blood of Ancients “Blood of Ancients”

Attacks from the Iconian forces are imminent and their gateway technology means that they can attack us from anywhere.
Admiral Quinn has requested your presence at a briefing on Earth Spacedock.
Contact: Captain Kagran
Release Date: April 21, 2015
EP - Blood of Ancients
“Blood of Ancients”

Attacks from the Iconian forces are imminent and their gateway technology means that they can attack us from anywhere.
Admiral Quinn has requested your presence at a briefing on Earth Spacedock.
Captain Kagran
Release Date:
April 21, 2015
Special rewards:

Destabilizing Resonance Training Manuals icon [Destabilizing Resonance Training Manuals + Recipe Unlock] (1st completion)
Resonant Transphasic Torpedo Launcher icon [Resonant Transphasic Torpedo Launcher]
Resonant Disruptor Beam Array icon [Resonant Disruptor Beam Array]
Resonant Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons icon [Resonant Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons]
Console - Tactical - Harmonic Resonance Relay icon [Console - Tactical - Harmonic Resonance Relay]


The Iconian War Arc icon The Iconian War 1/8 (10 pt)
Spattered icon Spattered (10 pt)

EP-Delta Flight “Delta Flight”

Captain Tom Paris has requested your help for a joint mission with his task force, Delta Flight.
Rendezvous with Tom Paris in the Calbriden System for your mission briefing.
Contact: Captain Kagran
Release Date: April 21, 2015
EP-Delta Flight
“Delta Flight”

Captain Tom Paris has requested your help for a joint mission with his task force, Delta Flight.
Rendezvous with Tom Paris in the Calbriden System for your mission briefing.
Captain Kagran
Release Date:
April 21, 2015
Special rewards:

Specialization Qualification - Pilot icon [Specialization Qualification - Pilot] (1st completion)
Console - Engineering - Polaric Modulator icon [Console - Engineering - Polaric Modulator]


The Iconian War Arc icon The Iconian War 1/8 (10 pt)
Cruisin icon From Paris, With Love (10 pt)
Cruisin icon Cruisin' (5 pt)
Cruisin icon Danger Zone! (10 pt)
Ace icon Ace (10 pt)

EP - House Pegh “House Pegh”

The Iconians have brought their war against the Milky Way Galaxy to the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. We must mount a resistance if we are to survive.
Ramir, of the secretive Klingon organization House Pegh, has requested you rendezvous with him in the Dinasia System for a mission designed to let the Iconians know that we will not let them destroy our homes without a fight.
Contact: Captain Kagran
Release Date: May 28, 2015
EP - House Pegh
“House Pegh”

The Iconians have brought their war against the Milky Way Galaxy to the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. We must mount a resistance if we are to survive.
Ramir, of the secretive Klingon organization House Pegh, has requested you rendezvous with him in the Dinasia System for a mission designed to let the Iconians know that we will not let them destroy our homes without a fight.
Captain Kagran
Release Date:
May 28, 2015
Special rewards:

The Best Defense icon [Starship Trait: The Best Defense]
Point Blank Shot icon [Space Trait: Point Blank Shot]
Up Close and Personal icon [Ground Trait: Up Close and Personal]


The Iconian War Arc icon The Iconian War 1/8 (10 pt)

EP - Time in a Bottle “Time in a Bottle”

Voyager, under the command of Admiral Tuvok, has been chasing leads regarding a Delta Quadrant race known as the Krenim. So far he has only been able to turn up rumors and a bunch of anomalous sensor readings.
But now we've found a Ferengi selling what he claims are Krenim artifacts. You are authorized to negotiate with the Ferengi and obtain these artifacts and follow the trail it provides to where it leads.
Contact: Captain Kagran
Release Date: June 18, 2015
EP - Time in a Bottle
“Time in a Bottle”

Voyager, under the command of Admiral Tuvok, has been chasing leads regarding a Delta Quadrant race known as the Krenim. So far he has only been able to turn up rumors and a bunch of anomalous sensor readings.
But now we've found a Ferengi selling what he claims are Krenim artifacts. You are authorized to negotiate with the Ferengi and obtain these artifacts and follow the trail it provides to where it leads.
Captain Kagran
Release Date:
June 18, 2015
Special rewards:

Special Duty Officer - Somog icon [Special Duty Officer - Somog] (1st completion)
Emote Unlock - Ferengi Dance icon [Emote Unlock - Ferengi Dance] (1st completion)
Chroniton Split Beam Rifle icon [Chroniton Split Beam Rifle]
Universal Kit Module - Chroniton Jolt icon [Universal Kit Module - Chroniton Jolt]
Temporal Flux Generator icon [Temporal Flux Generator]


The Iconian War Arc icon The Iconian War 1/8 (10 pt)

EP - Broken Circle “Broken Circle”

The partnership you helped to foster with the Krenim is starting to bear fruit. A research lab has been constructed in the Kyana System and we are all working together to uncover the inner working of Annorax's temporal theories.
But the project may take more time to complete than we have left and the Iconians are mounting an ever more pressing campaign to rid the galaxy of all life that does not bow before them. Meet with Captain Kagran on board the research lab to discuss our best course of action to ensure our survival.
Contact: Captain Kagran
Release Date: July 16, 2015
EP - Broken Circle
“Broken Circle”

The partnership you helped to foster with the Krenim is starting to bear fruit. A research lab has been constructed in the Kyana System and we are all working together to uncover the inner working of Annorax's temporal theories.
But the project may take more time to complete than we have left and the Iconians are mounting an ever more pressing campaign to rid the galaxy of all life that does not bow before them. Meet with Captain Kagran on board the research lab to discuss our best course of action to ensure our survival.
Captain Kagran
Release Date:
July 16, 2015
Special rewards:

Emit Unstable Warp Bubble Training Manuals icon [Emit Unstable Warp Bubble Training Manuals + Recipe Unlock] (1st completion)
Iconian War Veteran icon [Title: Iconian War Veteran] (1st completion)
Antichroniton Infused Tetryon Full Auto Rifle icon [Antichroniton Infused Tetryon Full Auto Rifle]
Reactive Armor Catalysts Pack icon [Reactive Armor Catalysts Pack]
Universal Kit Module - Jam Subspace Transmissions icon [Universal Kit Module - Jam Subspace Transmissions]
Delta Alliance Reinforcements Beacon icon [Delta Alliance Reinforcements Beacon]


The Iconian War Arc icon The Iconian War 1/8 (10 pt)
Unbroken icon Unbroken (10 pt)

EP - Butterfly “Butterfly”

The research teams at Kyana System have been running thousands of temporal incursion simulations of how to use the Krenim weapon. We need an officer with field experience to evaluate the most promising options and their feasibility.
Meet with Captain Nog on board the research lab to discuss our best course of action.
Contact: Captain Kagran
Release Date: August 13, 2015
EP - Butterfly

The research teams at Kyana System have been running thousands of temporal incursion simulations of how to use the Krenim weapon. We need an officer with field experience to evaluate the most promising options and their feasibility.
Meet with Captain Nog on board the research lab to discuss our best course of action.
Captain Kagran
Release Date:
August 13, 2015
Special rewards:

Focused Assault Training Manuals icon [Focused Assault Training Manuals + Recipe Unlock] (1st completion)
Omni-Directional Antichroniton Infused Tetryon Beam Array icon [Omni-Directional Antichroniton Infused Tetryon Beam Array]
Antichroniton Infused Tetryon Turret icon [Antichroniton Infused Tetryon Turret]
Temporal Phase Overcharged Warp Core icon [Temporal Phase Overcharged Warp Core]
Temporal Phase Overcharged Singularity Core icon [Temporal Phase Overcharged Singularity Core]
Console - Science - Temporal Disentanglement Suite icon [Console - Science - Temporal Disentanglement Suite]


The Iconian War Arc icon The Iconian War 1/8 (10 pt)

EP - Midnight “Midnight”

The Iconians are massing for a final push toward the key worlds of the Alliance. We are gathering any remaining forces to mount a defense. And perhaps, if we are fortunate, we will be able to turn back time.
Meet with Captain Kagran on board the research lab to discuss our best course of action.
Contact: Captain Kagran
Release Date: September 10, 2015
EP - Midnight

The Iconians are massing for a final push toward the key worlds of the Alliance. We are gathering any remaining forces to mount a defense. And perhaps, if we are fortunate, we will be able to turn back time.
Meet with Captain Kagran on board the research lab to discuss our best course of action.
Captain Kagran
Release Date:
September 10, 2015
Special rewards:

Iconian Vest Outfit icon [Iconian Vest Outfit] (1st completion)
Iconian War Veteran icon [Title: Peacemaker] (1st completion)
Sol Defense Deflector Array icon [Sol Defense Deflector Array]
Sol Defense Impulse Engines icon [Sol Defense Impulse Engines]
Sol Defense Covariant Shield Array icon [Sol Defense Covariant Shield Array]
Nanite Repair Matrix icon [Space Trait: Nanite Repair Matrix]


The Iconian War Arc icon The Iconian War 1/8 (10 pt)
Peacemaker icon Peacemaker (10 pt)

Related content[]

Iconian Resistance Reputation[]

Participate in Iconian War Task Force Operations to earn Iconian Marks Iconian Marks and Iconian Probe Datacore iconVeryrare icon Iconian Probe Datacores. Progress your Iconian Resistance reputation and equip your captain and crew with newly-developed weapons and technology focused on not just fighting, but also surviving the battle.

Time Limited Events[]

The following events were connected to Iconian War story arc:

PC: Apr 02-May 21 2015; Apr 19-May 17 2018; Apr 15th-May 13 2021
PS4/XB1: Jun 05-Jul 03 2018; May 13-June 10 2021

As part of the event, players could create a Federation, KDF or a Republic character and become Delta Recruits. During the tutorial mission, a future version of the player's character would come to the past to warn of the impending conflict and give instructions on how to prepare for it.

By completing the objectives handed by the Tesseract Communications Receiver, players could unlock various account-wide rewards, such as reputation marks, dilithium ore, starship traits, space & ground devices, a photonic bridge officer, etc.

The rewards are currently unavailable to players who didn't participate.

Task Force Operations[]

TFO - Herald Sphere “Herald Sphere”

It's time to take offensive against the Iconians. Prepare your crew. We will either succeed... or die trying.
Space 5 VA (50) to FA (65) TFO normal icon Iconian Marks Fleet Marks TFO advanced icon Iconian Marks Iconian Probe Datacore iconVeryrare icon Fleet Marks TFO elite icon Iconian Marks Iconian Probe Datacore iconVeryrare icon Fleet Marks
Invasion of Qo'noS:
TFO - Gateway to Gre'thor “Gateway to Gre'thor”

We have been alerted to an Iconian Invasion of Qo'noS. All allied forces are being redirected to repel the Iconians.
Space 5 VA (50) to FA (65) TFO normal icon Iconian Marks Fleet Marks TFO advanced icon Iconian Marks Iconian Probe Datacore iconVeryrare icon Fleet Marks TFO elite icon Iconian Marks Iconian Probe Datacore iconVeryrare icon Fleet Marks
TFO - Brotherhood of the Sword “Brotherhood of the Sword”

Iconian Heralds are setting up a network of devices to try to conquer Qo'noS. Land in the First City and disable the devices while fighting off the invasion.
Ground 5 VA (50) to FA (65) TFO normal icon Iconian Marks Fleet Marks TFO advanced icon Iconian Marks Iconian Probe Datacore iconVeryrare icon Fleet Marks TFO elite icon Iconian Marks Iconian Probe Datacore iconVeryrare icon Fleet Marks


  • Accompanying the storyline around the Iconians, a series of short blog posts called Tales of the War was published on the official Star Trek Online web page over the course of several months in 2015.

See also[]

v · d · e
Storyline Missions      
All Starfleet Factions Starfleet-only
Tutorial DSC Starfleet only “Graduation Day”“Routine Maneuvers”“Trial by Fire”“The Shadow Knows”“Children of War”“Reporting In”
TOS Starfleet only “I Sing of Arms”“Search and Rescue”“Bull by the Horns”“Dislodging Klingons”“The Taurean Affair”“Earthward Bound”
25th century Starfleet only “Graduation Day”“Training Cruise”“Field Promotions”“Communication Breakdown”“Assimilation of the Innocent”
Agents of Yesterday TOS Starfleet only “Explore Earth Spacedock”“In the Shadow of Cestus”“Painful Omens”“Return to Babel”“Tangled Webs”“The Battle of Caleb IV”
Klingon War “Welcome to Earth Spacedock”“Diplomatic Orders”“Stranded In Space”“Researcher Rescue”“Secret Orders”“The Doomsday Device”“The Galaxy at Large”
Romulan Mystery “Heading Out”“Empress Sela”“Desperate Measures”“Shadow Play”“Taris”
Faction Klingon Klingon Defense Force-only
Tutorial “End of Watch”“Red Alert!”“Intruder Alert”“Challenge for Command”“Your New Command”“Journey to Qo'noS”
Empire “Duties of Command”“The Hunt is On”“Space Chase”“Manhunt”“Friend or Foe”
Warzone “Bringing Down the House”“The House Always Wins”
Vigilance “Mars, the Bringer of War”“Alpha”
Fek'Ihri Return “Blood of the Empire”“Destiny”“Afterlife”
Faction Romulan Republic Romulan Republic-only
Tutorial “A Day on the Farm”“A Day in the Sun”“Virinat, Invaded”“Flight from Virinat”
From the Ashes “Explore the Flotilla”“The Helix”“Crossroads at Crateris”“Gasko Blues”“The Search for New Romulus”“Turning Point”“Neutral No More”
Allies “The Price of Neutrality”“Memory Lane”“Bigger Picture”“Smash and Grab”“Tradecraft”
In Shadows “An Inside Job”“Enemy Action”“Sleepers”“Cloak and Dagger”“Revelation”“Mind Game”
Wasteland “Secrets of Nimbus”“The Lost City of Paradise”“Blind Men Tell All Tales”“The Undying”“A Fistful of Gorn”“Installation 18”
Vengeance “Voice of the Voiceless”“Abducted”“Small Packages”“Last Stand”“The Best Defense”“Turnabout”“Devil's Choice”
Freedom “Toward Freedom”
Faction Dominion Dominion-only
Engineered for War “Hunt”“Ceremony”“Turn the Tide”
Faction Khitomer Cross-faction
Cloaked Intentions “The Vault”“Mine Enemy”“Frozen”“Coliseum”“Cutting the Cord”“Darkness Before the Dawn”
Cardassian Struggle “Lost and Found”“Spoils of War”“Jabberwocky”“The Factory”“The New Link”
Borg Advance “Task Force Operations”“Report on Borg Activities”“Where Angels Fear to Tread”“A Gathering Darkness”“Assimilation”“Fluid Dynamics”
New Romulus “New Romulus Aid”“Staging Area”“Hidden Camera”“Warehouse”“Mountain Base”“Secret Shuttle Codes”“Overgrown Caves”“Web Access”“Latest Findings”“The Power Source”“Secrets of the Ancients”
Solanae Dyson Sphere “Sphere of Influence”“Circles within Circles”“Supply Woes”“The Contested Zone”“The Omega Standoff”“Tower Control”“A Step Between Stars”“Fluidic Destruction”“Surface Tension”
Delta Quadrant “Escalation”“Mindscape”“Reunion”“Friends in Unlikely Places”“Revelations”“Enemies in All the Usual Places”“All That Glitters”“The Kobali Front”“Capture the Flag”“The Dragon's Deceit”“Alliances”“Know Your Enemies”“Revolution”“Taking Care of Enemies”“Takedown”“What's Left Behind”“Dust to Dust”
Iconian War “Uneasy Allies”“Blood of Ancients”“Delta Flight”“House Pegh”“Time in a Bottle”“Broken Circle”“Butterfly”“Midnight”
Yesterday's War “Temporal Ambassador”“The Once and Future Agent”“The Core of the Matter”“Vorgon Conclusions”“Terminal Expanse”“Survivor”
Future Proof “Sunrise”“Stormbound”“Time and Tide”“The Temporal Front”“Temporal Reckoning”“Ragnarok”
New Frontiers “Echoes of Light”“Of Signs and Portents”“Mirrors and Smoke”“Brushfire”“Beyond the Nexus”“Melting Pot”“Scylla and Charybdis”“The Renegade's Regret”
Gamma Quadrant “Storm Clouds Gather”“Armistice”“The Search”“Doomed to Repeat”“Quark's Lucky Seven”“Tenebris Torquent”“Home”
Age of Discovery “The Plausibility of the Possible”“Impossibility of Reason”“Secrets”“Downfall”
J'Ula's Discovery “Para Pacem”“Illusion of Communication”“Beneath the Skin”“Sentinels”“Rescue and Search”“Within The Briars”“The Ninth Rule”“Ruins of Doom”“The Measure of Morality (Part 1)”“The Measure of Morality (Part 2)”
Klingon Civil War “The Centre Cannot Hold”“The Khitomer Discord”“Partisans”“Knowledge is Power”“Leap of Faith”“Warriors of the Empire”“A Day Long Remembered”
Terran Gambit “Firewall”“Red Shift”“Blue Shift”“The Calling”“Eye of the Storm”“The Fujiwhara Effect”
Kings & Queens “Wish Upon a Star”
Some missions may appear in alternative orders for some factions.
Mission available Side Content: The Galaxy at Large
Spectres “Spectres”“Skirmish”“Spin the Wheel”“What Lies Beneath”“Everything Old is New”“Night of the Comet”
Wasteland “Secrets of Nimbus”“The Lost City of Paradise”“Blind Men Tell All Tales”“The Undying”“A Fistful of Gorn”“Installation 18”
(Still part of main episode progression for Romulan Republic players.)
Lost Dominion: The 2800 “Lost Dominion”“Second Wave”“Of Bajor”“Operation Gamma”“Facility 4028”“Boldly They Rode”
Cold War “Cold War (wrapper)”“Cold Call”“Out in the Cold”“Cold Comfort”“Cold Case”“Cold Storage”
Delta Quadrant “Kobali Crisis Act I”“Kobali Crisis Act II”“Kobali Crisis Act III”
See also: Featured episodePatrolRemoved MissionsTask Force Operation