Universal Kit Module - Death Spinner Throw Mk XII
Epic Kit Module
Account Bind On Equip
Cannot Equip more than 1 of this Item
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers
Emperor's Execution Spinner
Exploit Attack
180' Arc AOE Physical Damage
- 529 Physical Damage (50% Shield Penetration) to each foe in a 180-degree arc
- Only affects Foes between 6m and 8m
- 5 sec recharge
Universal Kit Module - Death Spinner Throw is a Kit Module which can be used by all players. It can be acquired from the Emperor's Lock Box and [Infinity Prize Pack: Kit Module].
Game Description[]
This sophisticated piece of machinery is built to follow a specific parabolic arc when thrown with sufficient force. It will arc out in front of the thrower, dealing a high amount of physical damage to those in a wide arc, then return to its owner. The operator must remain stationary during this process, to ensure the weapon can be properly caught at its terminus.