Star Trek Online Wiki
Warden (post-AoD)
Facility 4028

The Warden is a Photonic Starfleet officer in command of the Facility 4028 prison facility, which is staffed almost completely by photonic personnel.


The "Warden" hologram has been modeled after Hadrian Vosker who served as the Warden of Facility 2047 in the mid-23rd century, during the Federation-Klingon War, and was in charge of safeguarding and interrogating the most important prisoners of war.

He does not have a proper name, as his programmers believed it would make him less approachable, and therefore that the inmates would not consider him a target for manipulation. He notes the irony that he and the rest of the photonic staff do not have names, while the prison's computer, I.S.I.S., does.

Missions involved[]

  • ALL “Facility 4028”: The Warden greets the player and introduces them to Facility 4028. While he verifies the player's authorization to release the Female Changeling, he asks the player to look in on another inmate. He then authorizes the player to see the Founder. The Warden and the rest of the photonic personnel are disabled when Kar'ukan attacks the prison, but are later restored when the player stops the escaping prisoners and re-activates the primary ISIS core. After completing a diagnostic cycle, the Warden resumes his duties.


  • The Warden's appearance was changed with the release of Rise of Discovery. Prior to that season, the Warden had an appearance of an unnamed alien species and wore modified M.A.C.O. armor. His appearance was replaced with that of Hadrian Vosker, including the anachronistic "Discovery" styled uniform.
  • The reason for this change is unknown. In-game, it makes little sense. Hadrian Vosker was an aggressive man, known for having a liberal interpretation of Starfleet's values when dealing with prisoners. It is unknown why Starfleet would choose such a man as an appropriate basis for the hologram's appearance. Not only that, but the man himself was dead for almost two centuries, and any records of his appearance from that time period wouldn't be detailed enough to construct a hologram.
  • While the Warden has the exact appearance of Hadrian Vosker, down to his uniform, he doesn't share the rude demeanor of his basis.

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Faction Federation
Details StarfleetUnited Federation of Planets • Human • Vulcan • Andorian • TellariteEarth • Earth Space Dock • Starfleet Academy • Vulcan (planet) • Andoria • Bajor • Deep Space 9
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NPC starships U.S.S. Aventine • U.S.S. Belfast • U.S.S. Chimera • U.S.S. Challenger • U.S.S. Defiant • U.S.S. de Witt • U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701) • U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) • U.S.S. Enterprise-F • U.S.S. Hofmann • U.S.S. Houston • U.S.S. Khitomer • U.S.S. Kirk • U.S.S. Musashi • U.S.S. Rhode Island • U.S.S. Sally Ride • U.S.S. Voyager