Star Trek Online Wiki
This page lists all entries in the Ship Bundles tab of the Zen Store. For all other entries, see the main Zen Store page.
Legendary TOS-Fed Bundle - Store Preview

Preview image for the Legendary TOS Starfleet Captain Bundle, one of many available Ship Bundles in the Zen Store

This page lists all Ship Bundles in the Zen Store.

Many of the ships in the Zen Store are available in discount bundles. For most of these bundles, buying one of the items individually will prevent you from buying that bundle in the future, and in a few cases, this can lock you out of some bundle-exclusive items. These cases are noted below. Some bundles, such as Legendary starship bundles, feature starships which cannot be purchased anywhere else, and are denoted as such here. Always do your research and shop wisely.

Entries in the Zen Store are generally sorted alphabetically.


Zen small icon Zen Store Legend
Zen small icon - This item is purchaseable with Zen.
Zen (Limited-time) - This item is/was purchasable with Zen through a limited-time offer, or has been retired from the Zen Store.
Bundle only- This item is unlocked exclusively by a Zen bundle, meaning it cannot be purchased separately.

Mega Bundles[]

These mega bundles contain nine starships for the price of four: it's a buy-two-3-packs-get-one-free, of which each 3-pack is buy-two-ships-get-one-free. Purchasing any one of the ships in one of these packs individually, or even purchasing one of the 3-packs, will prevent you from purchasing the associated mega pack in the future.

These bundles are not part of any larger bundle, and so may all be purchased without being locked out of any future purchases; they are the cheapest way to obtain their respective ships.

Mega Bundles
  Image Item Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - Dyson Mega Dyson Science Destroyer Mega Bundle [T5]
Contains the Dyson KDF Science Destroyer Bundle, Dyson Romulan Science Destroyer Warbird Bundle, and Dyson Starfleet Science Destroyer Bundle
10,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - Allied Pilot Mega Allied Pilot Escort Mega Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Allied Pilot Escort Federation, Klingon Empire and Romulan Legacy Bundles
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - Cmd Mega Command Battlecruiser Mega Bundle [T6]
Contains the Starfleet, KDF and Romulan Battlecruiser Bundles
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - T6 Flagship Mega Cross Faction Flagship Mega Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Odyssey, Bortasqu' and Scimitar Bundles
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - MW Mega Cross Faction Miracle Worker Mega Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Miracle Worker Federation, Klingon Defense Force and Romulan Legacy Bundles
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - T6 Multimission Mega Cross Faction Multi-Mission Explorers Mega Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Starfleet, Gorn and Romulan Multi-Mission Explorer Bundles
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - Pilot Mega Pilot Escort Mega Bundle [T6]
Contains the Starfleet Pilot Escort Bundle, Klingon Pilot Raptor Bundle, and Romulan Pilot Warbird Bundle
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes

Faction Bundles[]

Faction Bundles are usually packs themed to a specific faction. The majority of these purchase options are buy-two-get-one-free packs, which are also part of one of the Mega Bundles above. Purchasing any of those bundles--the Dyson [T5] or any of the [T6] bundles--will lock you out of purchasing the corresponding Mega Bundle, and are not the cheapest way to obtain these ships. Shop wisely!

Faction Bundles
  Image Item Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - 2020 Legendary Standard 10th Anniversary Legendary Starship Standard Bundle
Contains ten iconic T6 Legendary Starfleet ships, and 10× Ship slots. See bundle page for more info.
30,000 Zen (Limited-time) Yes Yes [1][2]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - 2020 Legendary Premium 10th Anniversary Legendary Starship Premium Bundle
Contains ten iconic T6 Legendary Starfleet ships, 10× Ship slots, and a variety of premium items. See bundle page for more info.
45,000 Zen (Limited-time) Yes Yes [1][2]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - 2021 Legendary 11th Anniversary Legendary Bundle
Contains two iconic T6 Legendary Starfleet, two iconic T6 Legendary Klingon Defense Force ships, an exclusive Boreth Monk Robes costume set, an exclusive Worf Holo-Bridge officer, and a variety of premium items. See bundle page for more info.
25,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - 12th Anniversary Terran 12th Anniversary Terran Bundle
Contains four new Terran-themed T6 ships, the T6 Mirror Engle Strike Wing Escort, exclusive Terran Empire costume pieces, and a variety of premium items. See bundle page for more info.
17,500 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer File:Zen Store Bundle - 13th Anniversary Terran.png 13th Anniversary Terran Bundle
Contains four new Terran-themed T6 ships, the T6 Mirror Crossfield Science Destroyer, the T6 Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser, exclusive Terran Empire gear, and a variety of premium items. See bundle page for more info.
17,500 Zen small icon Yes No
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - 23rd Century 23rd Century Bundle
Contains the Original Series Bridge, Class F Shuttle and pet, Type 2 Phaser, and the TOS Dress, Medical, and Command Tunic Uniforms.
2,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Akira Akira Bundle
Contains the T3 Thunderchild Heavy Escort Refit, T5 Armitage Heavy Strike Wing Escort, T6 Alita Heavy Strike Wing Escort and 1×Fleet Ship Module.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [3]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Agile Classics Agile Classics Bundle
Contains the T6 Da Vinci Miracle Worker Escort, T6 Equinox Pilot Scout Ship, 2×Experimental Ship Upgrade Token, and 2×Fleet Ship Module.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Blockade Runner Blockade Runner Bundle
Contains the T1 Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort, T5 Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit, T6 Appalachia Blockade Runner Escort, 2×Experimental Ship Upgrade Token, and 1×Starship Upgrade Requisition.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [4]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - Captain Picard Captain Picard Bundle
Contains the T6 Miradorn Theta Heavy Raider, T5 Galaxy Exploration Cruiser Retrofit plus Galaxy Class 2368 Interior, T3 Constellation Heavy Cruiser Refit, plus a myriad of Picard-themed costumes, items, and more. See Bundle page for more info.
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - DS9 Deep Space Nine Pack
Contains the Belfast Bridge, Type-10 Shuttlecraft and pet, Bajoran Phaser Pistol, Bajoran Phaser Rifle, Bajoran Vedek Uniform, Deep Space Nine Dominion War-era Admiral Uniform, and three unique duty officers.
2,250 Zen small icon Yes Yes [5]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Enterprise Enterprise Era Pack
Contains the NX Class Light Escort, Enterprise Uniform, Enterprise Mirror Uniform, and T'Pol Uniform.
1,315 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Federation Cmd Carrier Federation Command Carrier Bundle
Contains the T6 Seneca Command Carrier, T6 Valdres Command Strike Wing Escort, 4× Ship slots, 4×Experimental Ship Upgrade Token, and 2×Fleet Ship Module.
7,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Federation Responder Federation Responder Bundle
Contains the T6 Bozeman Intel Heavy Frigate, T6 Cabot Command Light Escort, T6 Nobel Miracle Worker Research Science Vessel, an exclusive title, and Mirror material variants, as well as a variety of premium items. See bundle page for more info.
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Galaxy Galaxy Pack
Contains the T4 Venture Exploration Cruiser Refit, T5 Galaxy Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, and T5 Galaxy Dreadnought Cruiser.
4,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [6]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Intrepid Intrepid Pack
Contains the T4 Bellerophon Long Range Science Vessel Refit, T5 Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit, T6 Pathfinder Long Range Science Vessel as well as the 2371 and 2410 Voyager Interiors.
5,500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [7]
Faction DSC Starfleet Zen Store Bundle - Legendary Fed DSC Captain Legendary Discovery-Federation Captain Bundle
Contains the T6 Legendary Walker Light Battlecruiser and an exclusive Level 65 booster pack for DSC Starfleet captains.
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2][8]
Faction Dominion Zen Store Bundle - Legendary Dom Captain Legendary Dominion Captain Bundle
Contains the T6 Legendary Jem'Hadar Vanguard Pilot Attack Ship and an exclusive Level 65 booster pack for Dominion captains.
9,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2][8]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Legendary 2409 Fed Captain Legendary Federation (2409) Captain Bundle
Contains the T6 Legendary Caelian Intel Multi-Mission Explorer and an exclusive Level 65 booster pack for 2409 Starfleet captains.
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2][8]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Bundle - Legendary KDF Captain Legendary Klingon Defense Force Captain Bundle
Contains the T6 Legendary D7 Intel Battlecruiser, an exclusive Level 65 booster pack for Klingon Defense Force captains, and an exclusive Projected Stasis Beam universal console.
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2][8]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - Legendary Rom Captain Legendary Romulan Captain Bundle
Contains the T6 Legendary T'liss Light Intel Warbird and an exclusive Level 65 booster pack for Romulan Republic captains.
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2][8]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - Legendary Rom Warbird Legendary Romulan Warbird Bundle
Contains the T6 Legendary D'deridex Miracle Worker Warbird Battlecruiser, T6 Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird, plus a myriad of Romulan and Reman costumes, items, and more. See bundle page for more info.
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction TOS Starfleet Zen Store Bundle - Legendary Fed TOS Captain Legendary TOS Starfleet Captain Bundle
Contains the T6 Legendary Miranda Multi-Mission Cruiser and an exclusive Level 65 booster pack for TOS Starfleet captains.
12,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2][8]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Mirror Universe Mirror Universe Bundle
Contains the T6 Legendary Galaxy Dreadnought Cruiser, exclusive Mirror Universe Registry unlocks, plus a myriad of Mirror Universe costumes, items, and more. See bundle page for more info.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Nebula Nebula Bundle
Contains the T3 Nebula Advanced Research Vessel, T5 Nebula Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit, T6 Sutherland Advanced Research Vessel and 1×Fleet Ship Module.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [3]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - New Genesis New Genesis Bundle
Contains the T6 Clarke Multi-Mission Command Cruiser, T6 Grissom Light Science Vessel, an exclusive Genesis Device vanity device, plus a myriad of The Wrath of Khan costumes, items, and more. See bundle page for more info.
7,500 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - New Genesis Reclaim New Genesis Bundle - Reclaim Yes Yes [9]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Pathfinder Pathfinder Long Range Science Vessel Plus Interior
Contains the Pathfinder Long Range Science Vessel as well as the 2371 and 2410 Voyager Interiors.
4,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [7][10]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Prometheus Prometheus Bundle
Contains the T5 Prometheus Multi-Vector Advanced Escort, T6 Hestia Advanced Escort and 1×Fleet Ship Module.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [3]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Steam Runner Steam Runner Bundle
Previously available via the Steam Bundle. Contains the T1 Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort and T5 Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit. Also unlocked via the Blockade Runner Bundle.
2,500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [11]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Fleet Adm Fed Federation Fleet Admiral Faction Pack
Contains the T6 Valiant Tactical Escort, Andromeda Exploration Cruiser, Pathfinder Long Range Science Vessel, plus various items and Player titles. See bundle page for more info.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes No [12][13]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Bundle - Fleet Adm Klg Klingon Dahar Master Faction Pack
Contains the T6 Mat'Ha Raptor, Negh'Tev Heavy Battlecruiser, Naj'sov Research Vessel, plus various items and Player titles. See bundle page for more info.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes No [12][13]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - Fleet Adm Rom Romulan Fleet Admiral Faction Pack
Contains the T6 Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird, D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser, Laeosa Research Warbird, plus various items and Player titles. See bundle page for more info.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes No [12][13]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - T5 Kumari Andorian Kumari Vessels Bundle [T5]
Contains the T5 Andorian Charal Escort, Andorian Khyzon Escort, and Andorian Kumari Escort; three for the price of two.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - T5 Odyssey Odyssey Bundle [T5]
Contains the Odyssey Operations Cruiser, Odyssey Science Cruiser, and Odyssey Tactical Cruiser; three for the price of two.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Bundle - T5 Bortasqu Bortasqu' Bundle [T5]
Contains the Bortasqu' Command Cruiser, Bortasqu' Tactical Cruiser, and Bortasqu' War Cruiser; three for the price of two.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - T5 Scimitar Romulan Dreadnought Bundle [T5]
Contains the Falchion Dreadnought Warbird, Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird and Tulwar Dreadnought Warbird; three for the price of two.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Dyson Fed Dyson Starfleet Science Destroyer Bundle [T5]
Contains the T5 Montgomery Dyson Reconnaissance Science Destroyer, Omega Dyson Strategic Science Destroyer, and Helios Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer; three for the price of two.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][14]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Bundle - Dyson Klg Dyson KDF Science Destroyer Bundle [T5]
Contains the T5 MoQ Dyson Battle Science Destroyer, Ta'Sub Dyson Command Science Destroyer, and Chontay Dyson Tactical Science Destroyer; three for the price of two.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][14]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - Dyson Rom Dyson Romulan Science Destroyer Warbird Bundle [T5]
Contains the T5 Harpia Reconnaissance Science Destroyer Warbird, Tyton Strategic Science Destroyer Warbird, and Caprimul Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird; three for the price of two.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][14][10]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - T5 Vesta Multi-Mission Vesta Bundle [T5]
Contains the Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer, Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer, and Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer; three for the price of two.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Cmd Fed Command Starfleet Battlecruiser Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Concorde Command Battlecruiser, Geneva Command Battlecruiser and Presidio Command Battlecruiser.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][15]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Bundle - Cmd Klg Command KDF Battlecruiser Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Klinzhai Command Battlecruiser, Ty'Gokor Command Battlecruiser and An'quat Command Battlecruiser.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][15]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - Cmd Rom Command Romulan Warbird Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Baratan Command Battlecruiser, Deihu Command Battlecruiser and Vastam Command Battlecruiser.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][15]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Intel Federation Intel Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Eclipse Intel Cruiser, Scryer Intel Science Vessel and Phantom Intel Escort; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [16]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Pilot Fed Starfleet Pilot Escort Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Ajax Class Pilot Escort, Icarus Class Pilot Escort and Mercury Class Pilot Escort.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][17]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Bundle - Pilot Klg Klingon Pilot Raptor Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Qui'tu Engineering Pilot Raptor, Klavek Science Pilot Raptor and Kortar Tactical Pilot Raptor.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][17]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - Pilot Rom Romulan Pilot Warbird Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Khaiell Engineering Pilot Warbird, Jaeih Science Pilot Warbird, and Okhala Tactical Pilot Warbird.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][17]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - T6 Kumari Allied Pilot Escort Federation Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Andorian Kuthar Pilot Escort, Andorian Chimesh Pilot Escort and Andorian Thozyn Pilot Escort.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][18]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Bundle - Allied Pilot Escort Klg Allied Pilot Escort Klingon Empire Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Lethean Xechas Pilot Escort, Lethean Nemosin Pilot Escort and Lethean Oniros Pilot Escort.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][18]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - Allied Pilot Escort Rom Allied Pilot Escort Romulan Legacy Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Dewan Dynnasia Pilot Escort, Dewan Ikkabar Pilot Escort and Dewan Vandros Pilot Escort.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][18]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - T6 Odyssey Odyssey Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Sojourner Operations Star Cruiser, Yorktown Science Star Cruiser, and Endeavour Tactical Star Cruiser.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][19]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Bundle - T6 Bortasqu Bortasqu' Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Kahless War Battlecruiser, Gorkon Science Battlecruiser and Martok Tactical Battlecruiser.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][19]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - T6 Scimitar Scimitar Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Shamshir Operations Dreadnought Warbird, Flambard Science Dreadnought Warbird and Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][19]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - MW Fed Miracle Worker Federation Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Scott Operations Miracle Worker Cruiser, Daystrom Science Miracle Worker Cruiser and Tucker Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][20]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Bundle - MW Klg Miracle Worker Klingon Defense Force Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Mur'Eq Operations Miracle Worker Cruiser, Antaak Science Miracle Worker Cruiser and Klothos Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][20]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - MW Rom Miracle Worker Romulan Legacy Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Nijil Operations Miracle Worker Warbird, Varel Science Miracle Worker Warbird and Tebok Tactical Miracle Worker Warbird.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][20]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - T6 Vesta Starfleet Multi-Mission Explorer Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Palatine Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer, Esquiline Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer and Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][21]
Faction Klingon Zen Store Bundle - T6 Mm Sci Klg Gorn Multi-Mission Explorers Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Khaimas Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Vessel, Ihgomas Multi-Mission Strategic Vessel and Ahgamas Multi-Mission Surveillance Vessel.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][21]
Faction Romulan Republic Zen Store Bundle - T6 Mm Sci Rom Romulan Explorer Warbirds Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Surhuelh Reconnaissance Explorer Warbird, Taenen Strategic Explorer Warbird and Galas Surveillance Explorer Warbird.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [12][21]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Both 10th Anniversary Legendary Starship Bundles are time-limited, meaning they are only available for purchase during special deals or promotional sales. See the bundle page for a complete list of availability periods.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Legendary starships are bundle-exclusive. They cannot currently be obtained other means, they are "all or nothing" bundles. These bundles may also include other exclusive items as well.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Be wary of purchasing this bundle as purchasing any of the included ship variants individually will not prevent you from purchasing it, due to the included Fleet Ship Module.
  4. Be wary of purchasing this bundle as purchasing the Steam Runner Bundle (which includes the T1 and T5 Steamrunners) and the T6 Appalachia will not prevent you from purchasing it, due to the included non-ship items.
  5. Purchasing the Deep Space Nine Pack also adds a Klingon Deep Space Nine bundle to the tab when purchased, allowing you to claim the weapons and doffs on all non-Federation characters.
  6. Purchasing the Tier 5 Galaxy Exploration Cruiser Retrofit will prevent you from purchasing the bundle!
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Voyager interiors are only available from the Intrepid Pack and the "Pathfinder Long Range Science Vessel Plus Interior" Pack, the later of which is only available during sales on PC. Purchasing the T4 or T5 Variants of the Intrepid individually will prevent you from purchasing the bundle, and purchasing the Pathfinder individually may permanently lock you out of obtaining the interiors!
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 The max level boost packs that come with these Legendary bundles can be claimed from the "Top Selling Items" section of the Zen Store "Items" tab. These packs can only be opened by a character of the specified faction it is used for, and only if another character on the account has reached level 65.
  9. The New Genesis Bundle - Reclaim appears in this tab after purchasing the New Genesis Bundle and allows you to claim its account-wide items on your other characters.
  10. 10.0 10.1 On the PS4 and Xbox One, this pack is only in the All subtab of the Discount Packs tab.
  11. The Steam Bundle was previously available via Steam, but can no longer be purchased. Players who purchased it when it was available can still claim it there. The Steam Runner Bundle replacement does not come with the equipment or unique bridge officers, just the ships. The Steam Runner Bundle is also included as part of the Blockade Runner Bundle, which also includes the T6 Appalachia.
  12. 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 12.19 12.20 12.21 12.22 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.26 12.27 12.28 This is a buy-two-get-one-free pack (or a buy-one-get-one-free pack). Purchasing one of the ships individually will prevent you from purchasing the pack in the future.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Fleet Admiral Faction Packs replaced the Federation Pack, Klingon Empire Pack, and the Romulan Legacy Pack respectively on October 17, 2019. This packs are available on Console, but only through their respective marketplaces, not through the in-game Zen Store.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 The T5 Dyson Science Destroyers are available as part of the faction 3-packs, as well as a single 9-pack. Purchasing them individually will prevent you from purchasing its faction bundle, as well as the mega bundle!
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 The T6 Command Battlecruisers are available as part of the faction 3-packs, as well as a single 9-pack. Purchasing them individually will prevent you from purchasing its faction bundle, as well as the mega bundle!
  16. On PS4 and Xbox One, these ships are part of buy-two-get-one-free packs. On PC, all of them and three other ships are available as part of the Delta Rising: Operations Pack. Previously, those expansion packs were not available on PS4 and Xbox One. The Dauntless, Qib and Faeht were not part of any bundle on PS4 and Xbox One, as a result, until sometime prior to October 2021, when the Delta Operations Pack was made available for Consoles.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 The T6 Pilot starships are available as part of the faction 3-packs, as well as a single 9-pack. Purchasing them individually will prevent you from purchasing its faction bundle, as well as the mega bundle!
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 The T6 Allied Pilot escorts are available as part of the faction 3-packs, as well as a single 9-pack. Purchasing them individually will prevent you from purchasing its faction bundle, as well as the mega bundle!
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 The T6 Flagships are available as part of the faction 3-packs, as well as a single 9-pack. Purchasing them individually will prevent you from purchasing its faction bundle, as well as the mega bundle!
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 The T6 Miracle Worker starships are available as part of the faction 3-packs, as well as a single 9-pack. Purchasing them individually will prevent you from purchasing its faction bundle, as well as the mega bundle!
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 The T6 Multi-Mission Explorer starships are available as part of the faction 3-packs, as well as a single 9-pack. Purchasing them individually will prevent you from purchasing its faction bundle, as well as the mega bundle!

Cross Faction Bundles[]

Cross Faction Bundles are generally packs of starships for more than one faction. Purchase options may include buy-two-get-one-free packs, or buy-one-get-2/3-free packs. Purchasing one of the ships individually will prevent you from purchasing the pack in the future. These bundles may not be part of a larger mega bundle, and so may be purchased without being locked out of any future purchases; most are the cheapest way to obtain their respective ships.

Cross Faction Bundles
  Image Item Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - Recon All All Faction Recon Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Lafayette Recon Destroyer, Ketha Recon Raptor, Jem'Hadar Vanguard Recon Destroyer, and Rahhae Recon Warbird; four for the price of two-and-a-third.
7,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Adv Lt Cruiser Cross Faction Advanced Light Cruiser Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Reliant Advanced Light Cruiser, QeHpu' Advanced Light Battlecruiser and Deleth Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Allied Escort Cross Faction Allied Escort Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Caitian Shikaris Escort, Ferasan Slithus Escort and Hathos Warbird; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Battlecruiser Cross Faction Battlecruiser Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Arbiter Battlecruiser, Kurak Battlecruiser and Morrigu Heavy Warbird; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Guardian Cross Faction Bundle [T6]
Also known as the Guardian Bundle. Contains the T6 Guardian Cruiser, Mat'Ha Raptor and Aelahl Light Warbird Battlecruiser; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon No Yes [2]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Cmd Dread Cross Faction Command Dreadnought Cruiser Bundle
Contains the T6 Buran Command Dreadnought Cruiser, Qoj Command Dreadnought Cruiser, 5×Master Keys and 1×Fleet Ship Module.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Cruiser Cross Faction Cruiser Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Andromeda Exploration Cruiser, Negh'Tev Heavy Battlecruiser and D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Dread Cross Faction Dreadnought Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Yamato Dreadnought Cruiser, Kolasi Siege Destroyer and Kara Advanced Warbird; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Escort Cross Faction Escort Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Valiant Tactical Escort, Kor Bird-of-Prey and Malem Light Warbird; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Flight Deck Assault Cross Faction Flight Deck Assault Carrier Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Tellarite Pralim Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Orion Blackguard Flight Deck Assault Carrier and Suliban Silik Flight Deck Assault Carrier; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Heavy Strike Wing Cross Faction Heavy Strike Wing Escort Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Alita Heavy Strike Wing Escort, Qa’Tel Flight Deck Raptor and Jhu’ael Tactical Carrier Warbird; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Intel Science Cross Faction Intel Science Bundle
Contains the T6 Somerville Intel Science Vessel, Batlh Intel Science Vessel, 5×Master Keys and 1×Fleet Ship Module.
5,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - Recon Cross Faction Recon Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Lafayette Recon Destroyer and Ketha Recon Raptor; two for the price of one-and-a-third.
4,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - Recon 2 Cross Faction Recon Bundle 2 [T6]
Contains the T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Recon Destroyer and Rahhae Recon Warbird; two for the price of one-and-a-third.
4,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Science Cross Faction Science Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Sutherland Advanced Research Vessel, Naj’sov Research Vessel and Laeosa Research Warbird; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Strike Wing Cross Faction Strike Wing Escort Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Earhart Strike Wing Escort, Sech Strike Wing Escort, and 1×T6 Ship Coupon - 50% Off.
4,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Support Carrier Cross Faction Support Carrier Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Caitian Aspero Support Carrier, Jem'Hadar Vanguard Support Carrier, Vo'DevwI Support Carrier, Ra'nodaire Support Carrier Warbird, and 4×Fleet Ship Module.
10,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Support Cruiser Cross Faction Support Cruiser Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Narendra Support Cruiser and Vor'ral Support Battlecruiser; two for the price of one-and-a-third.
4,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - C-F Temporal Warship Cross Faction Temporal Warship Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Edison Temporal Warship, Chargh Temporal Warship, Kholhr Temporal Warbird, Jem'Hadar Vanguard Temporal Warship, and 1×T6 Ship Coupon - 50% Off.
8,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The All Faction Recon Bundle includes both sets of Cross Faction Recon Bundle ships. Buying either Recon Bundle (or any of the ships in the bundles) will prevent you from buying the 4-ship bundle.
  2. On PS4 and Xbox One, these ships are part of buy-two-get-one-free packs, yet all of them and three other ships are also part of the Delta Rising: Operations Pack. Previously, this expansion pack was not available on PS4 and Xbox One, until sometime prior to October 2021, when the Delta Operations Pack (and Legacy of Romulus Pack) was made available for Consoles.

Any Faction Bundles[]

Any Faction Bundles
  Image Item Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - 31st Century Temporal 31st Century Temporal Ship Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Chronos Temporal Dreadnought Cruiser, Eternal Temporal Multi-Mission Science Vessel, Ouroboros Temporal Raider; three for the price of two.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - Cardassian Intel Cardassian Intel Bundle [T6]
Contains the T6 Cardassian Intel Flight-Deck Cruiser, Cardassian Intel Escort, Cardassian Intel Science Dreadnought and T5 Cardassian Galor Cruiser.
6,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1][2]
Faction Federation Zen Store Bundle - Steam Steam Bundle
Contains the T1 Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort, Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit, and various other items.
No No [3]
  1. 1.0 1.1 This is a buy-two-get-one-free pack (or a buy-one-get-one-free pack). Purchasing one of the ships individually will prevent you from purchasing the pack in the future. The contents of the 31st Century bundle is also included in the Temporal Special Agent Pack.
  2. The T6 Cardassian Intel starships are available as part of the Cardassian Intel Bundle, which is also the only way to obtain the T5 Galor Cruiser from the Zen Store. Purchasing them individually will prevent you from purchasing the bundle! This bundle is also included in the Gamma Vanguard Pack.
  3. The Steam Bundle was previously available via Steam, but can no longer be purchased. Players who purchased it when it was available can still claim it here. The new Steam Runner Bundle replacement does not come with the equipment or unique bridge officers, just the ships.

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