Here's the set bonuses:
2-pc: - +17.8% Max shield capacity - Reduces all energy damage to shields by 7.5%
3-pc: Energy Weapon Entanglement (2 min cooldown, 12 second duration) Firing energy weapons between self and foe has two effects:
- to self: +9.2% energy weapon damage for 12 seconds (max of 10 stacks, 10 stacks would be +92%) - to foe: -8.9% energy weapon damage for 12 seconds (max of 10 stacks, 10 stacks would be -89%)
skills affecting this ability: starship flow caps 21:09, 26 November 2015 (UTC)
So, I have been looking forward to this mission for weeks, to get these wonderful shields "Quantum Phase Resilient Shield Array Mk XII" which list over 1,000 regeneration every 6 seconds... I finally finish the mission, and the shields that are being offered to me, have CONSIDERABLY different stats, for example 6,200 capacity (compared to the 9k listed), and only 286.1 regeneration, instead of over 1,000 regeneration /6 seconds... I am playing on the Xbox One... My question is this: Is this a glitch, where the tooltip display is just wrong,.... has the item been altered for the Xbox One,... or is the wiki wrong? 01:15, 28 October 2016 (UTC)
- Make sure you look at the item's stats in space. When you're on the ground, your innate space skills and some ship stats do not apply, so all space item stats are shown lower than they actually are. Also note that the user who added the stats may have had higher shield stats than yours; it's something we need to work on here, noting stats when noting down item stats. DanPMK (talk) 02:39, 28 October 2016 (UTC)
Sooo...I added those stats...They were at +85 points in shield restoration and Shield Capacity (2 points each in Lieutenant Space skills) and I failed to put a notation noting that (mostly cuz "why wouldn't you put at least 2 points in nearly all the Lt space skills"...but I digress) Outside that...yea check your shield stats in space..Preferably ESD. Jacobsodinforever2000 (talk) 03:49, 28 October 2016 (UTC)
- It's no problem, getting zero modifying stats is a bit of a pain. Need to have no skill points and no traits on, etc. What I'm doing is just copying my toon to tribble, resetting his stats, and using that as a baseline. DanPMK (talk) 15:52, 28 October 2016 (UTC)
- I want to thank you guys for replying (sorry it's been over a week since I asked)... I see what you mean about the skills effecting the stats, and checking things in system space. I wasn't aware of how big an impact that had. If I may ask a couple more things?... I'm a tactical captain, so I focused most of my points in the tactical tree, with only a few points in the science and engineering trees - I see that was a noobie mistake now (didn't know better at the time)...
- First question: The lieutenant space skill is "shield restoration" (additional power healing), - "shield regeneration" (passive regeneration) is the Commander space skill... does the restoration skill effect the shield's regeneration stat too, or did Jacobsodinforever2000 also have points in regeneration?
- Second question: (this is more of a "guide" question, but I do not know where to find this info) Can you tell me if I wanted the absolute highest shield regeneration possible in the game (specifically on Xbox, as the PC has a lot of stuff that is not on the consoles yet) what set of ship shields, skills, consoles, ect... would I need to have? (I ask because a player about a week ago told me that his passive regeneration on his shields was nearly 4,000 every 6 seconds - That's HUGE... I actually doubt he was telling the truth, but the instance that we were in ended, and he left before I could get any specific info from him) 06:57, 5 November 2016 (UTC)