Star Trek Online Wiki
Star Trek Online Wiki
Trait: Honorable/boff

Honorable is a bridge officer ground trait.

Are you looking for the player character or duty officer version of this trait?

Basic information[]

  • Game description: Ground Trait. Increases damage resistance and threat generation.
  • Species that will always have the trait: Klingon
  • Species that can have the trait: Klingon

Detailed Information[]

Honorable Superior Honor

+5 All Damage resistance
+10% Threat Generation
+7.5 All Damage resistance
+15% Threat Generation
Klingon Required Possible

Superior Honor can only be found on K'Gan, the Delta Rising Klingon Tactical/Intelligence Officer Candidate, and the Klingon Recruitment Klingon (TNG) Female Engineering Bridge Officer, all exclusive to the Klingon Empire.
