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Star Trek Online Wiki
Romulan Republic T'varo Light Warbird
Critter Rank 1 icon
This is about the NPC vessel. For other uses, see Light Warbird.

The T'varo Light Warbird is a frigate class used by the various Romulan and Reman factions, and an upgrade of the warbird design used during the 22nd Century. Though fairly weak compared to other warbirds, they can be deadly in teams in two or three. A common tactic used by these warbirds is to cloak all but one vessel in a squadron, in order to lure in an enemy for a surprise attack.


Romulan Star Empire/Tal Shiar[]

Aft Weapons

Romulan Republic/Reman Resistance[]

Aft Weapons



Level Standard Difficulty Advanced Difficulty Elite Difficulty
05 4,199 - -
06 4,454 - -
13 6540 - -
17 7,942 - -
18 8,310 - -
19 8,685 - -
23 10,452 - -
28 13,086 - -
29 13,086 - -
30 13,548 - -
31 14,967 - -
32 15,448 - -
51 24,810 - -
52 25,788 - -

Missions involved[]

Vessels of the class[]

Faction Image Class Named Vessels
Faction Romulan Star Empire
IRW Sharrdar T'varo class (Romulan) I.R.W. Eisn
I.R.W. Sharrdar
Faction Romulan Star Empire
Faction Romulan Republic
STOMsarrTliss T'liss-class I.R.W. Vauthil
R.R.W. M'sarr
R.R.W. Ortaim
R.R.W. Varderex
Faction Reman
Faction Romulan Republic
Reman T'varo LoR T'varo class (Reman) Reman Scout


  • The appearance of these vessels was updated in the Legacy of Romulus expansion, and the T'liss-class added. Their name was also changed from the generic "Bird-of-Prey".
  • Using Romulan Distress Call - Bird of Prey will summon a T'varo to assist the player in battle.
  • These vessels have a chance to spawn in response to Romulan Republic players using the Fleet Support ability.

External links[]

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Romulan Star Empire (25th century)
Faction Romulan Star Empire
Details Romulan Star Empire (25th century)Romulan • Reman • HirogenRator III • Gasko StationTal ShiarRomulan History
Ground Forces Romulan Analyst • Technician • Recruit (Romulan) • Uhlan • Sublieutenant Medic • Centurion • Centurion Engineer • Centurion Medic • Centurion Scientist • Subcommander • Subcommander Engineer • Subcommander Scientist • Commander • Romulan Captain
Starships Romulan Shuttle • Scorpion Fighter • T'varo Light Warbird • Mogai Heavy Warbird • D'deridex Battlecruiser • Scimitar Dreadnought
NPCs Arranhu • Charva • Hakeev • Janek • Khaiel N'Vek • Khiana • Ruul • Sela • Taris • Tarsen
NPC starships I.R.W. Aethra • I.R.W. Areinnye • I.R.W. Esemar • I.R.W. Falcata • I.R.W. Khnial • I.R.W. Leahval • I.R.W. Rea • Sela's Armed Freighter • I.R.W. Sithesh
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Reman Resistance
Faction Reman
Details Reman ResistanceRemanThe VaultCrateris • Remus • New Romulus • Vauthil StationReman History
Ground Forces Guard • Shadow Guard • Guard Elite • Shadow Guard Elite • Guard Commander • Shadow Guard Commander • Guard Captain
Starships Scorpion Fighter • T'varo Light Warbird • Dhelan Warbird • Mogai Heavy Warbird • D'deridex Battlecruiser • Haakona Advanced Warbird • Scimitar Dreadnought
NPCs Khiy • Obisek • Rashna • Slamek • Vrimek • Xionel • Zden
NPC starships I.R.W. Decimus • R.R.W. Llaisnen • Reman Scout • Rerik • Zdenia
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Romulan Republic
Faction Romulan Republic
Details Romulan RepublicRomulan • RemanNew RomulusNew Romulus CommandRomulan FlotillaThe VaultVauthil StationRomulan History
Ground Forces Uhlan • Guard • Shadow Guard • Sublieutenant • Sublieutenant Engineer • Guard Elite • Shadow Guard Elite • Subcommander • Guard Commander • Shadow Guard Commander • Commander • Guard Captain
Starships Romulan Shuttle • Scorpion Fighter • T'varo Light Warbird • Dhelan Warbird • Mogai Heavy Warbird • D'deridex Battlecruiser • Ha'apax Advanced Warbird • Falchion Dreadnought Warbird • Tulwar Dreadnought Warbird
NPCs A'dranna t’Kerhav • Avran • D'Tan • Kaol • Kererek • Mena • Mivek • Nadel • Obisek • Romulan Ambassador • Tal'Mera • Rai Sahen • Temer • Tiaru Jarok • Tovan Khev
NPC starships R.R.W. Deihu • R.R.W. D'serek • R.R.W. Hasta • R.R.W. Hyperian • R.R.W. Lleiset • R.R.W. M'sarr • Rerik • R.R.W. Temanna • Zdenia