Star Trek Online Wiki
Star Trek Online Wiki
This page lists all sections of the Zen Store Ships tab. For all other entries, see the main Zen Store page.
Zen Store - Ships

Preview image for the Jem'Hadar Vanguard Warship, one of many available Tier 6 ships in the Zen Store

Ships Tab[]

Zen small icon Zen Store - Ships
Zen Store - All
Zen Store - Tier 6
Tier 6
Zen Store - Tier 5
Tier 5
Zen Store - Tier 1-4 Reclaim
Tier 1 - 4 Reclaim
Zen Store - Small Craft
Small Craft
Zen Store - Bridge Packs
Bridge Packs


The "All" section of the Ships tab lists ship-related slots and items, found in other parts of the Zen Store. Click on any of the columns below to sort them alphabetically, by price, and so forth. Refresh the page to restore the original sorting order.

  Image Item Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Ships - Cross Faction Flying Cross Faction Flying 2,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Dry Dock Slots 5x Dry Dock Slots (5)
Five Additional Dry Dock slots that may be used by one character on an account.
400 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Ship Slots 2x Ship Slots (2)
Two additional Ship slots that may be used by one character on an account.
500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [3]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Items - Ship Upgrade Token T5-U Ship Upgrade Token [T5-U] 700 Zen small icon Yes Yes [4]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Items - Ship Upgrade Token T5-U 4x Ship Upgrade Token [T5-U] (4) 2,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [4]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Items - Experimental Ship Upgrade Token Experimental Ship Upgrade Token [T6-X] 1,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [4]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Items - Experimental Ship Upgrade Token 3x Experimental Ship Upgrade Token [T6-X] (3) 2,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [4]
  1. Also available for free by leveling a Klingon Defense Force character to level 65.
  2. Max 1015 Dry Dock Slots per character for Lifetime players. Max 1010 Dry Dock Slots per character for silver (free) accounts. Also available from the "Slots/Services" tab of the Zen Store.
  3. Max 60 additional ship slots purchasable per character. Also available from the "Slots/Services" tab of the Zen Store.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Also available from the "Items" tab of the Zen Store, under "Space Items". Despite only being labelled T6-X, Experimental Ship Upgrade Tokens are also applicable to T5-U vessels.

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