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Doctor — Ground
[GR] Chance to reduce recharge on Science Kit heals
  • Faction: Faction TOS Starfleet TOS Federation
  • Quality: Uncommon
  • Species: Trill
  • Gender: Female
  • Rank: Specialist
  • Department: Doff dept Starfleet Medical Medical
  • Specialization: Doctor
    Any time you activate a Science Kit healing power you have a chance of reducing any remaining cooldowns on all other Science Kit healing powers.

    Medical Tricorder, Triage, Hypospray: Dylovene, Nanite Health Monitor and Vascular Regenerator

    20% chance: Reduce cooldown on Science Kit healing powers by -5 sec
  • Traits


  • This duty officer is only available to TOS Federation characters created during the Temporal Agent Recruitment event.
  • She is one of 10 uncommon duty officers obtained for completing the Temporal Transponder task which requires achieving Commendation Rank 2 in two Commendation categories.
  • Although this duty officer is of uncommon quality, power she posses is matching the ultra rare variant stats.