Star Trek Online Wiki
Trait: Drone Summon Passive/boff

Drone Summon Passive is a bridge officer ground trait.

This trait is only available for bridge officers.

Basic information[]

  • Game description: Ground Trait. This ability creates a small mobile drone that will hunt down and attack nearby enemies.
  • Species that can have the trait: Photonic

Detailed Information[]

Create Photonic Drone

Applies Create Holographic Combat Drone every 2 sec
which creates a level 51 Holographic Combat Drone
with Tetryon Beam and Frequency Remodulation abilities.
Photonic Possible


Summon Drone Passive Exocomp

The Exocomp drone, sporting the M.A.C.O. shark

  • This drone will be summoned and will attack enemies even if the bridge officer is set to passive mode. The officer will attempt to have one active at all times so long as the officer is engaged in combat.
    • Prior to Season 24, the officer would keep the drone active at all times without exception. With the Exocomp revamps of Season 24, the officer will now only keep the drone active so long as the officer (not necessarily the player) is in combat. Despite the officer needing to be in combat, the drone will follow the player when not actively engaged in combat itself.
    • This drone does not appear to have an expiration time (over 7 minutes active observed) and will be re-summoned if damaged, destroyed, or otherwise missing, or simply after a period of time by the officer.
  • This drone has a very long engagement range, having been observed to target and close in on enemies over 80 meters away.
  • Multiple Photonic Tactical officers can be commissioned at once, and they will each summon their own drones.