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Star Trek Online Wiki
This page lists all entries in the Duty Officers tab of the Zen Store. For all other entries, see the main Zen Store page.
Zen Store - Duty Officers

Preview image for a set of Lower Decks Duty Officers, previously available for free in the Zen Store

Duty officers may be obtained from the Zen Store through packs. These packs may include up to 9 duty officers in total, as well as bonus items. During special Infinity Promotion events, duty officer packs will drop as Promotional Duty Officer Packs. Faction-specific duty officer packs may only be purchased by characters of the relevant faction. Purchasable, unbound duty officer packs can be traded, mailed, sold or purchased from the Exchange (under the Rewards Pack category).

Entries in the Zen Store are generally sorted alphabetically. Click on any of the columns below to sort them alphabetically, by price, and so forth. Refresh the page to restore the original sorting order.


Zen small icon Zen Store Legend
Zen small icon - This item is purchaseable with Zen.
Zen (Limited-time) - This item is/was purchasable with Zen through a limited-time offer, or has been retired from the Zen Store.
Bundle only- This item is unlocked exclusively by a Zen bundle, meaning it cannot be purchased separately.

2020 changes[]

With the March 19, 2020 patch, the following changes were made to Duty Officer packs:

  • The Reinforcements Duty Officer Pack was removed from the Zen Store.
  • Prices of the Gamma Quadrant Cadre, Delta Alliance, Romulan Survivor, and Fleet Support Duty Officer Packs were increased to 300 Zen small icon (from 200 Zen small icon)
    • Created a Duty Officer bundle which has 1 of each of these 4 themed packs in them for a discounted price (1,000 Zen small icon).
  • Added an Uncommon and Rare Duty Officer to each of the 4 themed packs mentioned above so they give out 4 common, 3 uncommon, and 2 rare along with their bonus item.
    • These have a chance for a higher quality so you should never see more than 4 common and you should always get 9 Duty Officers total.
  • Moved the bonus prize in the Gamma pack of 4 fleet modules out and replaced it with the Tuffli Freighter
  • Removed the 4 Fleet Module Rewards from the Delta Pack which increases the chance at winning the traits as a bonus reward.

Duty Officers[]

Duty Officers
  Image Item Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Duty Officers - Bundle Duty Officer Bundle (4)
1 Delta, 1 Fleet, 1 Gamma, 1 Romulan Survivor Duty Officer Pack
1,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Duty Officers - Delta Alliance Pack Delta Alliance Duty Officer Pack 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Duty Officers - Delta Rising Delta Rising Duty Officers
Reclaim Delta Rising Duty Officers
Bundle only Yes Yes [2]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Duty Officer Roster Slots 100x Duty Officer Roster Slots (100) (limit 4)
Increases your character's Duty Officer Roster by 100 slots
725 Zen small icon Yes Yes [3]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Duty Officer Roster Slots 25x Duty Officer Roster Slots (25)
Increases your character's Duty Officer Roster by 25 slots
225 Zen small icon Yes Yes [3]
Faction Federation Zen Store Duty Officers - Federation Pack Federation Duty Officer Pack 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Duty Officers - Fleet Support Pack Fleet Support Duty Officer Pack 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Duty Officers - Gamma Quadrant Cadre Gamma Quadrant Duty Officer Cadre 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Duty Officers - Legacy of Romulus Reman Legacy of Romulus Duty Officers
Your unique duty officers can be reclaimed here
Bundle only Yes Yes [4]
Faction Federation Zen Store Duty Officers - Lower Decks Lower Decks Duty Officers
Special Free Promotion!
Zen (Limited-time)
Yes Yes [5]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Duty Officers - Romulan Survivor Pack Romulan Survivor Duty Officer Pack 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Duty Officers - Klingon Pack Klingon Empire Duty Officer Pack 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 During special Infinity Promotion events, these packs will drop as Promotional Duty Officer Packs.
  2. This item is only visible to owners of the Delta Rising: Operations Pack.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Max 500 Duty Officer slots per character.
  4. This item is only visible to owners of the Legacy of Romulus Legacy Pack.
  5. Free, limited time promotion for the launch of Star Trek: Lower Decks in August 2020.

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