Universal Kit Module - Reveal Mine Trap
Epic Kit Module
Account Bind On Equip
Cannot Equip more than 1 of this Item
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers
Reveal Mine Trap
Create Mines
- Reveals 6 Stealth Mines that arm in 4 secs
- Armed mines detonate when enermies get within 1.5m
- * Detonation deals 121 Kintetic Damage (50% Shield Penetration) to enermies within 3m
- 15 sec recharge
Universal Kit Module - Reveal Mine Trap is a Kit Module which can be used by all players. It can be acquired from the [Special Equipment Pack - Section 31 Modules] and [Infinity Prize Pack: Kit Module]
Game Description[]
Stealthy mines are forward deployed ahead of actions by Section 31 personnel. They slowly creep about the battlefield, repositioning themselves to locations considered likely engagement by computer algorithims. When the time is right, activating this Kit Module reveals these mines in a tight ring around the intended victim