Star Trek Online Wiki
Star Trek Online Wiki
Cryptic Store

The Zen Store in game.

The Zen Store, stylized in-game as Zen small icon STORE and formerly referred to as the Cryptic Store or C-Store is a micro-transaction store available to players in Star Trek Online to purchase items from and redeem special offers (such as giveaways or pre-order rewards). The Zen Store requires Zen (which can be purchased at a rate of $1.00 USD for 100 Zen small icon or through the dilithium exchange at a floating rate) to be able to purchase anything.

Many of the items in the Zen Store are available in discount bundles. For most of these bundles, buying one of the items individually will prevent you from buying that bundle in the future, and in a few cases, this can lock you out of some bundle-exclusive items. These cases are noted below. Always do your research and shop wisely.


The Zen Store can only be accessed in-game:

  • On PC:
    • Press the button underneath the Mini-Map in the top right hand corner of the screen labelled "Zen small icon STORE".
  • On PS4 and Xbox One:
    • Press the Menu Button
    • Navigate down to Store > Zen Store

Items in the Zen Store can be filtered:

  • On PC:
    • Select the drop down arrow, located underneath the first Tab on the left.
    • A Search Bar will appear, as well as a button to Reset the field to the right of the Search Bar.
    • Underneath the Search Bar is a drop down menu which can be used to filter between "Purchased" and "Not Purchased" items.

Then, to purchase an item:

  • Select one of the Tabs on the left hand side to see the appropriate available items.
  • Click "Buy" to purchase the item; or "Claim" if it's a previously purchased or free item.

The On Sale tab lists all items currently at a discounted price. The New Items tab lists recent additions to the store.

Directory of Zen Store Tabs[]

Zen small icon Zen Store
Zen Store - Mudd's Market
Mudd's Market
Zen Store - Starter Packs
Starter Packs
Zen Store - Expansion Packs
Expansion Packs
Zen Store - Ship Bundles
Ship Bundles
Zen Store - Ships
Zen Store - Duty Officers
Duty Officers
Zen Store - Items
Zen Store - Slots and Services
Zen Store - Uniforms
Zen Store - Personnel
Zen Store - Promotions
Zen Store - Other


Zen small icon Zen Store Legend
Zen small icon - This item is purchaseable with Zen.
Zen (Limited-time) - This item is/was purchasable with Zen through a limited-time offer, or has been retired from the Zen Store.
Bundle only- This item is unlocked exclusively by a Zen bundle, meaning it cannot be purchased separately.

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Major Stores
Zen small icon Zen Store Mudd's MarketStarter PacksExpansion PacksShip BundlesShipsDuty OfficersItemsSlots/ServicesUniformsPersonnelPromotions
Lobi Crystal icon Lobi Store Ships and CrewSpace GearGround GearCostumesVanity PetsDevices
Refined dilithium icon Dilithium Store Special ItemsEV SuitsHangar PetsReclaimIntel ModulesCommand ModulesTemporal Operative ModulesMiracle Worker Modules
Phoenix Prize Pack icon Phoenix Prize Pack Phoenix Prize Redemption
Reputation Stores OmegaRomulanNukaraDysonUndineDeltaIconianTerranTemporalLukariCompetitiveGammaDiscovery
Others Fleet Credits Fleet Stores Gold-Pressed Latinum icon Latinum StoreEnergy credit icon Energy Credit vendors