Military Rank:
Information giver
Communications Officer
Communications Officer
Cadet T'Vrell is a Vulcan science Starfleet cadet and member of the player's graduating class of 2409.
Missions involved[]
- “Graduation Day”: T'Vrell thanks the player for encouraging her to retake the linguistics final, as she is now qualified to serve as science as well as communications officer. She then refers the player to speak with Morek.
- “Training Cruise”: Captain Taggart assigns T'Vrell to the senior staff of the first training cruise as communications officer. After she is badly injured by Borg boarders, the player resuscitates her.
- “Field Promotions”: T'Vrell assists the player as they attempt to flee from the Borg. She later hails the S.S. Break Even, only to discover that their distress signal was automated. After disabling the Borg communication jammers in the area, T'Vrell is later able to send a distress signal of her own, calling Starfleet for reinforcements.
- “Communication Breakdown”: T'Vrell continues to act as the player's communications officer. At the end of this mission, she formally joins the player's crew as a bridge officer.
- Unlike Elisa Flores and Zarva, T'Vrell does not change out of her Starfleet Academy uniform and into a standard Starfleet uniform during the tutorial. After completion of the tutorial, T'Vrell is customizable like any other bridge officer.