Military Rank:
Mission contact
Voiced by:
Commander Temuk is the Rigelian commanding officer of Jupiter Station.
Missions involved[]
- “Iuppiter Iratus”: The Commander assists Captains in the defense of Jupiter Station against attacking Terran Empire ships by relaying mission updates.
- “Jupiter Station Showdown”: Temuk guides the player as they clean up Marshal Janeway's assimilated Borg ground forces on the station, eventually apprehending the Marshal herself.
- “Red Shift”: From the point of view of the Inquisitor, Temuk attempts to defend the station from Terran attack. He, along with his forces are cornered in the station's Medical Ward, ultimately unsuccessful in preventing the Terrans from retrieving Ilia. After a brief skirmish, an injured Temuk beams away to safety.
- “The Fujiwhara Effect”: Temuk is present on Jupiter Station as The Other attacks the planet. After the player assists in evacuation efforts, he, along with the station and the I.K.S. Bortasqu' are digitized by C'qer. Later, following the player's successful separation of the Other and Emperor Crusher, Jupiter Station (along with Temuk and the Bortasqu') are restored to life.
- Temuk was not named until the inclusion of the Jupiter Station Patrol with Season Twenty-eight: Refractions. Previously, he was only referred to as "Station Commander".