Thalian Chocolate Mousse
Common Ground Device
Consumed On Use
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers
+64% Hit Points over 3.5 sec
Thalian Chocolate Mousse is a common consumable out-of-combat self heal. Confectionery made from cocoa beans indigenous to Thalos VII that are aged from 400 years.
Consuming Thalian Chocolate Mousse will boost your Hit Points by 64% over a period of 3.5 seconds. Up to 20 can be stacked together.
- Target: Self
- Activate: 1.25 sec
- # Charges: 1
The following vendors sell this item;
- 20 - Niwan - Earth Spacedock: Club 47
- 20 - Bartender (Starfleet Academy) - Starfleet Academy: 602 Club
- 20 - Andorian Park Rangers on Andoria — though you must select those Park Rangers displaying the commodity broker symbol, not the general Info symbol, above their heads
- 20 - Belan - Drozana Station
- 20 - Hadron - Deep Space 9: Quarks
- Having any Rare or higher Chef duty officer will allow the purchase of Thalian Chocolate Mousse from your replicator.