Warp and Singularity Cores are a type of starship equipment which was added to the game with Legacy of Romulus. They determine the maximum warp speed in sector space and primarily increase the available power for certain subsystems.
A warp core is the power generator for starships. The most common type is an Matter Anti-Matter Warp Core that derives energy from the controlled reaction of matter and anti-matter. Specifically, Starfleet uses deuterium and antideuterium reacting in a dilithium crystal matrix. The anti-matter is contained through magnetic fields. The Romulans differ from all other known species in drawing power from an artificial quantum singularity (similar to a man-made black hole). In both cases, they generate sufficient power for the establishment of a faster than light travel via a warp bubble.
Types of Warp Core[]
Starfleet and Klingon Empire starships use a [Matter Anti-Matter Warp Core], while Romulan Republic and Imperial vessels use a [Singularity Warp Core]. All warp cores fall under one of six categories: Standard, Field Stabilizing, Hyper Injection, Overcharged, Deuterium-Stabilized/Thoron-Infused, and Plasma-Integrated.
Standard warp cores do not have any subsystem affinity, however of the remaining five types, three provide a bonus to a single subsystem power level and add an efficiency bonus if that subsystem is running below 75 power. These Matter-Antimatter warp cores boost the maximum power level to 130 as opposed to the normal 125, while the Singularity warp cores increase the corresponding subsystem power level as the ship's singularity charge level builds. The remaining two types increase power drain resistance, or power transfer rate.
Type | Warp Cores Attributes | Singularity Cores Attributes |
Field Stabilizing |
+7.5 additional Shield Power
+5 Maximum Shield Power
+5 to 15 Shield Power, based on your Singularity charge level |
Hyper Injection |
+7.5 additional Engine Power
+5 Maximum Engine Power
+5 to 15 Engine Power, based on your Singularity charge level |
Overcharged |
+7.5 additional Auxiliary Power
+5 Maximum Auxiliary Power
+5 to 15 Auxiliary Power, based on your Singularity charge level |
Deuterium/Thoron |
+15 Resistance Rating to Subsystem Power Drain -15% Weapon Power Cost |
+15 Resistance Rating to Subsystem Power Drain -15% Weapon Power Cost |
Plasma-Integrated |
+100% Power Transfer Rate | +100% Power Transfer Rate |
Fleet Reinforced |
+7.5 additional Shield & Auxiliary Power
+5 Maximum Shield & Auxiliary Power
+5 to 12.5 Shield & Auxiliary Power, based on your Singularity charge level |
Fleet Hyper-Charged |
+7.5 additional Engine & Auxiliary Power
+5 Maximum Engine & Auxiliary Power
+5 to 12.5 Engine & Auxiliary Power, based on your Singularity charge level |
Fleet Hyper-Stabilizing |
n/a | +5 to 12.5 Shield & Engine Power, based on your Singularity charge level |
Fleet Spire Cores |
+10 Resistance Rating to Subsystem Power Drain +66% Power Transfer Rate -10% Weapon Power Cost |
+10 Resistance Rating to Subsystem Power Drain +66% Power Transfer Rate -10% Weapon Power Cost |
Fleet Isolated Protomatter |
+7.5 additional Shield, Engine and Auxiliary Power
+4 Maximum Shield, Engine and Auxiliary Power
+66% Power Transfer Rate |
+5 to +12.5 Shield, Engine and Auxiliary Power, depending on your Singularity charge level +66% Power Transfer Rate |
Fleet Sustained Protomatter |
+7.5 additional Shield, Engine and Auxiliary Power
+4 Maximum Shield, Engine and Auxiliary Power
-10% Weapon Power Cost |
+5 to +12.5 Shield, Engine and Auxiliary Power, depending on your Singularity charge level -10% Weapon Power Cost +10 Resistance Rating to Subsystem Power Drain |
Maximum Warp speed is based on the core's Mark level (values may be rounded)
Mark level | Std. / Mk I | Mk II | Mk III | Mk IV | Mk V | Mk VI | Mk VII | Mk VIII | Mk IX | Mk X and higher |
Maximum Warp | 5 | 5.6 | 6.1 | 6.7 | 7.2 | 7.8 | 8.3 | 8.9 | 9.4 | 10 |
Singularity Cores provide up to five Singularity Core abilities as higher tier Romulan vessels are unlocked. Singularity Core abilities are fueled by Singularity Charge. All Romulan ships have a Singularity Charge gauge with five levels. Using any Singularity ability consumes all remaining Singularity Charge, and the effectiveness of the ability used scales based on the amount of power that was consumed. After a Singularity ability is used, the Singularity Charge gauge will go offline for limited time before the charge begins to build again.
Uncommon Matter-Antimatter cores focus on Engineering stats, boosting abilities like Battery Expertise or Engine Subsystem Performance, while uncommon Singularity Cores focus either on Science stats such as Control Expertise or Drain Expertise, or instead affect the rate at which you gain singularity charge or reduce the wait time between using singularity abilities. Either can boost Electro-Plasma System Flow.
Rare Matter-Antimatter cores create a synergy bonus from one power level to another, for example providing bonus weapon power when focusing on auxiliary systems, while rare Singularity Cores improve one of their singularity core abilities. Very Rare cores go a step further, providing a battery capacitor power – a reusable battery which can be used to either add power to a subsystem or to bring it back online if it has been knocked out.
With these cores, the goal is to allow players to tweak their own singularity mechanics to their liking, and experiment with power levels in new and interesting ways to discover optimal uses for each singularity ability. Rare Singularity cores can enhance certain Singularity abilities, adding effects like high-yield torpedo redirection to a Warp Shadow or a Critical Severity buff during a Singularity Overcharge. Very rare cores provide an analogue to the “capacitor” powers found on Matter-Antimatter cores: allowing the player to drain the current Singularity charge and shunt a portion of it into a particular subsystem.
Warp and Singularity Cores above Mk I have modifiers in several categories. Unlike most other items, the number of modifiers is dependent on both the item's rarity and mark:
Rarity | Up to Mk X | Mk XI+ |
Common | 0 | 1 |
Uncommon | 1 | 2 |
Rare | 2 | 3 |
Very Rare | 3 | 4 |
Ultra Rare | 3 | 4 |
Epic | 4 | 5 |
Any conventional Warp or Singularity Core will only have one modifier from each of the following categories (some special Cores have more than one):
Mk XI+[]
Transwarp/Slipstream (Warp and Singularity Cores, Mk XI and above)
- [Trans] - 50% Reduced Cooldown on Transwarp
- [SSS] - Slipstream Speed
- +10% at Mk XI
- +20% at Mk XII and above
- [SSR] - Slipstream drive recharges 100% faster
- [SST] - +100% Slipstream Turn Rate
Skill Bonus (Warp and Singularity Cores, Uncommon and above)
Adds a bonus value, dependent on mark level, to one of a Captain's skills or, for singularity cores, improves the performance of those abilities.
Mk | Value | Mk | Value | Mk | Value | ||
I | V | +8.8 | IX | +13.8 | |||
II | +5 | VI | +10 | X | +15 | ||
III | +6.2 | VII | +11.2 | XI | +16.2 | ||
IV | +7.5 | VIII | +12.5 | XII | +17.5 |
- Warp Cores only:
- [Bat] - Starship Battery Expertise (Improves Battery Duration)
- [Eff] - Starship Starship Warp Core Efficiency (Improves Power Levels when Low)
- [Rep] - Starship Damage Control (Improves Passive Hull Regeneration)
- [SecSpd] - Starship Sector Speed (formerly [Coi])
- [SEP] - Starship Engine Subsystem Performance (Bonus Engine Power)
- Singularity Cores only:
- [GG] - Starship Control Expertise (formerly Graviton Generators) (Improves Control Effects / Resistance to Same)
- [EPG] - Starship Exotic Particle Generator (Improves Exotic Damage)
- [SingA] - +20% Singularity Charge Rate
- [SingC] - -10% Singularity Cooldown time
- [SingS] - -20% Singularity Power loss rate
- Warp and Singularity Cores:
- [EPS] - Starship Electro-Plasma System Flow (Improves Power Transfer Rate)
- [PI] - Starship Drain Expertise (formerly Power Insulators) (Improves Energy & Shield Drains / Resistance to Same)
- Implicit Modifiers of some special cores:
- [SSP] - Starship Shields Subsystem Performance (Bonus Shield Power)
- [SWP] - Starship Weapons Subsystem Performance (Bonus Weapon Power)
e.g. A Mk XII core with [SecSpd] adds 17.5 to the Captain's Driver Sector Speed skill value.
Power Bonus (Warp Cores, Rare and above)
- Provides 7.5% power of one subsystem to another. Given in the form [x->y]. e.g.: [A->E] Adds 7.5% of your Auxiliary power to your Engine power as bonus power.
- Note that this bonus does not reduce the source subsystem. In the [A->E] example above, if Aux power is at 100, then Engine power is boosted by 7.5 (while Aux remains at 100).
- There are 11 possible combinations for this modifier; [W->S] is reserved for Epic quality.
Singularity Ability (Singularity Cores, Rare and above)
- [Jump] - +100% Singularity Jump Accuracy
- [OLoad] - While Singularity Overcharge is active, you gain +20% Crit Severity.
- [Res] - Your Quantum Absorption also provides you with 20 resistance to all damage.
- [Shad] - Singularity Warp Shadow will confuse all High - Yield Torpedoes in a 5km radius.
- [Wave] - 10% chance to disable 1 subsystem for 5s with Plasma Shockwave.
Very Rare[]
Battery Capacitor (Warp and Singularity cores, Very Rare only)
On Matter-Antimatter cores, the capacitor gives +15 power to the named system for 10 seconds, while on Singularity cores, it gives up to 30 power based on your Singularity level. On both types of core, it will also repair the subsystem if it is offline.
- [WCap] - Weapons Capacitor: Weapons Power Buff
- [SCap] - Shield Capacitor: Shield Power Buff
- Also gives Shield Regeneration that increases with Mark level (stats given for Mk XII / Mk XIII / MK XIV)[VR 1]
- Matter-Antimatter Cores: +200 / 212.5 / 250 Shield Regeneration
- Singularity Cores: Up to +400 / 425 / 500 Shield Regeneration, based on your Singularity level
- Also gives Shield Regeneration that increases with Mark level (stats given for Mk XII / Mk XIII / MK XIV)[VR 1]
- [ECap] - Engines Capacitor: Engine Power Buff
- [ACap] - Auxiliary Capacitor: Auxiliary Power Buff
- Some special cores, currently the Breen Cryoplasma-Infused cores, Krenim Temporal Phase cores and the Kobali cores, have a special battery capacitor that functions differently: in these cases, giving more power by drawing it from other system, reducing Bridge Officer ability recharge times, or making its effect AoE, respectively.
- Some other special cores, currently the Delta Alliance cores and the Temporal Defense Initiative cores, both from the Reputation system, have a special Trajector Jump ability in lieu of a battery capacitor (not to be confused with Subspace Fold).
- ↑ This does not seem scale with Shield Capacity, Shield Power or your Shield Regeneration skill, though the value differs by ship, and so may scale based on Shield Modifier or some other variable. Values are given for a Utility Cruiser; on a T5 D'Kyr Science Vessel, the Matter-Antimatter Core value was +355.9, and the Singularity Core +711.8, for Mks XII, XIII and XIV, curiously.
Ultra Rare[]
There is currently no extra mod given at Ultra Rare quality for standard warp cores. It is unknown of this is a bug or intentional. Some special cores, however, can get these mods at Ultra Rare:
- [AMP] - +3.3% All Damage for each sub-system with 75 or more power
- [CON] - 1% Chance when hit to grant 1 Singularity Level (Singularity Cores Only)
- [EAS] - 2% Chance when hit with energy weapons to grant +15 Auxiliary Power Setting for 10 sec
- [EWS] - 2% Chance when hit with energy weapons to grant +15 Weapon Power Setting for 10 sec
All Warp and Singularity cores get the [W->S] modifier at Epic quality, which adds 7.5% of your Weapon power to your Shield power as bonus power.
For example, a Hyper Injection Warp Core may get [SSS] at Mk XI, [EPS] at Uncommon, [E->A] at Rare, [ECap] at Very Rare, and [W->S] at Epic, ultimately ending up as [Hyper Injection Warp Core Mk XIV [E->A] [ECap] [EPS] [SSS] [W->S].
Special Warp Cores[]
Fleet Cores[]
Advanced and Elite Fleet Warp Cores and Fleet Singularity Cores are available from the Fleet Dilithium Mine. The Fleet Spire holding provides access to Advanced and Elite Thoron-Infused and Plasma Integrated Warp and Singularity Cores.
Variants are combinations of the Reinforced, Hyper-Charged, or Plasma-Integrated warp cores.
'Advanced' cores have an additional modifier, making a total of four. 'Elite' cores have two additional modifiers making a total of five.
- Fleet Reinforced, boosts Shield and Auxiliary Power.
- Fleet Hyper-Charged, boosts Engine and Auxiliary Power.
- Fleet Plasma-Integrated, increases base resistance rate of all power levels and increases power transfer rate.
- Advanced Fleet Warp Cores. - Obtained at Fleet Dilithium Mine - (Reinforced), (Hyper-Charged)
- Elite Fleet Warp Cores. - Obtained at Fleet Dilithium Mine - (Reinforced), (Hyper-Charged)
- Advanced Fleet Plasma-Integrated Warp Cores. - Obtained at Fleet Spire
- Elite Fleet Plasma-Integrated Warp Cores. - Obtained at Fleet Spire
Variants are combinations of the Reinforced, Hyper-Charged, or Hyper-Stabilizing singularity cores.
'Advanced' cores have an additional modifier, making a total of four. 'Elite' cores have two additional modifiers making a total of five.
- Fleet Reinforced, boosts Shield and Auxiliary Power.
- Fleet Hyper-Charged, boosts Engine and Auxiliary Power.
- Fleet Hyper-Stabilizing, boosts Engine and Shield Power.
- Fleet Thoron-Infused, boosts Resistance and Power Transfer Rate.
- Advanced Fleet Singularity Cores. - Obtained at Fleet Dilithium Mine - (Reinforced), (Hyper-Charged), (Hyper-Stabilizing)
- Elite Fleet Singularity Cores. - Obtained at Fleet Dilithium Mine - (Reinforced), (Hyper-Charged), (Hyper-Stabilizing)
- Advanced Fleet Thoron-Infused Singularity Cores. - Obtained at Fleet Spire
- Elite Fleet Thoron-Infused Singularity Cores. - Obtained at Fleet Spire
Reputation Cores[]
The following are reputation set cores. Stats using an X multiplier also scale as the item increases in Mark level, shown in the table above. When a table cell lists two modifiers, the top one is for the Matter-Antimatter core, while the bottom one is for the Singularity core. Numbers taken from a level 60 character on the ground with no skill points spent, no traits slotted, and no specializations affecting item stats.
Warp Core | Type | Max. Warp | Common Mod | Uncommon Mod | Rare Mod | VR Mod | UR Mod | Additional Bonus |
Dyson |
Field Stabilizing | 10 | [SSS] & [Trans] |
[EPS] | [A->S] [Jump] |
[SCap] | [AMP] | +20 Starship Impulse Expertise |
Counter-Command |
Hyper Injection | 10 | [SSR] & [Trans] |
[SEP] [SingC] |
[E->W] [Over] |
[ECap] | [AMP] | +33% Engine Power Drain Resistance
Delta |
Field Stabilizing | 10 | [Trans] | [EPS] & [PI] & [SSP] n/a [1] |
[A->S] [Wave] |
Trajector Jump |
[AMP] | |
Iconian Resistance |
Hyper Injection | 10 | [Trans] | [Eff] [SingA] |
[E->S] [Jump] |
[ECap] | [AMP] | Hot restart: Automatically removes weapons disabled conditions after 1 second. 100 Hull Regeneration per second while at Full Impulse 20 Shield Regeneration per second to each facing while at Full Impulse |
Terran Task Force |
Special | 10 | [Trans] | [EPS-2] & [SWP] [SingC] |
[W->A] [Over] |
[WCap] | [AMP] | Warp Core:
Singularity Core:
Temporal Defense |
Overcharged | 14 | [SSS] | [Eff-2] [2] [EPG-2] & [SingC] |
[A->W] [Wave] |
Trajector Jump |
[AMP] | |
Lukari Restoration Initiative |
Reinforced | 10 | [SSS] | n/a [3] [SingC] |
[A->S] [Res] |
Point Jump |
[AMP] | Warp Core:
Singularity Core: |
Prevailing Innervated Bolstered Fortified |
Hyper Injection Overcharged Field Stabilizing |
10 | n/a | n/a | n/a | [ECap] [ACap] [SCap] |
[AMP] | Competitive Wargames Reputation Consumables are 15% more effective,
Discovery Legends |
? | ? | ? | ? ? |
? ? |
[SCap] | [AMP] | ? |
Mod comparison[]
Reputation cores on average have 6 Xs worth of stats. If they were Very Rare Warp Cores, their modifiers would be as below, keeping in mind that this does not take set bonuses into account:
Item | Dyson |
8472 |
Delta |
Iconian |
Terran |
Temporal |
Lukari | |||||||
Normal Mods |
[Trans] [EPS] [A->S] [SCap] [SSS] |
[Trans] [EPS] [Jump] [SCap] [SSS] |
[Trans] [SEP] [E->W] [ECap] [SSR] |
[Trans] [SingC] [Over] [ECap] [SSR] |
[Trans] [SSP] [A->S] [Trajector] [PI] [EPS] |
[Trans] n/a [1] [Wave] [Trajector] [PI] [EPS] |
[Trans] [Eff] [E->S] [ECap] |
[Trans] [SingA] [Jump] [ECap] |
[Trans] [SWP] [W->A] [WCap] [EPS] [EPS] |
[Trans] [SingC] [Over] [WCap] [EPS] [EPS] |
[SSS] n/a [2] [A->W] [Trajector] [Eff] [Eff] |
[SSS] [SingC] [Wave] [Trajector] [EPG] [EPG] |
[SSS] n/a [3] [A->S] [Jump] [HullHeal] [HullHeal] |
[SSS] [SingC] [Res] [Jump] [ShdHeal] [ShdHeal] |
Total | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 6 |
Non-scaling Attributes |
+20 Impulse Expertise |
Engine Power Drain Resistance |
Hot restart, etc. | Bonus power | Max. Warp 14 | Max. Warp 10 |
In a few cases, one of the Warp or Singularity Core is superior to the other. It is unknown if this is intentional.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Delta Alliance Trajector Singularity Core has one fewer mod than its Matter-Antimatter counterpart.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 The Temporal Defense Initiative Overcharged Warp Core has one fewer mod than its Singularity counterpart.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 The Lukari Restoration Initiative Reinforced Warp Core has one fewer mod than its Singularity counterpart.
Crafted, Event, Mission and Starship Cores[]
Warp Core | Type | Common Mod | Uncommon Mod | Rare Mod | VR Mod | UR Mod | Obtaining & Additional Bonus |
Bajor Defense |
Hyper Injection | [Trans] | [Eff] [SingA] |
[E->S] & [SEP] [PI] & [EPG] |
→ Special abiility |
[AMP] | Obtained from the Denorios-class Bajoran Interceptor. +X Starship Engine Subsystem Performance Siphoning Field To up to three foes within 2km:
Braydon Reconnaissance |
Overcharged | [SSS] & [SST] |
[GG] [1] [GG]x2 [SingA] |
[A->E] [Jump] |
→ Special Battery Capacitor |
[EWS] | Obtained from the Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel. Braydon Enhanced [Singularity] Engines Capacitor Engine Power Buff to team
Matter-Antimatter Core:
Singularity Core:
Breen |
Plasma- Integrated Thoron- Infused |
[SSS] | [EPS] [EPG] |
[A->S] [Wave] |
→ Special Battery Capacitor |
[EAS] | Obtained from the Holiday Item Vendor. Breen Weapons Capacitor Weapon Power Buff
Dual Injection |
Hyper Injection | [SST] | [SingA] | [SingC] | n/a | n/a | Obtained from the mission “Devil's Choice”. Only available as a Singularity Core. Cannot be upgraded at this time. |
Imperial Rift |
Overcharged | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | [AMP] | Obtained from the Widening Gyre special event. |
Krenim Temporal Phase |
Overcharged | [SSS] | [Eff] [EPG] |
[A->S] [Res] |
Temporal Phase Capacitor | [AMP] | Obtained from the mission “Butterfly”. +X Starship Electro-Plasma System Flow |
Kobali |
Field Stabilizing | [SSR] | [HullHeal] [ShdHeal] |
[S->A] [Res] |
→ Special Battery Capacitor |
[AMP] | Obtained from the Kobali Samsar Cruiser. Kobali Shield Capacitor PBAoE (5km) Shield Heal and Shield Power Buff 4 min recharge Matter-Antimatter Core
Singularity Core
Matter/Anti-Matter (Jem'Hadar) |
Overcharged | [SSR] | [SecSpd] | [E->W] | [WCap] | n/a | Obtained from the Jem'Hadar Escort or Jem'Hadar Fighter. The only Core that can be re-engineered into different Mods; Mods shown in this table (to the left) are the starting ones. Only available as a Matter-Antimatter Core. |
Obelisk |
Overcharged | [SSR] & [SSS] & [SST] |
[Rep] | [A->S] | [SCap] | [Trans] | Obtained from the mission “Sphere of Influence”. Bonus: 2 extra Common and 1 extra UR Mod. Only available as a Matter-Antimatter Core. |
Preeminent |
Field Stabilizing |
n/a | [A->E] | [S->W] | [SCap] → Special Battery Capacitor |
[AMP] | Obtained from the mission “Melting Pot”. +X Starship Shield Capacity Tzenkethi Shield Capacitor Shield Power Buff
Solanae |
Overcharged | n/a | [Rep] [PI] |
[W->A] [Res] |
[ACap] | [AMP] | Obtained from the 4 Year Anniversary Event Dyson Science Destroyer. Subspace Fold Self Transport
Tal Shiar |
Overcharged | [Trans] | [Rep] | [A->W] | [ACap] | [EWS] | Obtained from the mission Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser or Destroyer, and can only be used on those ships. Only available as a Matter-Antimatter Core. 68.6 Sector Space Transwarp (Approx Warp 14). |
Mod comparison[]
Special cores on average have 4 or 5 Xs worth of stats, but often some other unique characteristic, such as a special battery capacitor. If they were Very Rare Warp Cores, their modifiers would be as below, keeping in mind that this does not take set bonuses into account:
Item | Bajor Def. |
Braydon |
Breen |
Dual Injection |
Krenim |
Kobali |
M/A-M (JH) |
Obelisk |
Preeminent |
Solanae |
Tal Shiar | ||||||
Normal Mods |
[Trans] [Eff] [SEP] [E->S] [Siphon] |
[Trans] [SingA] [PI] [EPG] [Siphon] |
[SSS] n/a [1] [A->E] [Cap] [SST] [GG] n/a [1] |
[SSS] [SingA] [Jump] [Cap] [SST] [GG] [GG] |
[SSS] [EPS] [A->S] [Cap] |
[SSS] [EPG] [Wave] [Cap] |
[SST] [SingA] [SingC] n/a [2] |
[SSS] [Eff] [A->S] [Cap] [EPS] |
[SSS] [EPG] [Res] [Cap] [EPS] |
[SSR] [HullHeal] [S->A] [Cap] |
[SSR] [ShdHeal] [Res] [Cap] |
[SSR][3] [SecSpd][3] [E->W][3] [WCap][3] |
[SSR] [Rep] [A->S] [SCap] [SSS] [SST] |
[ShCap] [A->E] [S->W] [SCap] |
[Fold] [Rep] [W->A] [ACap] |
[Fold] [PI] [Res] [ACap] |
[Trans] [Rep] [A->W] [ACap] |
Total | 5 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 3 \ 4 [2] | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Non-scaling Attributes |
Capacitor is team-wide |
Capacitor is PBAoE | Sector Warp 14 |
In a few cases, one of the Warp or Singularity Core is superior to the other. It is unknown if this is intentional.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Braydon Reconnaissance Warp Core has two fewer mods than its Singularity counterpart.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 The Dual Injection Singularity Core cannot yet be upgraded, but presumably it would get a 4th mod at very rare.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 These are the starting Mods, specific mods can be changed by the player via re-engineering.
External links[]
- Warp core at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
- Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #17 at the Official website.
Travel | ||
Ground | Risa Floater, Risa Powerboard, Run, Transporter | |
Sub-light | Full Impulse, Impulse Capacitance Cell, Impulse Engine (Impulse Engines), Impulse Expertise | |
Warp | Quantum Slipstream Drive, Sector Space Travel Speed, Warp Core, Warp speed | |
Transwarp | Borg Transwarp Hub, Transwarp, Transwarp Coil, Transwarp Conduit | |
Other | Bajoran wormhole, Iconian gateway, Sector space, Spore drive, Teleport, “Tour the Galaxy” |