Star Trek Online Wiki
KlingonVor System
Vor 1
Mempa Sector
Beta Quadrant

Vor Sector Map

The Vor System is a system located in the Mempa Sector of the Beta Quadrant.

System Description[ | ]

The Vor system is comprised of a Class-F star orbited by three planets. Vor II is a Class-Q world in an elliptical orbit, and researchers are conducting a long-term study to determine if the planet would be suitable for terraforming.

Missions Involved[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

  • According to the Klingon Dictionary, "Vor" means "cure" in English.
  • The exact circumstances under which the research station changed from KDF-Yridian ("Friend or Foe") to Federation possession ("Vor System Patrol") remain unclear.