Stubborn is a player character ground trait.
- Are you looking for the bridge officer or duty officer version of this trait?
- Are you looking for the bridge officer or duty officer version of this trait?
Basic information[]
- Game description: Ground Trait. Improves resistance against holds, stuns, slows, and placate effects. A Hold or Stun can stop you from moving or acting. A Slow can reduce your movement speed. Placate can prevent you from seeing a target that placated you. This trait reduces the duration of these effects.
- Species that can have the trait: Alien, Andorian, Bajoran, Benzite, Betazoid, Bolian, Caitian, Ferasan, Ferengi, Gorn, Human, Joined Trill, Klingon, Lethean, Liberated Borg, Nausicaan, Orion, Pakled, Reman, Rigelian, Romulan, Saurian, Talaxian, Tellarite, Trill, Vulcan
Detailed information[]
Using this trait also provides the player with a power that, when activated, allows you to break out of any Hold, Slow and Placate effect. It has a 2-minute recharge.
- +40 Run Speed Resistance Rating
- +20 Stun Resistance Rating
- +50 Placate Resistance Rating