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This page lists all entries in the Slots/Services tab of the Zen Store. For all other entries, see the main Zen Store page.
Zen Store - Slots and Services

Preview image for additional Dry Dock Slots, one of many available purchasable slot options in the Zen Store

For players attempting to increase their character's storage capacity or available number of ships, additional Slots and Services may be obtained from the Zen Store. Many of these options are on a per character basis, but some options apply to the whole account. These options generally have purchase limits, some of these cases are noted below. Always do your research and shop wisely.

Entries in the Zen Store are generally sorted alphabetically. Click on any of the columns below to sort them alphabetically, by price, and so forth. Refresh the page to restore the original sorting order.


Zen small icon Zen Store Legend
Zen small icon - This item is purchaseable with Zen.
Zen (Limited-time) - This item is/was purchasable with Zen through a limited-time offer, or has been retired from the Zen Store.
Bundle only- This item is unlocked exclusively by a Zen bundle, meaning it cannot be purchased separately.


  Image Item Cost PC Console Nb 
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Bundle - Lifetime Lifetime Subscription 25,000 Zen small icon No Yes [1]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Character Slots 4x Character Slots (4) 1,065 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Bridge Officer Slots 2x Bridge Officer Slots (2)
Two additional Bridge Officer slots that may be used by one character on an account.
250 Zen small icon Yes Yes [3]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Captain Rename Token Captain Rename Token 350 Zen small icon Yes Yes [4]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Captain Retrain Token Captain Retrain Token 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [5]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Captain Retrain Token 4x Captain Retrain Token (4) 900 Zen small icon Yes Yes [5]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Character Slots 2x Character Slots (2)
Two Additional Character Slots
625 Zen small icon Yes Yes [2]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Dry Dock Slots 5x Dry Dock Slots (5)
Five Additional Dry Dock slots that may be used by one character on an account.
400 Zen small icon Yes Yes [6]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Duty Officer Roster Slots 100x Duty Officer Roster Slots (100) (limit 4)
Increases your character's Duty Officer Roster by 100 slots
725 Zen small icon Yes Yes [7]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Duty Officer Roster Slots 25x Duty Officer Roster Slots (25)
Increases your character's Duty Officer Roster by 25 slots
225 Zen small icon Yes Yes [7]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Starter Packs - Elite Services Starter Pack Elite Services Starter Pack 1,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Outfit Slots 2x Outfit Slots (2)
Two additional Outfit slots that may be used by all characters on an account
250 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Ship Loadout Slots 10x Ship Loadout Slots (10) 500 Zen small icon Yes Yes
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Ship Slots 2x Ship Slots (2)
Two additional Ship slots that may be used by one character on an account.
500 Zen small icon Yes Yes [8]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Account Shared Bank Slots Account Shared Bank Slots (10) 1,000 Zen small icon Yes Yes [9]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Bank Slots Bank Slots (12) 300 Zen small icon Yes Yes [10]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Inventory Slots Inventory Slots (12) 400 Zen small icon Yes Yes [11]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - EC Cap Increase Energy Credit Cap Increase 500 Zen small icon Yes No [12]
Faction Khitomer Zen Store Services - Elite Starter Pack Elite Starter Pack
Replaced with the Elite Services Starter Pack as of December 4, 2018.
1,500 Zen (Limited-time) No No [13]
  1. Console exclusive purchase. PC players must purchase a lifetime subscription for cash directly. See page for more info.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Max 44 additional character slots purchasable on an account. Also available from the "Ships" tab of the Zen Store. Due to what appears to be a bug, purchasing a two pack of character slots will set your maximum character slots to 51, or 56 for Lifetime subscribers. Unless and until this is fixed, it's recommended to only purchase four packs.
  3. Max 54 Bridge Officer slots per character.
  4. A rename token is purchased at the account level, but is used by one character. A single captain may be renamed once per token.
  5. 5.0 5.1 This option does not respec Bridge Officers. Retrain tokens are purchased at the account level. A single captain can fully retrain once per token.
  6. Max 1015 Dry Dock Slots per character for Lifetime players. Max 1010 Dry Dock Slots per character for silver (free) accounts. Also available from the "Ships" tab of the Zen Store.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Max 500 Duty Officer slots per character. Also available from the "Duty Officers" tab of the Zen Store.
  8. Max 60 additional ship slots purchasable per character. Also available from the "Ships" tab of the Zen Store.
  9. Silver players start with twenty (20) slots, and may unlock this option eleven (11) times per account, for a maximum of two hundred (220) slots. Gold (Lifetime) accounts have forty (40) free slots, but may add this option twelve (12) additional times, for a maximum of two hundred and forty (240) slots.
  10. This option may be unlocked up to twenty-four (24) times per character.
  11. This option may be unlocked up to fourteen (14) times per character.
  12. PC exclusive purchase. Increases a silver account's Energy Credits cap from 15 million EC to 2 billion EC. This option is unavailable and redundant on PS4 and Xbox One, as console players already begin with the EC cap already at 2 billion.
  13. Can no longer be purchased as of December 4, 2018. Players who purchased it before this date can still claim its account-wide benefits on their other characters.

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