Star Trek Online Wiki
FederationU.S.S. Belfast
U.S.S. Belfast
Va'Kel Shon
Destroyed (2409)

The U.S.S. Belfast was a Defiant-class escort commanded by Captain Va'Kel Shon.

Crew[ | ]

  • Captain Va'Kel Shon (commanding officer)
  • Lieutenant Commander Tem Inasi (science officer)
  • Lieutenant Kyona (tactical officer)
  • Unnamed crew members: away team

Missions involved[ | ]

Other involvement[ | ]

  • "Season 5 Dev Blog #6": Captain Shon, in command of the Belfast, records a log entry. His crew have discovered an abandoned Jem'Hadar Attack Ship in the Enocha System; the ship appears to be several decades out of date, and may in fact be a relic of the Dominion War. An away team sent to the vessel reports that it appears to be in excellent condition, and there is no indication of why it would have been abandoned. Musing that Tress would have appreciated this mission, Shon reports that his orders are to tow the vessel to Starbase 375.

Notes[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

External link[ | ]

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