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This page lists all entries in the Personnel tab of the Zen Store. For all other entries, see the main Zen Store page.
Zen Store - Personnel

Preview image for Bridge officers included as part of the Delta Rising: Operations Pack, an example of bridge officers available in the Zen Store

Personnel items are available from the Zen Store. This tab features both Ground and Space player companions, additional player species, Tribbles and more.

Entries in the Zen Store are generally sorted alphabetically. Click on any of the columns below to sort them alphabetically, by price, and so forth. Refresh the page to restore the original sorting order.


Zen small icon Zen Store Legend
Zen small icon - This item is purchaseable with Zen.
Zen (Limited-time) - This item is/was purchasable with Zen through a limited-time offer, or has been retired from the Zen Store.
Bundle only- This item is unlocked exclusively by a Zen bundle, meaning it cannot be purchased separately.

2020 changes[]

With the June 25, 2020 patch, all purchases made from the Personnel Tab of the Zen Store were made Account Unlocks. Previously, specific items, such as the Combat-Trained Tardigrade or Tribble of Borg could be continuously purchased and used, or sold on the exchange. Because these items are now unlocked for the entire account, they are no longer be tradable with other players. Note that this change may not apply to Personnel items purchased as part of a separate bundle. In some cases, these items will remain fixed to the character that claimed them (such as the Caitian bridge officer acquired from the Federation Fleet Admiral Faction Pack).

According to the original blog announcement, players who purchased character bound "Personnel" items prior to this change would have their purchases granted as Account Unlocks. However, on July 25, 2020, it was announced on Twitter by Community Manager Ambassador Kael that "due to a technical issue with how these purchases [were] programmed" any purchases made prior to February 14, 2019 would not be honored by this change.

Bridge officer slots also used to be sold in this tab, but were removed with the same update. They can still be found in "Slots and Services" tab.

Bridge Officers[]

The following is a list of all Bridge Officers in the Zen Store. These officers are sorted by recent additions and/or the bundle they are apart of. Hover over any Bundle icon to view each officer's source, then click to view the list of Bundles on their respective pages. Note that some of these items may be apart of multiple bundles.

Bridge Officers
  Image Item Bundle Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Federation Zen Store Personnel - Bridge Officer Fed 0718 0718 Bridge Officer Temporal Special Agent Pack Bundle only Yes Yes [1]
Faction Federation Zen Store Personnel - Bridge Officer Fed Borg Borg Bridge Officer
A Borg Bridge Officer for your crew
Federation Elite Starter Pack 500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Personnel - Bridge Officer Klg Borg Borg Bridge Officer
A Borg Bridge Officer for your crew
Klingon Defense Force Elite Starter Pack 500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction Federation Zen Store Personnel - Bridge Officer Fed Mw Dsc Cyborg Miracle Worker Bridge Officer Discovery Operations Pack 500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [3]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Bridge Officer Pack Delta Ops Delta Rising Bridge Officers
Reclaim Delta Rising Bridge Officers
Delta Operations Pack Bundle only Yes Yes [4]
Faction Federation Zen Store Personnel - Species Caitian Federation Caitian Bridge Officer Federation Fleet Admiral Faction Pack 500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [5]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Bridge Officer Pack Jemhadar Vanguard Jem'Hadar Vanguard Bridge Officers Gamma Vanguard Pack Bundle only Yes Yes [6]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Personnel - Species Ferasan Klingon Ferasan Bridge Officer Klingon Dahar Master Faction Pack 500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [5]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Personnel - Bridge Officer Klg Mw Dsc Klingon Miracle Worker Bridge Officer Discovery Operations Pack 500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [3]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Personnel - Bridge Officer Reman Borg Reman Liberated Borg Bridge Officer Romulan Legacy Elite Starter Pack 500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction Federation Zen Store Personnel - Bridge Officer Fed Aenar Federation Aenar Bridge Officer 500 Zen small icon Yes Yes
  1. Available upon purchase of the Temporal Agent Starter Pack or Temporal Special Agent Pack. This item can be claimed once per character, but cannot be reclaimed if dismissed!
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Federation, Klingon and Reman Liberated Borg Bridge Officers are also respectively available from Elite Faction Starter Packs. The Federation and Klingon Liberated Borg Bridge Officers were also previously available via the Collector's Edition (, Special Edition (, Pre-order, and the Gift Game - Star Trek Online Game & Borg In-Game Items ( (Federation-only).
  3. 3.0 3.1 These two BOFFs are also available account-wide as part of the Discovery Operations Pack. Unlocking these BOFFs also grants the player faction-specific outfit pieces for their account, see their respective pages for more info.
  4. These BOFFs are available upon purchase of the Delta Rising: Operations Pack.
  5. 5.0 5.1 One of these BOFFs are available from Fleet Admiral Faction Packs, claimed once per account.
  6. These BOFFs are available upon purchase of the Gamma Vanguard Pack.

Combat Companions[]

The following is a list of all Combat Companions in the Zen Store. These companions are sorted by recent additions and/or the bundle they are apart of. Hover over any Bundle icon to view each companions's source, then click to view the list of Bundles on their respective pages. Note that some of these items may be apart of multiple bundles.

Combat Companions
  Image Item Bundle Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Ground Pet Combat Tardigrade Combat Trained Tardigrade - Free Discovery Operations Pack Bundle only Yes Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Ground Pet Targ of Grethor Targ of Gre'thor Combat Pet 11th Anniversary Legendary Bundle 800 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Ground Pet Combat Tardigrade Combat Trained Tardigrade 400 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Ground Pet Horta Eisilum Crystal Eisilum Crystal Horta 400 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Ground Pet Horta Polytrinic Acid Polytrinic Acid Horta 400 Zen small icon Yes Yes
  1. This once-per-account Combat Tardigrade claim appears after purchasing the Discovery Operations Pack.
  2. Account-wide, reclaimable version of this pet. Not to be confused with the "Discovery Operations Pack" version of this ground pet, which can only be claimed once per account.


The following is a list of all Companions in the Zen Store. These companions are sorted by recent additions and/or the bundle they are apart of. Hover over any Bundle icon to view each companions's source, then click to view the list of Bundles on their respective pages. Note that some of these items may be apart of multiple bundles.

  Image Item Bundle Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Federation Zen Store Personnel - Ground Pet Exocomp Exocomp Companion Federation Fleet Admiral Faction Pack 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Personnel - Ground Pet Targ Pup Targ Companion
Targ Pup Pet
Klingon Dahar Master Faction Pack 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1][2]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Ground Pet Sehlat Pup Pet Sehlat Cub Companion
A Sehlat Cub pet!
Romulan Fleet Admiral Faction Pack 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Space Pet Gekli Gekli Companion 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Federation Zen Store - Fed Smallcraft Danube Runabout Companion 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Klingon Zen Store - Klg Smallcraft Toron Toron Shuttle Companion 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Federation Zen Store - Fed Smallcraft Type 8 Type 8 Shuttle Companion 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 One of these Ground Pets are available from Fleet Admiral Faction Packs, claimed once per account. The Federation faction pack includes one pet Exocomp, the Klingon faction pack includes one pet Targ pup, and the Romulan faction pack includesone pet Sehlat cub.
  2. The Pet Targ was also previously available as part of the Collector's Edition (Best Buy Pre-order) and HMV & MicroMania Pre-order


The following is a list of all purchasable Species in the Zen Store. These species are sorted by recent additions and/or the bundle they are apart of. Hover over any Bundle icon to view each species' source, then click to view the list of Bundles on their respective pages. Note that some of these items may be apart of multiple bundles. Keep in mind that purchasing a species does not unlock that species' features in the customizable species' (alien gen) creator.

  Image Item Bundle Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction FEDKDF Zen Store Personnel - Species Cardassian Cardassian
Playable Cardassians
Gamma Vanguard Pack 1,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Dominion Zen Store Personnel - Species Jemhadar Vanguard Jem'Hadar Vanguard
Playable Jem'Hadar Vanguard
Gamma Vanguard Pack 600 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Personnel - Species Reman Reman
Playable Romulan Faction Reman
Legacy of Romulus Legacy Pack 1,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction Federation Zen Store Personnel - Species Caitian Caitian
Playable Federation Caitian
600 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Klingon Zen Store Personnel - Species Ferasan Ferasan
Playable Klingon Ferasan
600 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction FEDKDF Zen Store Personnel - Species Joined Trill Joined Trill
Playable Federation or Klingon Joined Trill Species
600 Zen small icon Yes Yes [3]
Faction Federation Zen Store Personnel - Species Klingon Fed Klingon (for Federation)
Playable Federation Klingon
600 Zen small icon Yes Yes
  1. Cardassians are only playable as 25th century Starfleet and Klingon Defense Force characters.
  2. Players may also unlock the Reman playable species without spending Zen small icon by progressing the "New Romulus" Reputation to Tier V.
  3. Joined Trill are only playable as 25th century Starfleet and Klingon Defense Force characters.


The following is a list of all purchasable Tribbles in the Zen Store. These Tribbles are sorted by Tribble test rewards first, and purchasable Zen Store options second.

  Image Item Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Tribble Crossfire Crossfire Tribble
You Tested on Tribble for at Least an Hour!
Zen (Limited-time)
Yes No [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Tribble Fleet Season 6 General Test Reward
You Tested on Tribble for at Least an Hour!
Zen (Limited-time)
Yes No [2]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Tribble Molrihan Season 7 Test Reward
You Tested on Tribble for at Least an Hour!
Zen (Limited-time)
Yes No [3]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Tribble Nukara Legacy of Romulus Test Reward
You Tested on Tribble for at Least an Hour!
Zen (Limited-time)
Yes No [4]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Tribble Solanae Season 8 Test Reward
You Tested on Tribble for at Least an Hour!
Zen (Limited-time)
Yes No [5]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Tribble Undine Fluidic Space Tribble
This Tribble has been infested by the Undine!
300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [6]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Tribble Golden Golden Tribble 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [7]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Tribble IDIC IDIC Tribble
This Tribble symbolizes Vulcan Philosophy!
300 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Personnel - Tribble Borg Tribble of Borg
This Tribble has been assimilated!
300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [8]
  1. The Crossfire Tribble was awarded for having spent at least an hour on the Tribble Server between the times of 10 AM on Friday, July 1 and 10 AM on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 (PST/GMT–8). Now available for all platforms from the Phoenix Prize Pack.
  2. For those who tested Season Six: Under Siege on Tribble.
  3. For those who tested Season Seven: New Romulus on Tribble.
  4. For those who tested Legacy of Romulus on Tribble.
  5. For those who tested Season Eight: The Sphere on Tribble.
  6. The Fluidic Space Tribble was also previously awarded for having spent at least an hour on the Tribble Server between the times of 10 AM on Friday, July 23, and 10 AM on Monday, July 26, 2010 (PST/GMT–8).
  7. The Golden Tribble was also previously awarded as part of the Collector's Edition (Best Buy Pre-order), HMV & MicroMania Pre-order, and via an Alienware Arena promotional giveaway.
  8. The Tribble of Borg was also previously awarded for having spent at least an hour on the Tribble Server between the times of 2 PM on Friday, March 19, and 9 AM on Monday, March 23, 2010 (PST/GMT–8).

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