Star Trek Online Wiki
Trait: Telekinetic/boff

Telekinetic is a bridge officer ground trait.

Are you looking for the player character or duty officer version of this trait?

Basic information[]

  • Game description: Passive Ground Trait.
    Makes your Knockback, Hold and Root more effective.
    A Hold or Stun can prevent a target from moving or acting.
    While root will stop your target from moving.
  • Species that can have the trait: Alien, Lethean, Reman

Detailed Information[]

Basic Telekinetic Telekinetic Superior Telekinetic

+7.5% Knockback
+7.5% Hold
+7.5% Root
+15% Knockback
+15% Hold
+15% Root
+22.5% Knockback
+22.5% Hold
+22.5% Root
Alien Possible Possible Possible
Lethean Possible Possible Possible
Reman Possible Possible Possible