Star Trek Online Wiki
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Tactical Officer Candidate icon
StarfleetTactical Duty Officer
Tactical Duty Officer
Military Rank:
U.S.S. Khitomer
Tactical Officer

The Tactical Duty Officer (or Tactical Bridge Officer) is an Andorian tactical bridge officer.

She was one of the three bridge officers the player can choose from when leaving the U.S.S. Khitomer.

Missions involved[]


These stats apply only to the NPC. The [Tactical Officer Candidate], the player gains as a reward for the mission, has different shield and health stats, depending on the player's level, BO's rank and BO's equipment.
Level Standard Difficulty Advanced Difficulty Elite Difficulty
Shields Health Shields Health Shields Health
1 70 175 n/a n/a n/a n/a






  • At launch, she was only an information NPC; the officer choices were all of a random species and sex. At some point in 2010 or 2011, she became the specific Tactical officer choice.
  • When selecting your reward from Chief Sherman, she is more appropriately labeled [Tactical Officer Candidate].
  • Her default name is randomized, from a small list of options that included Corspa, Nesza, Shelana, Takerra, Tala, Tallasa and Thryiss.
  • With the December 1st, 2011 patch inaugurating Season Five: Call to Arms, she was changed from being a choice to being the single mandatory bridge officer reward for "Khitomer Crisis".
  • With the Season 8 revamp of the Federation Tutorial, this NPC and Boff no longer appears in the game.

See also[]
