Star Trek Online Wiki


Pretty much what it says on the page. Phobos and Deimos are not significant enough in the game to warrant their own articles. - Mitchz95 (talk) 19:09, 21 May 2014 (UTC)

I agree. --Akirasensei (talk) 19:31, 21 May 2014 (UTC)
Disagree. Both articles are a little blown-up (neither maps nor system descriptions are necessary), but I'd say keep them. The moons are present in-game (both were, right?) and are real-life astronomical objects. Of course, there is not too much to say about them, but I don't see that small articles about them hurt anyone. At least, I feel that these articles are not quite as irrelevant to STO as say, I.R.W. Scimitar or Deanna Troi. If they are kept, I'd volunteer to clean the articles up and make them a little more sensible. --Tadayou (talk) 06:07, 22 May 2014 (UTC)
Only one unspecified asteroid is present on the Utopia Planitia space map in “Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning”. As it looks neither like Phobos nor Deimos, it is not possible to tell which one, if any, it is supposed to represent. Unless either of the two moons is at least referenced in any mission or DOff assignment, there is no reason to have an article on them. They should simply be mentioned on the Mars and Sol System articles. --Akirasensei (talk) 10:41, 22 May 2014 (UTC)
I vaguely remember that both moons were present in the anniversary mission (?) involving the U.S.S. Odyssey. Is my memory playing tricks on me? --Tadayou (talk) 12:16, 22 May 2014 (UTC)
Alright, so Memory Beta has this image, which should be from “The Odyssey Class”. The two moons can also be found on the Foundry Mars map (where they still don't look like the real moons, though). --Tadayou (talk) 13:05, 22 May 2014 (UTC)
If they were in any other solar system map, we'd just have mentioned "two unnamed moons" on the system article. As it is, the only reason they have their own articles is because we happen to know their names in real life. I believe the articles should be deleted, and all links to them be replaced with Wikipedia links. - Mitchz95 (talk) 16:41, 24 May 2014 (UTC)
The picture of the unspecified moon and the respective information should accordingly be moved to a "Notes" section on the Mars article. --Akirasensei (talk) 19:43, 24 May 2014 (UTC)