Tardigrade Companion
Epic Ground Device
Bind On Pickup
Unique - Max of one per character
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers
Summon Tardigrade companion
This exotic entity possesses a low-level sentience that is mostly inscrutible[sic]. It is known to have a special affinity for mycelial lifeforms, and is prone to vanish for extended periods of time. Unsubstantiated rumors suggests it spends this time traveling the galaxy via some mysterious innate abilities it possesses, but observations of this phenomenon have not yet been documented. At least, not in any known declassified documents. The tardigrade has taken a liking to you, for an unknown reason.
Unlike the combat Tardigrade variants, this pet does not have any offensive abilities and will go away if combat starts.
This item is available from the Age of Discovery Starter Pack in the Zen Store.